Appendix a mytest.c
/ ************************************************** *************** /
/ * AUTHOR: Allen Lee TS: 2 / 4/2004 9:15 * /
/ * Date: 2 / 4/2004 * /
/ * Mytest.c: test ddl stat * /
/ * * /
/ * History: * /
/ * * /
/ ************************************************** *************** /
#define string_size 50
#define drop_sample_table "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TEST_TABLE"
#define create_sample_table "create Table Test_Table (col1 int, / /") (CREATE TABLE TEST_TABLE (Col1 Int, /
COL2 VARCHAR (40), /
COL3 Smallint, /
Col4 TimeStamp) "
#define insert_sample "INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (COL1, COL2, COL3) VALUES (?,?,?)
INT main (int Argc, char ** argv) {
Mysql * mysql;
mysql = mysql_init (null);
IF (! mysql_real_connect (mysql, "localhost", "root", ",", 3306, ", null) {/ * make connection with mysql_connect (mysql db, char * host, char * username, char * PASSWORD * /
Printf (MySQL_ERROR (mysql));
Exit (1);
IF (mysql_select_db (mysql, "test")) {/ * Select the Database We want to use * /
Printf (MySQL_ERROR (mysql));
Exit (1);
Mysql_stmt * stmt;
MY_ULONGLONG Affected_Rows;
Int param_count;
Short small_data;
int tent_data;
Char str_data [string_size];
UNSIGNED Long Str_Length
IF (MySQL_Query (mysql, drop_sample_table)
FPRINTF (stderr, "drop table filed / n");
FPRINTF (stderr, "% s / n", mysql_error (mysql));
exit (0);
IF (MySQL_Query (mysql, create_sample_table) {
FPRINTF (stderr, "create table filed / n");
FPRINTF (stderr, "% s / n", mysql_error (mysql));
exit (0);
/ * Prepare an insert query with 3 parameters * /
/ * (The TimeStamp Column Is Not Named; It Will * /
/ * be set to the current date and time) * /
STMT = mysql_prepare (mysql, insert_sample, strlen);
FPrintf (stderr, "mysql_prepare (), insert filed / n");
FPRINTF (stderr, "% s / n", mysql_error (mysql));
exit (0);
FPRINTF (stdout, "prepare, insert serviceful / n");
/ * Get the parameter count from the statement * /
PARAM_COUNT = mysql_param_count (stmt);
FPrintf (stdout, "total parameters in insert:% d / n", param_count);
IF (param_count! = 3) / * validate parameter count * /
FPRINTF (stderr, "invalid parameter count returned by mysql / n");
exit (0);
/ * Bind The Data for ALL 3 parameters * /
/ * Integer param * /
/ * This is a number type, sored is no need to specify buffer_length * /
BIND [0] .buffer_type = mysql_type_long;
BIND [0] .buffer = (char *) & int_data;
BIND [0] .is_null = 0;
Bind [0] .length = 0;
/ * String param * /
BIND [1] .buffer_type = mysql_type_var_string;
BIND [1] .buffer = (char *) STR_DATA;
BIND [1] .buffer_length = string_size;
BIND [1] .is_null = 0;
BIND [1] .length = & str_length;
/ * Smallint param * /
BIND [2] .buffer_type = mysql_type_sh;
BIND [2] .buffer = (char *) & small_data;
BIND [2] .is_null = & is_null;
BIND [2] .length = 0;
/ * Bind the buffers * /
FPRINTF (stderr, "mysql_bind_param () failed / n");
FPRINTF (stderr, "% s / n", mysql_stmt_error (stmt));
exit (0);
/ * Specify the data value for the first row * /
INT_DATA = 10; / * integer * /
Strncpy (str_data, "mysql", string_size); / * String * /
Str_Length = Strlen (Str_Data);
/ * Insert Smallint Data as Null * /
IS_NULL = 1;
/ * EXECUTE the insert statement - 1 * /
FPRINTF (stderr, "mysql_execute (), 1 failed / n");
FPRINTF (stderr, "% s / n", mysql_stmt_error (stmt));
exit (0);
/ * Get the total number of affected rows * /
Affected_rows = mysql_stmt_affected_rows (stmt);
FPRINTF (stdout, "Total Affected Rows (Insert 1):% LD / N", Affected_Rows);
IF (Affected_Rows! = 1) / * Validate affected rows * /
FPRINTF (stderr, "invalid affected rows by mysql / n");
exit (0);
/ * Specify Data Values for Second Row, Then Re-Execute The Statement * /
INT_DATA = 1000;
STRNCPY (Str_Data, "The Most Popular Open Source Database", String_size);
Str_Length = Strlen (Str_Data);
Small_data = 1000; / * smallint * /
IS_NULL = 0; / * reset * /
FPRINTF (stderr, "mysql_execute, 2 failed / n");
FPRINTF (stderr, "% s / n", mysql_stmt_error (stmt));
exit (0);
/ * Get the total rows affected * /
Affected_rows = mysql_stmt_affected_rows (stmt);
FPRINTF (stdout, "Total Affected Rows (Insert 2):% LD / N", Affected_Rows);
IF (Affected_Rows! = 1) / * Validate affected rows * /
FPRINTF (stderr, "invalid affected rows by mysql / n");
exit (0);
/ * Close the statement * /
FPRINTF (stderr, "failed while closing the statement / n");
FPRINTF (stderr, "% s / n", mysql_stmt_error (stmt));
exit (0);
MySQL_Close (mysql);
Return 0;
INT Main (int Argc, char * argv []) {
Connection connection (use_exception);
Try {// The entire main block is one big try block
IF (argc == 1) Connection.connect ("mysql_cpp_data", "localhost", "root", "");
Else if (argc == 2) Connection.connect ("", Argv [1]);
Else if (argc == 3) Connection.Connect ("", Argv [1], Argv [2]);
ELSE IF (Argc <= 4) Connection.connect ("", Argv [1], Argv [2], Argv [3]);
// Create a new Object and connect based on any (if any) arguments
// passed to main ();
Try {
Connection.select_db ("MySQL_CPP_DATA);
} catch (badquery ER) {
// if it couldn't connect to the database assume That doesn't exist
// and try created it. if That Does Not Work Exit with an error.
Connection.create_db ("MySQL_CPP_DATA);
Connection.select_db ("MySQL_CPP_DATA);
Query Query = connection.Query (); // Create a new query Object
Try {// ignore Any Errors Here
// i hope to make this Simpler Soon
Query.execute ("DROP TABLE Stock");
} catch (badquery ER) {}
Query << "Create Table Stock (Item Char (20) Not Null, Num Bigint,"
<< "Weight Double, Price Double, SDATE DATE";
Query.execute (Reset_Query);
// send the query to create the table and execute it. The TABLE AND EXECUTE.
// reset_Query Tells the Query Object to Reset IT Self After
// Execution
Query << "INSERT INTO% 5: Table VALUES (% 0Q,% 1Q,% 2,% 3,% 4Q)";
Query.Parse ();
// set up the template query i will use to insert the data. The THE
// PARSE METHOD CALL IS IMPORTANT AS IS What Lets The Query // Know That this Is A Template and not a literal string
Query.def ["Table"] = "stock";
// this is setting the parameter named Table to stock.
Query.execute ("Hamburger Buns", 56, 1.25, 1.1, "1998-04-26");
Query.execute ("HotDogs' Buns", 65, 1.1, 1.1, "1998-04-23");
Query.execute ("DINNER ROLES", 75, .95, .97, "1998-05-25");
Query.execute ("Allen Lee", 87, 1.5, 1.75, "1998-09-04");
// The last parameter "Table" is not specific here. Thus
// The default value for "Table" is buy which is "stock".
} catch (badquery ER) {// handle Any Errors That May Come Up
CERR << "Error:" << Er.error << Endl;
Return -1;
Appendix three fieldInf.cpp
Int main () {
Try {// ITS in One Big Try Block
Connection Con (Use_exceptions);
Con.Connect ("MySQL_CPP_DATA", "LocalHost", "root", "");
Query query = con.query ();
Query << "Select * from stock";
Result res = ();
Cout << "Query:" << query.preview () << endl;
Cout << "Records Found:" << res.size () << Endl << endl;
COUT << "Query Info: / N";
Cout.setf (ios :: left);
For (unsigned int i = 0; i Cout << SETW (2) << i << SETW (15) << res.names (i) .c_str () // this is the name of the field << SETW (15) << res. Types (i). SQL_NAME () // this is the SQL Identifier Name // Result :: Types (unsigned int) Returns a mysql_type_info Which in Many // Ways is like type_info except That It has additional SQL TYPE // Information in it. (with one of the methods being sql_name ()) << SETW (20) << Res.Types (i) .Name () // this is The C Identifier Name Which Most Closely Rembly // the SQL Name (ITS Is Implementation Defined And Offe Very Readable) << ENDL; } Cout << Endl; IF (res.types (0) == TypeId (string)) COUT << "Field 'Item' Is of An SQL Type Which Most Closely Rembly A / N" << "The C String Type / N"; // this Is Demonstrating How A MySQL_TYPE_INFO CAN BE Compared with a C // Type_info. IF (res.types (1) == TypeId (longlong)) Cout << "Field 'Num' Is of An Sql Type Which Most Closely Rembly A / N" << "THE C long long int type / n"; Else if (res. types (1) .BASE_TYPE () == TypeId (longlong)) COUT << "Field 'Num' Base Type is of an SQL TYPE Which MOST Closely / N" << "" Resembles A THE C long long int type / n "; //Howe you have to be be a careful as if it can be null the actual type is // Null // to get at the underlying type. if the Type is not null Than this base // Type Would Be The Same As ITS Type. Return 0; } catch (badquery ER) { CERR << "Error:" << Er.error << Endl; Return -1; } Catch (Badconversion ER) {// Handle Bad Conversions CERR << "Error: Tried to Convert /" "<< Er.Data <<" / "to a /" " << Er.TYPE_NAME << "/". "<< Endl; Return -1; } }