CLIENTDATASET.FILTER in Delphi can't be blurred before and after? ? ,
> For example, I want to query CA001 I entered OrderNo = 'ca *', it can be found, but if used
> ORDERNO = '* A00 *' can't find it.
> So please ask if there is a wild in front and after the character? Thank you.
The situation is like this after this issue:
ClientDataSet supports fuzzy filtration, but uses ORDERNO LIKE '% 123%' to filter strings. And the field type can only be TStringFiled, if it is TwideStringField, there is a 'Type Mismatch in Expression' error. If it is a small number must be blurred Where the filter is filtered, the field type of the AP and the client can be changed to TStringField. The following is the test code:
With clientdatanet1 do //edit1.text
Filtered: = false;
Filter: = 'Orderno Like' '%' Edit1.Text '%' ';
Filtered: = true;