Apache Project Introduction

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  126

Apache Ant Project


As we all know, Ant (ant) is a set of Java-based procedures to create tools.

Apache Avalon Project (Avalon)


Avalon (Avalon, the Western Music Island in the Celtic "is said that the king of Arthuri and the dead bodies were moved to the island) is a set of components.

Apache Cocoon Project

Cocoon 2.1

Cocoon, a set of XML frames, which increases XML and XSLT to the server-side application to a new level. It is based on pipelined SAX processing technology, which is well designed and has good volumeability.

Apache DB Project


Torque (Torker, Torque) is often applied to data persistence. It contains a generator that generates database resources you need for your application, and also contains a running environment to run the generated Class.


Object Relationship Bridge (OJB) is an Object / Relationship Mapping Tool. It provides a clear persistence app for Java objects and relational databases.

Apache Excalibur Project (Ixkeli, Legend of the King of Central Asia)


Excalibur, its main product is a lightweight inserted reverse control container written by Java, named Fortress (fortress).

Apache Geronimo Project


Geronimo is a new achievement in the Apache Software Foundation to create a compatible J2EE container

Apache Gump Project (Agam, stupid)


GUMP seems to be a tool for building products related to all Jakarta.

Apache Http Webserver Project

HTTP Web Server

A well-known open source web server contains a version of UNIX and Window.

Apache James Project (James)


James is an email, newsgroup, and message server developed with Java. It uses the Avalon component framework. Currently supports SMTP, POP3 and NNTP will soon support IMAP.

Apache Logging Services Project (Log Service Product)


Log4J - Based on Java's reliable, fast, scalable log tool.

Apache Maven Project (Movie, Expert, Involt)


Maven is a set of Java development engineering integrated management tools. It is based on the idea of ​​engineering object model (POM).

Apache Portals Project (Portal Product, High Speed ​​Jet Series)


A Turbine-based Java user-customizable portal system.


Apache's new generation of enterprise portal products.

Apache Struts Project (Optimus)


A set of MVC frameworks for web applications via servlets and JSP.

Class library, tool, and apis


The Byte Code Engineering Library (FORMERLY KNOWN AS JAVACLASS) Byte Code Engine class, which makes it possible to create, create, and operate Java's Class files. BSF

Bean Scripting Framework (BSF), the Bean Scripting Frame provides support for scripting languages ​​in Java applications, access to Java objects and methods through scripting languages.


Many small range of reusable Java components, such as a wide variety of jewels, can not let you love unleaved - (see) ComponentsList


The Element Construction SET: A Java API that generates basic elements in structured languages, currently supporting XML and HTML 4.0 directly


A set of desktop applications developed by pure Java. Used to perform functional testing and performance testing.


A set of text handling tools that provide Perl5.0 compatible regular expressions, awk-like regular expressions, Glob expressions. Also provide replacement, segmentation, file name and other functions


A set of files used to create, read and write OLE 2 component document format. Currently support OLE 2 component document format itself and Excel file (* .xls)


A set of pure Java regular expressions related packages.


A set of useful when developing a web application, JSP general TAG package.


It is used to check the compatibility of the execution of a servlet or JSP container in the corresponding specification.

Frame or engine


Cactus is a simple test framework for unit testing of server-end Java code (such as servlets, ejbs, tag libraries, filters, ...).


HiveMind is a service and configured mini kernel, a framework for creating complex applications with simple Java objects and interfaces.


High performance, all-round text search engine developed by Java.


TapeStry is a web application framework based on highly reusable components that fully comply with MVC mode.


A framework of the MVC mode for building a web application with JSP or Velosity.


Velocity is a universal Java template engine.


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