Below, let's see how to build and deploy a simplest web service.
Establish web service
1. Create a directory called WebService in the wwwroot directory.
2. Establish the following file:
<% @ Webservice Language = "C #" class = "addnumbers"%>
Using system;
Public Class AddNumBers: WebService
Public Int Add (int A, int b) {
Int sum;
SUM = a b;
Return SUM;
3. Save this file as addservice.asmx (asmx is an extension), saved to WebService's directory
4. Now we have established a web service, which is ready to use
5. Now, you can access this Web service with the URL below:
http: // ip address /webservice/addservice.asmx/add?a=10&b=5
The result will be returned in XML format.
Deploy this service on the client
1. Enter: in the command line:
WSDL http: // ip address / Webservice/mathService.asmx / N: Namesp /out:filename.cs
This action will create a file called FileName.cs
Note: WSDL refers to WebServices Description Language, this program is in the program files / / frameworksdk / bin directory.
Namesp is the name of the namespace we set, which will be used in the implementation code of the client's client's client.
2. Compile
CSC / T: library /r:system.web.dll /r:System.xml.dll filename.cs
The above command will generate a DLL file, the name is the name of the public class in the ASMX file above, in our example, is: addnumbers.dll
3. Place the generated DLL file in the wwwroot / bin directory of the deployment machine.
Call this web service in the ASP / ASPX of the deployment machine
<% @ import namespace = "namesp"%>
Public void Page_Load (Object O, Eventargs E) {
INT x = 10;
INT Y = 5;
Int sum;
// instantiaating the public class of the weightvice
AddNumBers an = new addNumBers ();
SUM = an.add (x, y);
String str = sum.toString ();
Response.writeline (STR);