CollectionEditor member

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  81

.NET Framework class library

CollectionEditor member


CollectionEditor class | Namespace | C hosted extension programming

CollectionEditor overview

Public constructor

The CollectionEditor constructor initializes the new instance of the CollectEditor class using the specified collection type.

Public approach

EditValue has been overloaded. Override. Edit the value of the specified object. Equals (inherited from Object) has been overloaded. Determine if the two Object instances are equal. GetitStyle has been overloaded. Override. Get the editing style used by the EditValue method. GetHashCode (inherited from Object) is used as a specific type of hash function, which is suitable for use in a hash algorithm and data structure (such as a hash table). GetPaintValeSupported has been overloaded. Indicates whether the editor supports the representation of the drawing object value. GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the TYPE of the current instance. PainTValue (inherited from UITYPEEDITOR) has been overloaded. Draw the representation of the value of the object. Tostring returns a String that represents the current object.

Protected properties

CollectionItemType Gets the data type per item in the collection. CollectionType Gets the data type of the collection object. Context Gets Type Indications indicating the current context. Helptopic Gets the "Help" keyword to display the Help key when you press the Help button or F1 key in the Editor dialog box to display the Help topic or topic. NEWITEMTYPES Get the available types of items that can be created for this collection.

Protected method

CanremoveInstance indicates whether the initial member of the collection can be removed. CanselectMultiPleInstances indicates whether multiple collections can be selected at a time. CreateCollectionForm Creates a new form to display and edit the current collection. CREATECOLLECTIONITEMTYPE Gets this collection of data types. CREATEINSTANCE Creates a new instance of the specified collection item type. CreateNewEMTYPES Gets the data type that can be included in this collection editor. DestroyInstance destroys the specified instance of the object. Finalize (inherited from Object) has been overwritten. Allow Object to try to release resources and perform other cleaning operations before "garbage recycling" recycle Object. In C # and C , the terminator is used to represent the termination program. GetItems gets an object array containing a specified collection. GetService Gets the requested service (if the service is available). Memberwiseclone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Setitems sets the specified array as a collection item. Showhelp Displays the default help topic for the collection editor.


CollectionEditor class | namespace

| C hosted extension programming

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