JavaScript implements similar to Title Alt features and can display images.
VAR TiPTimer;
Function LocateObject (n, d) {//v3.0
VAR P, I, X; if (! d) d = docuument; if ((p = n.indexof ("?"))> 0 && parent.frames.length) {
D = parent.frames [n.substring (p 1)]. Document; n = n.substring (0, p);}
IF (! (x = D [n]) && D.all) x = D.All [N]; for (i = 0;! x && i For (i = 0;! x && D.Layers && i } function hideTooltip (object) {if (document.all) {locateObject (object) .style.visibility = "hidden" locateObject (object) .style.left = 1; locateObject (object) = 1; return false} Else if (Document.Layers) {locateObject (Object) .visibility = "hide" locateObject (object) .left = 1; locateObject (Object) .top = 1; return false} elsereturn true} Function ShowTooltip (Object, E, TipContent, Backcolor, Bordercolor, TextColor, DisplayTime) {WINDOW.CLEARTIMEOUT (TIPTIMER) IF (Document.all) {locateObject (Object) = Document.body.scrolltop Event.Clienty 20 LocateObject (Object) .INNNERHTML = '