Chapter 7 Type Members and Its Accessibility
7.1 Type member
We usually say that in one type contains 10 types of members, these 10 types of members do not necessarily appear, but we usually use it.
A constant, for example, 1, 2, 3 fields, such as DIM A AS INT32, is a field instance constructor is something of the initialization instance, for example: public subnewash () type constructor is something of the initialization type, for example: Shared Sub New A behavior overload operator used to change the status of the type or object is actually a conversion operator that converts the traditional addition and subtraction and division and division. ---------- I don't know what it is. The attribute is to indicate that the value event of a type or object is simple, that is, the type of thing we usually say in life.
Old dad
7.2 Access level modifiers and predefined features
Type, field, access level:
Private type internal information, for reference only
The protected type and what he can see, the name of Family is not supported.
Why don't you support it?
CLR: Family / Assembly
Dad, son, all the things that you can see, Friend Friends, the acquaintances in the circle can see CLR: askEMBLY
Protected Friend can see CLR: Family / Assembly by PROTECTED Friend
PUBLIC I don't know how to see it, just see PUBLIC
Type predefined feature
Mustinherit does not have a son's Dad CLR: Abstract notinheritable This father can't take it as ancestor CLR: Sealed
Field predefined feature
Shared can use CLR: Static
By default, sons can use CLR: Instance
Readonly constructor dedicated CLR: INTONLY
Method predefined characteristics
Tired ... don't write, sleep ...