SSH2 installation and configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  115

SSH2 installation and configuration zZ

SSH (Secure Shell Client) is a program used to log in to the remote system execution command. It can replace rlogin and RSH and can provide secure, encrypted connections to the client in an inaccurate network environment. For the safety of the server, any competent administrator should use SSH, let's introduce the installation and configuration process of the SSH.

1 software acquisition

2 Installation # TAR ZXVF SSH-2.0.13.tar.gz # CD SSH-2.0.13 # ./configure --prefix = .. - You can set the installation directory # make # make install

By default, SSH will be installed in / usr / local / under. 3 Start the server to run at the prompt:

# / usr / local / sbin / sshd2

In order to automatically execute the above commands after the system is restarted, the above command should be added to /etc/rc.d/rc.local. You can then run the PS X | grep sshd command in the command line to see if there is a similar output, if there is so congratulations:

213 ?? IS 0: 00.46 / usr / local / sbin / sshd2

4 The client under Linux / Unix, install this SSH has a client program. You can choose to use the system's Password or use SSH2 PASSPHRASE, if you choose to use SSH PASSPHRASE, you need to run the following command:

# ssh-keygen2 generating 1024-bit dsa key pair 6 oo.oo.oooo. Key generated. 1024-bit dsa,, Thu Jun 22 2000 14:33:39 0800 Passphrase: Again: Private key saved To /Root/.ssh2/ID_DSA_1024_A Public Key Saved to /Root/.ssh2/ID_DSA_1024_A.PUB

after that

# CD ~ / .ssh2

Create two files in the format below:

# vi Identification Join:


In the corresponding user of the server ~ / .ssh2 directory

# vi Authorization Join:

Key ID_DSA_1024_A.PUB

Then run on the client:

# ssh

Host key not found from database. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes / no)? Yes Host key saved to /home/chenlf/.ssh2/hostkeys/ host key for, Accepted by chenlf thu jun 22 2000 14:54:01 0800 Passphrase for key "/HOME/CHENLF /.SSH2/CHENLF" with comment "1024-bit dsa, chenlf @, WED May 17 2000 15: 13: 17 0800 ":

Enter your passphrase after ":"! SECURE CRT 3.0 can be used under Windows.


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