Generate SQL Server2000 Object Create a Script Store

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  115

By reading the record of system tables such as sysObjects, the stored procedure of the database object script such as the table, the view is generated.

Known question: The length of the stored procedure is limited, and cannot exceed 8,000 bytes because the variable used to store the SQL script is VARCHAR type, the maximum is 8000. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- if EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DBO.SYSOBJECTS WHERE ID = Object_ID (n '[dbo]. [sp_create_check]') And ObjectProperty (ID, n'isprocedure ') = 1) Drop Procedure [dbo]. [sp_create_check] Go

IF exists (select * from dbo.sysObjects where id = Object_id (n '[dbo]. [sp_create_fk]') And ObjectProperty (id, n'isprocedure ') = 1) Drop Procedure [dbo]. [sp_create_fk] Go

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id (N '[dbo]. [sp_create_index]') and OBJECTPROPERTY (id, N'IsProcedure ') = 1) drop procedure [dbo]. [sp_create_index] GO

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id (N '[dbo]. [sp_create_pk_uq]') and OBJECTPROPERTY (id, N'IsProcedure ') = 1) drop procedure [dbo]. [sp_create_pk_uq] GO

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id (N '[dbo]. [sp_create_proc]') and OBJECTPROPERTY (id, N'IsProcedure ') = 1) drop procedure [dbo]. [sp_create_proc] GO

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id (N '[dbo]. [sp_create_table]') and OBJECTPROPERTY (id, N'IsProcedure ') = 1) drop procedure [dbo]. [sp_create_table] GO

Set quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS OFF Go

/ * Generate the current database of all CHECK constraints of the script applies to Sql Server 2000 beiqiao ( 2004/02/29 * / CREATE PROCEDURE sp_create_check ASselect 'ALTER TABLE' 'WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT' A.NAME CASE WHEN B.STATUS in (133141, 2069) THEN 'DEFAULT' ELSE 'Check' end C.Text Case When B.Status in (133141, 2069) THEN 'For' col_name (B.ID , B.Colid) Else '' endfrom sysobjects a, sysconstraints b, syscomments c, sysobjects dwhere b.constid = A.ID and b.constid = C.ID and B.ID = D.ID and D.Name <> ' DTProperties'

Goset quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS ON Go

Set quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS OFF Go

/ * Generate the current database All FK constraints for SQL Server 2000 Beiqiao ( 2004/02/29 * / create procedure sp_create_fk asselect 'ALTER TABLE' T_OBJ.NAME 'Add constraint' c_obj. Name 'Foreign Key (' col_name (, fkey1) - Processing Compound Foreign Key Case When Fkey2 <> 0 Then ',' Col_Name (, fkey2) Else 'End Case When Fkey3 <> 0 Then ',' col_name (, fkey3) else '' end case when fkey4 <> 0 TEN ',' col_name (, fkey4) Else 'end case when fkey5 <> 0 THEN ',' COL_NAME (, fkey5) Else '' end case when fkey6 <> 0 TEN ',' col_name (, fkey6) else 'end case when fkey7 <> 0 THEN ',' col_name (, fkey7) Else '' end case when fkey8 <> 0 THEN ',' col_name (, fkey8) else '' end case when fkey9 <> 0 TEN ', ' col_name (, fkey9) Else' 'end case when fkey10 <> 0 TEN', ' col_name (, fkey10) else' 'end case when fkey11 <> 0 Then', ' Col_name (, fkey11) else 'end case when fkey12 <> 0 Then', ' col_name (, fk EY12) ELSE '' END CASE WHEN FKEY13 <> 0 THEN ',' col_name (, fkey13) else '' end case when fkey14 <> 0 TEN ',' col_name (, fkey14) Else '' End Case When fkey15 <> 0 Then ',' col_name (, fkey15) else '' end case when fkey16 <>

0 THEN ',' col_name (, fkey16) Else '' end ')' 'References' '(' index_col (ibject_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 1) - processing composite foreign key case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 2) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 2) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid , 3) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 3) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 4) is not null then ',' index_col ( object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 4) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 5) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 5) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 6) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 6) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 7 IS not null dam, ' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 7) Else' 'end case when indee x_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 8) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 8) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 9) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 9) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 10) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), RKEYINDID, 10) ELSE '' end

case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 11) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 11) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 12) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 12) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 13) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid ), rkeyindid, 13) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 14) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 14) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 15) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 15) else '' end case when index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 16) is not null then ',' index_col (object_name (rkeyid), rkeyindid, 16) else '' end ')' from sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, sysobjects r_obj, syscolumns col, sysreferences refwhere c_obj.xtype in ( 'F') and = c_obj.parent_obj and t = and col.colid in (ref.fkey1, ref.f.f.f.f.fkey3, ref.f.fKey4, ref.fkey5, ref.fkey6, ref.fkey7, ref.fkey8, ref.fkey9, ref .fkey10, ref.fkey11, ref.fkey12, ref.fkey13, ref.fkey14, ref.fkey15, ref.fkey16) and = ref.constid and = ref.rkeyidGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GOSET ANSI_NULLS ON GO

Set quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS OFF Go

/ * Generate the current database indexes all scripts suitable for Sql Server 2000 beiqiao ( 2004/02/29 * / CREATE PROCEDURE sp_create_index ASdeclare @tableName nvarchar (128) declare @indexName nvarchar (128) declare @status intdeclare @OrigFillFactor intdeclare @columnName nvarchar (128) declare @indid smallintdeclare @clusteredString nvarchar (16) declare @uniqueString nvarchar (16) declare @fillfactorString nvarchar (1024) declare @sql nvarchar (1024) select @fillfactorString = '' select @sql = '' '

Create Table #tmptable (SQL NVARCHAR (4000))

DECLARE myCursor CURSOR FOR select as tableName, as indexName, a.status, a.OrigFillFactor, index_col (, indid, 1) as columnName, a.indidfrom sysindexes a, sysobjects bwhere = B.ID and b.XTYPE = 'u' and indid> 0 and Indid <255 and (a.status & 8388608) = 0 - Remove Upon Record And (A.Status & 2048) = 0 - Remove Primary Key

Open mycursor

Fetch next from mycursor @ Tablename, @ indexname, @ status, @ OrigfillFactor, @ columnname, @ @ Indid

While @@ fetch_status = 0begin

IF (@Status & 16) <> 0 Select @clusteredString = 'clustered' else select @clusteredString = 'NonClustered'

if (@status & 2) <> 0 select @uniqueString = 'UNIQUE' else select @uniqueString = '' if @OrigFillFactor <> 0 select @fillfactorString = ', FILLFACTOR =' ltrim (rtrim (str (@OrigFillFactor)) ) Else select @fillfactorstring = ''

IF (@status & 1) <> 0 select @fillfactorstring = @fillfactorstring ', ignore_dup_key'if (@status & 256) <> 0 select @fillfactorstring = @fillfactorstring ', PAD_INDEX '

if (@status & 16777216) <> 0 select @fillfactorString = @fillfactorString ', STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE' if len (@fillfactorString) <> 0 select @fillfactorString = 'with' substring (@fillfactorString, 2, len (@fillfactorString) - 1 )

if (@status & 4096) <> 0 select @sql = 'ALTER TABLE' @tableName 'WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT' @indexName @clusteredString @uniqueString '(' index_col (@tableName, @indid, 1) Case when INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 2) is not null dam, ' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 2) else' end case when INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 3) Is Not Null Ten ',' Index_col (@tablename, @indid, 3) Else 'End Case When Index_col (@tablename, @indid, 4) Is Not Null Then', ' Index_col (@tablename, @indidID , 4) Else '' end case when INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 5) is not null dam, ' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 5) else' end case when INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 6) Is Not Null Then ',' Index_col (@tablename, @indid, 6) Else '' End Case When Index_col (@tablename, @indid, 7) Is Not Null Then ',' INDEX_COL @Tablename, @indid, 7) Else '' end case when INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 8) is not null dam, ' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 8) else' END CASE WHEN INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 9) IS not null dam, ' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 9) else' end case when index_col (@tablename, @indid, 10) IS NOT NULL TEN ',' Index_col (@tablename, @indid, 10) Else '' end ')' @

fillfactorString else select @sql = 'create' @clusteredString @uniqueString 'INDEX' @indexName 'ON' @tableName '(' index_col (@tableName, @indid, 1) case when index_col (@ Tablename, @indid, 2) Is Not Null Then ',' Index_col (@tablename, @indid, 2) Else 'End Case When INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 3) is not null dam,' Index_col (@tablename, @indid, 3) Else '' end case when index_col (@tablename, @indid, 4) is not null dam, ' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 4) Else' end Case when INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 5) is not null dam, ' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 5) else' end case when INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 6) is not null Then ',' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 6) Else '' end case when INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 7) is not null dam, ' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 7) Else '' end case when INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 8) is not null dam, ' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 8) Else' End Case When in DEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 9) IS not null dam, ' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 9) else' end case when INDEX_COL (@tablename, @indid, 10) is not null dam , ' index_col (@tablename, @indid, 10) Else' 'end ') ' @

fillfactorString insert into #tmpTable (sql) values ​​(@sql) FETCH NEXT FROM myCursor into @ tableName, @ indexName, @ status, @ OrigFillFactor, @ columnName, @ indidendCLOSE myCursorDEALLOCATE myCursor

Select * from #tmptable

Drop table #tmptablegoseet quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS ON GO

Set quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS OFF Go

/ * Generate the current database of all PK and UQ constraints script applies to Sql Server 2000 beiqiao ( 2004/02/29 * / CREATE PROCEDURE sp_create_pk_uq ASdeclare @oldTableName nvarchar (128) declare @sqlString nvarchar (1024) declare @columnlist nvarchar (1024)

declare @constraintName nvarchar (128) declare @oldConstraintName nvarchar (128) declare @tableName nvarchar (1024) declare @columnName nvarchar (1024) declare @indexId smallintdeclare @objType char (2)

Declare @oldindexid SmallintDeclare @oldObjtype Char (2) Declare @clusteredString Nvarchar (16) Declare @objtypeString nvarchar (16)

select @oldIndexId = 1select @oldObjType = 'PK'select @oldConstraintName =' 'select @oldTableName =' 'select @sqlString =' 'select @columnList =' 'select @clusteredString =' CLUSTERED 'select @objTypeString =' PRIMARY KEY '

Create Table #tmptable (SQL NVARCHAR (4000))

DECLARE myCursor CURSOR FOR select as constraintName, as tableName, as columnName, i.indid as indexId, c_obj.xtype as objTypefrom sysobjects c_obj, sysobjects t_obj, syscolumns col, master.dbo.spt_values ​​v, Sysindexes iwhere c_obj.xtype in ('uq', 'pk') and = c_obj.parent_obj and t_obj.XType = 'u' and = and color = = index_col (, I.indid, v.number) and = and = I.Name and v.number> 0 and v.number <= I.Keycnt and v.type = 'p' and t_obj. Status> 0 Order by TablenameOpen Mycursor

Fetch next from mycursor @constraintname, @tablename, @Columnname, @Indexid, @objtype

While @@ fetch_status = 0begin

if @constraintName <> @oldConstraintName and @oldConstraintName <> '' begin - to remove the last comma select @columnList = substring (@columnList, 1, len (@columnList) -1) if @oldIndexId> 1 select @clusteredString = ' Nonclustered 'else select @clusteredString =' clustered 'if @oldObjtype =' uq 'select @objtypeString =' unique 'else select @objtypeString =' primary key '

select @sqlString = 'alter table' @oldTableName 'WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT' @oldConstraintName @objTypeString @clusteredString '(' @columnList ')' - columnlist next start select @columnList = ''

insert into #tmpTable (sql) values ​​(@sqlString) end select @oldTableName = @tableName select @oldConstraintName = @constraintName select @oldIndexId = @indexId select @oldObjType = @objTypeselect @columnList = @columnList @columnName ','

Fetch next from mycursor @constraintname, @tablename, @columnname, @Indexid, @objtypeend

select @columnList = substring (@columnList, 1, len (@columnList) -1) - is inserted into the last record if @oldIndexId> 1 select @clusteredString = 'NONCLUSTERED' else select @clusteredString = 'CLUSTERED'

If @oldobjtype = 'uq' select @objtypeString = 'unique' else select @objtypeString = 'primary key'

select @sqlString = 'alter table' @oldTableName 'WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT' @oldConstraintName @objTypeString @clusteredString '(' @columnList ')' insert into #tmpTable (sql) values ​​(@sqlString)

Close mycursordeallocate mycursor

Select * from #tmptabledrop table #tmptablegoset quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS ON Go

Set quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS OFF Go

/ * Generate all stored procedures, views, functions, and triggers for all current databases, suitable for SQL Server 2000 Beiqiao ( 2004/02/29 * / create procedure sp_create_proc asselect B.Text As SQL from Sysobjects A, Syscomments b where A.XTYPE IN ('TR', 'TF', 'V', 'P') and A.ID = B.ID and A.Status> 0

Goset quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS ON Go

SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GOSET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO / * Create a script to generate the current database of all tables suitable for Sql Server 2000 beiqiao ( 2004/02/29 * / CREATE PROCEDURE sp_create_table ASdeclare @count intdeclare @tableName nvarchar (128) Declare @columnname nvarchar (128) Declare @ColumnLength Smallint Declare @isnullable int declare @Typename nvarchar (128) DECLARE @autoval nvarchar (128)

Declare @oldtablename nvarchar (128) Declare @sqlstring nvarchar (1024) Declare @columnlist nvarchar (1024)

Declare @IdentityString nvarchar (128)

SELECT @oldtablename = '' SELECT @Columnlist = ''

Create Table #tmptable (SQL NVARCHAR (4000))

DECLARE myCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT as tableName, as columnName, b.Length as columnLength, b.isnullable, as typeName, b.autoval from sysobjects a, syscolumns b, systypes c where a.xtype = 'U' and a.status> 0 and = B.ID and b.XTYPE = C.XTYPE --A.STATUS> 0 is for filtering table Dtproperties

Open mycursor

Fetch next from mycursor @ Tablename, @ ColumnName, @ ColumnLength, @ isnullable, @ Typename, @ Autoval

While @@ fetch_status = 0begin

IF @tablename <> @oldtablename and @oldtablename <> '' begin - Delete the last comma Select @columnlist = Substring (@columnlist, 1, len (@columnlist) -1)

SELECT @Sqlstring = 'Create Table' @OLDTABLENAME '(' @Columnlist ')' - Next Columnlist Start SELECT @Columnlist = ''

INSERT INTO #TMPTABLE (@sqlstring) end select @oldtablename = @tablename

select @columnList = @columnList @columnName '' @typeName - adding the data types declared if @typeName = 'varchar' or @typeName = 'char' or @typeName = 'nchar' or @typeName = 'nvarchar 'select @columnList = @columnList ' ( ' rtrim (ltrim (str (@columnLength))) ') '- adding an IDENTITY defined if @autoval is not null begin select @identityString =' IDENTITY ( ' ltrim ( RTRIM (Str (Ident_Seed (@tablename))))))) ',' LTRIM (RTR (IDENT_INCR (@tablename))))) ')' SELECT @ColumnList = @Columnlist @IDENTITITYSTRING END - Add NULL Limited IF @isnullable = '1' select @columnlist = @columnlist 'Null' else select @columnlist = @Columnlist 'not null' - comma split select @Columnlist = @columnlist ','

Fetch next from mycursor @ Tablename, @ columnname, @ columnLength, @ isnull, @ typename, @ autovaled

- inserting the last record select @columnList = substring (@columnList, 1, len (@columnList) -1) select @sqlString = 'create table' @oldTableName '(' @columnList ')' insert into # TMPTABLE (@sqlstring)

Close mycursordeallocate mycursor

Select * from #tmptabledrop table #tmptablegoset quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS ON Go


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