Windows Common Process List

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

Summarized some of Windows, divided into system processes and application processes, now listed, so that everyone will look at the contrast and prevent the standard.

System process list 1, system process - system processProcess InformationProcess File: system process or system processProcess Name: Windows Memory Handler System ProcessDescription: The Windows Memory Handler System Process zeroes any free pages of RAM and is the only process with priority 0Common Errors: N / asystem process: YES

2, alg - alg.exeProcess InformationProcess File: alg or alg.exeProcess Name: Application Layer Gateway ServiceDescription: The Application Layer Gateway Service is Used for Internet Connection SharingCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

3, csrss - csrss.exeProcess InformationProcess File: csrss or csrss.exeProcess Name: Client / Server Runtime Server SubsystemDescription: The Windows Client Server Runtime Subsystem handles Windows and Graphics Functions for all SubsystemsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

4, ddhelp - ddhelp.exeProcess InformationProcess File: ddhelp or ddhelp.exeProcess Name: DirectDraw HelperDescription: DirectDraw Helper is part of DirectX and is used for graphics related servicesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

5, dllhost - dllhost.exeProcess InformationProcess File: dllhost or dllhost.exeProcess Name: DCOM DLL Host ProcessDescription: The DCOM DLL Host process supports DLL based COM objects and is used by many Windows programsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

6, explorer - explorer.exeProcess InformationProcess File: explorer or explorer.exeProcess Name: Program ManagerDescription: The Windows Program Manager or Windows Explorer handles the Windows Graphical Shell including the Start-menu, Taskbar, Desktop and File ManagerCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: YES

7, inetinfo - inetinfo.exeProcess InformationProcess File: inetinfo or inetinfo.exeProcess Name: IIS Admin Service HelperDescription: InetInfo is Part of Microsoft Internet Infomation Services (IIS) and is used for debuggingCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes8, internat - internat.exeProcess InformationProcess File: internat or internat.exeProcess Name: Input LocalesDescription: The Input Locales traybar icon is used to change regional settings such as Keyboard type, Currency or Date FormatCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

9, kernel32 - kernel32.dllProcess InformationProcess File: kernel32 or kernel32.dllProcess Name: Windows Kernel ProcessDescription: The Windows Kernel provides System Services for managing Threads, Memory, and ResourcesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

10, lsass - lsass.exeProcess InformationProcess File: lsass or lsass.exeProcess Name: Local Security Authority ServiceDescription: The Windows Local Security Authority Server Process Handles Windows Security MechanismsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

11, mdm - mdm.exeProcess InformationProcess File: mdm or mdm.exeProcess Name: Machine Debug ManagerDescription: The Machine Debug Manager is used for Debugging Applications and is Installed by the Microsoft Script Editor which is included in Microsoft OfficeCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: YES

12, mmtask - mmtask.tskProcess InformationProcess File: mmtask or mmtask.tskProcess Name: Multimedia Support TaskDescription: The Windows Multimedia Background Task Support Module handles multimedia services like MIDICommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

13, mprexe - mprexe.exeProcess InformationProcess File: mprexe or mprexe.exeProcess Name: Windows Routing ProcessThe Windows Routing Process Routes incoming network requests to the appropriate network providerDescription: Common Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes14, msgsrv32 - msgsrv32.exe - Process InformationProcess File: msgsrv32 or msgsrv32.exeProcess Name: Windows Message ServerDescription: The Windows Message Server Loads Windows Drivers and the Program Manager at start upCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

15, mstask - mstask.exeProcess InformationProcess File: mstask or mstask.exeProcess Name: Windows Task SchedulerDescription: The Windows Task Scheduler is used to schedule tasks such at backups or updates to run at certain times or datesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process YES

16, regsvc - regsvc.exeProcess InformationProcess File: regsvc or regsvc.exeProcess Name: Remote Registry ServiceDescription: The Remote Registry Service allows Access to the Windows Registry from Remote ComputersCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

17, rpcss - rpcss.exeProcess InformationProcess File: rpcss or rpcss.exeProcess Name: RPC PortmapperDescription: The Windows RPC portmapper process handles RPC-calls (Remote Procedure Calls) and maps them to the appropriate service providerCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process YES

18, Services - Services.exe - Process InformationProcess File: Services Or Services.exeprocess Name: Windows Service ControllerDescription: Managers Windows ServicesCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: YES

19, smss - smss.exeProcess InformationProcess File: smss or smss.exeProcess Name: Session Manager SubsystemDescription: The Session Manager Subsystem initializes system environment variables, MS-DOS devices names such as LPT1 and COM1, loads the kernel for the Win32 subsystem , and starts the Windows Logon ProcessCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes20, snmp - snmp.exeProcess InformationProcess File: snmp or snmp.exeProcess Name: Microsoft sNMP AgentDescription: The Windows Simple Network Managment Protocol (sNMP) Agent is a proxy That Listens for Requests and Hands Them Offercommon ErroPrirate NetWork ProviderCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: YES

21, spool32 - spool32.exeProcess InformationProcess File: spool32 or spool32.exeProcess Name: Printer SpoolerDescription: The Windows Printer Spooler stores printer jobs and forwards them to the printer when it is readyCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

22, spoolsv - spoolsv.exeProcess InformationProcess File: spoolsv or spoolsv.exeProcess Name: Printer Spooler ServiceDescription: The Windows Printer Spooler stores printer jobs and forwards them to the printer when it is readyCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

23, stisvc - stisvc.exeProcess InformationProcess File: stisvc or stisvc.exeProcess Name: Still Image ServiceDescription: The Still Image Service handles scanners and digital cameras and is installed by Windows if a Scanner or Camera is connected to the computerCommon Errors: N / Asystem process: YES

24, svchost - svchost.exeProcess InformationProcess File: svchost or svchost.exeProcess Name: Service Host ProcessDescription: The Service Host Process is generic host process for services that are run from dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) Common Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes25, taskmon - taskmon.exeProcess InformationProcess File: taskmon or taskmon.exeProcess Name: Windows Task OptimizerDescription: The Windows Task Optimizer monitors how often you use a program and is used by defrag to optimize the harddisk for loading commonly used programsCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: YES

26, tcpsvcs - tcpsvcs.exeProcess InformationProcess File: tcpsvcs or tcpsvcs.exeProcess Name: TCP / IP ServicesDescription: The TCP / IP Services Application supports network and internet communication through TCP / IPCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

27, winlogon - winlogon.exeProcess InformationProcess File: winlogon or winlogon.exeProcess Name: Windows Logon ProcessDescription: The Windows NT Logon Utility handles user logonsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

28, winmgmt - winmgmt.exeProcess InformationProcess File: winmgmt or winmgmt.exeProcess Name: Windows Management ServiceDescription: The Windows Management Service handles requests for Windows Management Instrumentation data (WMI) from client applicationsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Yes

Ordinary process: 1, absr - absr.exeProcess InformationProcess File: absr or absr.exeProcess Name: Backdoor.Autoupder VirusDescription: This Process is create by the Backdoor.Autoupder VirusCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

2, agentsvr - agentsvr.exeProcess InformationProcess File: agentsvr or agentsvr.exeProcess Name: OLE automation serverDescription: OLE Automation Server is a Part of Microsoft AgentCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No3, aim - aim.exe - Process InformationProcess File : AIM OR AIM.EXEPROCESS NAME: AOL Instant MessengerDescription: AOL Instant Messenger IS An Online Chat and Instant Messaging ClientCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: NO

4, airsvcu - airsvcu.exeProcess InformationProcess File:. Airsvcu or airsvcu.exeProcess Name: Microsoft Media ManagerDescription: The Microsoft Media Manager loads at Startup and Indexes Files and Folders on the Harddrive It can be disabled from the Control Panel.Common Errors : N / Asystem Process: NO

5, alogserv - alogserv.exeProcess InformationProcess File: alogserv or alogserv.exeProcess Name: McAfee VirusScanDescription: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for VirusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

6, avconsol - avconsol.exeProcess InformationProcess File: avconsol or avconsol.exeProcess Name: McAfee VirusScanDescription: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for VirusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

7, avsynmgr - avsynmgr.exeProcess InformationProcess File: avsynmgr or avsynmgr.exeProcess Name: McAfee VirusScanDescription: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for VirusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

8, BCB - BCB.EXE - Process InformationProcess File: BCB OR BCB.EXEPROCESS NAME: BORLAND C BuilderDescription: Borland C BuilderCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: No

9, calc - calc.exeProcess InformationProcess File: calc or calc.exeProcess Name: CalculatorDescription: Microsoft Windows CalculatorCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No10, ccapp - ccapp.exeProcess InformationProcess File: ccapp or ccapp.exeProcess Name: Symantec Common ClientDescription: The Symantec Common Client Application Is Included with Norton Antivirus 2003 And Norton Personal FireWall 2003common Errors: N / Asystem Process: NO

11, charmap - charmap.exeProcess InformationProcess File: charmap or charmap.exeProcess Name: Windows Character MapDescription: The Microsoft Windows Character Map Utility Helps you find unusual CharactersCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

12, cidaemon - cidaemon.exeProcess InformationProcess File: cidaemon or cidaemon.exeProcess Name: Microsoft Indexing ServiceDescription: The Indexing Service runs in the background and catalogues files so that you can search for files containing a specific text stringCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: no

13, cisvc - cisvc.exeProcess InformationProcess File: cisvc or cisvc.exeProcess Name: Microsoft Index Service HelperDescription: The Microsoft Index Service Helper monitors the memory usage of Microsoft Indexing Service (cidaemon.exe) and automatically restarts cidaemon.exe if it Uses more Than 40MB of MemoryCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: NO

14, cmd - cmd.exeProcess InformationProcess File:. Cmd or cmd.exeProcess Name: Windows Command PromptMicrosoft Windows Command Prompt Unlike the old, cmd.exe is a 32bit command prompt used in WinNT / 2000 / XPDescription: Common Errors: N / Asystem Process: No

15, cmesys - cmesys.exeProcess InformationProcess File: cmesys or cmesys.exeProcess Name: Gator GAIN AdwareDescription: The Gator GAIN Adware is installed by certain free softwares and is an advertising spyware which runs in the background and displays advertisementsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No16, ctfmon - ctfmon.exeProcess InformationProcess File:. ctfmon or ctfmon.exeProcess Name: Alternative User Input ServicesDescription: Handles Alternative User Input text Processor (TIP) and the Microsoft Office Language Bar Ctfmon.exe provides text input support For Speech Recognition, Handwriting Recognition, Keyboard, Translation, And Other Alternative User Input TechnologiesCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: NO

17, ctsvccda - ctsvccda.exeProcess InformationProcess File: ctsvccda or ctsvccda.exeProcess Name: Create CD-ROM ServicesDescription: Creative Services for CD-ROM Access service in W9XCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

18, defwatch - defwatch.exeProcess InformationProcess File: defwatch or defwatch.exeProcess Name: Norton AntiVirusDescription: Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for virusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

19, devldr32 - devldr32.exeProcess InformationProcess File: devldr32 or devldr32.exeProcess Name: Create Device LoaderDescription: Creative Device Loader is a Create Soundblaster DriverCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

20, directcd - directcd.exeProcess InformationProcess File: directcd or directcd.exeProcess Name: Adaptec DirectCDDescription: Adaptec DirectCD is used to write / read files to / from DirectCD formatted CDs directly using the Windows FilemanagerCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

21, em_exec - em_exec.exeProcess InformationProcess File: em_exec or em_exec.exeProcess Name: Logitech Mouse SettingsDescription: The Logitech MouseWare Trayicon from which you can access the Control Panel Mouse properties and the MouseWare helpCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No22, findfast - findfast.exeProcess InformationProcess File: findfast or findfast.exeProcess Name: Microsoft Office IndexingDescription: The Microsoft Office Indexing process is Used by Microsoft Office applications to index Office Documents to speed up search operationsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

23, gmt - gmt.exeProcess InformationProcess File: gmt or gmt.exeProcess Name: Gator Spyware ComponentDescription: The Gator Spyware Component is installed with Gator and is started when you open GatorCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

24, hh - hh.exeProcess InformationProcess File: hh or hh.exeProcess Name: Windows HelpThe Windows Help Program is used to open Help files and Documentation included with many Windows ProgramsDescription: Common Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

25, hidserv - hidserv.exeProcess InformationProcess File: hidserv or hidserv.exeProcess Name: Microsoft Human Interface Device Audio ServiceDescription: Backround Service which provides support for USB Audio Devices and USB Multimedia keyboardsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

26, iexplore - iexplore.exeProcess InformationProcess File: iexplore or iexplore.exeProcess Name: Internet ExplorerDescription: The Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Browser is used to Browse the World Wide Web through HTTPCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

27, irmon - irmon.exeProcess InformationProcess File: irmon or irmon.exeProcess Name: Windows Infrared Port MonitorDescription: The Windows IRMon Process Monitors the Infrared port activityCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No28, loadqm - loadqm.exe - Process InformationProcess File: loadqm or loadqm.exeProcess Name: MSN Queue Manager LoaderDescription: The MSN Queue Manager Loader is installed with MSN Explorer and MSN Messenger It can somtimes use a lot of system resourcesCommon Errors:. N / ASystem Process: No

29, loadwc - loadwc.exeProcess InformationProcess File: loadwc or loadwc.exeProcess Name: Load WebCheckDescription: Load WebCheck customizes some of the settings in Internet Explorer, adds, removes, and updates subscriptions and propagates settings for user profilesCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: No

30, mad - mad.exeProcess InformationProcess File: mad or mad.exeProcess Name: System Attendant ServiceDescription: The System Attendant Service for Microsoft Exchange Server runs in the background and is needed by Microsoft Exchange Server It loads DLLs for Microsoft Exchange,. Writes log message and generates the offline address bookscommon errors: n / askLRORS: NO

31, mcshield - mcshield.exeProcess InformationProcess File: mcshield or mcshield.exeProcess Name: McAfee VirusScanDescription: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for VirusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

32, Mgabg - Mgabg.exe - Process InformationProcess File: mgabg or mgabg.exeprocess Name: Matrox Bios GuardDescription: Matrox Bios Guard ProcessCommon Errors: N / Asystem Process: NO

33, mmc - mmc.exeProcess InformationProcess File: mmc or mmc.exeProcess Name: Windows Disk DefragmenterDescription: Windows Disk Defragmenter is used to Defragment fragmented Harddrives for increased PerformanceCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No34, mobsync - mobsync.exe - Process InformationProcess File: mobsync or mobsync.exeProcess Name: Microsoft Synchronization ManagerDescription: Part of Internet Explorer which runs in the background and handles the View Pages Offline "featureCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

35, msbb - msbb.exeProcess InformationProcess File: msbb or msbb.exeProcess Name: MSBB Web3000 Spyware ApplicationDescription: The MSBB Web3000 Spyware Application is included with some adware products and is started from the registry when Windows is loadedCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: no

36, msdtc - msdtc.exeProcess InformationProcess File: msdtc or msdtc.exeProcess Name: Distributed Transaction CoordinatorDescription: The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator handles transactions across multiple servers and is installed by Microsoft Personal Web Server and Microsoft SQL ServerCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: no

37, msiexec - msiexec.exeProcess InformationProcess File: msiexec or msiexec.exeProcess Name: Windows Installer ComponentDescription: Windows Installer Component which is used to install new programs that uses Windows Installer package files (MSI) Common Errors: N / ASystem Process: NO

38, msimn - msimn.exeProcess InformationProcess File: msimn or msimn.exeProcess Name: Microsoft Outlook ExpressDescription: Microsoft Outlook Express is an Email and Newsgroup Client included with Microsoft WindowsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

39, msmsgs - msmsgs.exeProcess InformationProcess File: msmsgs or msmsgs.exeProcess Name: MSN Messenger Traybar ProcessDescription: MSN Messenger is an Online Chat and Instant Messaging ClientCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No40, msoobe - msoobe.exe - Process InformationProcess File: msoobe or msoobe.exeProcess Name: Windows Product ActivationDescription: Windows Product Activation is used to Active an Windows XP LicenseCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

41, mspmspsv - mspmspsv.exeProcess InformationProcess File: mspmspsv or mspmspsv.exeProcess Name: WMDM PMSP ServiceDescription: Helper Service needed installed by Windows Media Player 7Common Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

42, navapsvc - navapsvc.exeProcess InformationProcess File: navapsvc or navapsvc.exeProcess Name: Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect ServiceDescription: Norton AntiVirus scans you files and email for virusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

43, navapw32 - navapw32.exeProcess InformationProcess File: navapw32 or navapw32.exeProcess Name: Norton AntiVirus AgentDescription: Norton AntiVirus scans you files and email for virusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

44, ndetect - ndetect.exeProcess InformationProcess File: ndetect or ndetect.exeProcess Name: ICQ Ndetect AgentDescription: The ICQ Ndetect Agent is used by ICQ to detect an Internet ConnectionCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

45, notepad - notepad.exeProcess InformationProcess File: notepad or notepad.exeProcess Name: NotepadDescription: The Notepad Text Editor is used to Open Text Documents and is included with WindowsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

46, ntbackup - ntbackup.exeProcess InformationProcess File: ntbackup or ntbackup.exeProcess Name: Windows BackupDescription: The Windows Backup Utility is used to backup files and foldersCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No47, ntvdm - ntvdm.exe - Process InformationProcess File: ntvdm or ntvdm.exeProcess Name: Windows 16-bit Virtual MachineDescription: The Windows Virtual Machine for 16-bit Windows and Dos programs is used to run dos programs and old Windows programs inside a virtual machineCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

48, nvsvc32 - nvsvc32.exeProcess InformationProcess File: nvsvc32 or nvsvc32.exeProcess Name: NVIDIA Driver Helper ServiceDescription: NVIDIA Driver Helper Service is installed by NVIDIA Graphics Card DriversCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

49, nwiz - nwiz.exeProcess InformationProcess File: nwiz or nwiz.exeProcess Name: NVIDIA nView Control PanelDescription: NVIDIA nView Control Panel is installed by NVIDIA Graphics Card Drivers provides desktop layout settings and optimizationsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

50, osa - osa.exeProcess InformationProcess File: osa or osa.exeProcess Name: Office Startup AssistantDescription: The Microsoft Office Startup Assistant is loaded at Startup and improves performance by handling automation, office fonts, certain office commands and Outlook notificationsCommon Errors: N / asystem process: no

51, powerpnt - powerpnt.exeProcess InformationProcess File: powerpnt or powerpnt.exeProcess Name: Microsoft PowerPointDescription: Microsoft PowerPoint is a Presentation Program included with Microsoft OfficeCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

52, pstores - pstores.exeProcess InformationProcess File: pstores or pstores.exeProcess Name: Protected Storage ServiceDescription: The Microsoft Protected Storage Service handles Protected Storage PasswordsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No53, qttask - qttask.exe - Process InformationProcess File : qttask or qttask.exeprocess name: Quick Time TRY ICONDESBLES You to Start Quick Time From The System TRAYCOMMON ERRORS: N / Asystem Process: NO

54, rnaapp - rnaapp.exeProcess InformationProcess File: rnaapp or rnaapp.exeProcess Name: Windows Modem ConnectionDescription: The Windows Modem Connection Process handles dial-up modem connectionsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

55, rtvscan - rtvscan.exeProcess InformationProcess File: rtvscan or rtvscan.exeProcess Name: Norton AntiVirusDescription: Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for virusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

56, rundll32 - rundll32.exeProcess InformationProcess File: rundll32 or rundll32.exeProcess Name: Windows RUNDLL32 HelperDescription: The Windows Rundll32 Program is used to run DLLs as programs and is used by many programs to execute functions located in a DLL fileCommon Errors: N / asystem process: no

57, sndrec32 - sndrec32.exeProcess InformationProcess File: sndrec32 or sndrec32.exeProcess Name: indows Sound RecorderDescription: The Windows Sound Recorder is used to play and record sound files (.wav) Common Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

58, spoolss - spoolss.exeProcess InformationProcess File: spoolss or spoolss.exeProcess Name: Printer Spooler SubsystemDescription: The Windows Printer Spooler Subsystem controls despooling of Printer data from Disk to PrinterCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No59, starter - starter. exe - Process InformationProcess File: starter or starter.exeProcess Name: Creative Labs Ensoniq Mixer Tray iconDescription: Tray Icon for opening the Creative Sound Mixer installed with Creative Soundcards (Soundblaster) Common Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

60, systray - systray.exeProcess InformationProcess File: systray or systray.exeProcess Name: Windows Power ManagementDescription: The Windows power management process handles Energy saving functions and is loaded at startupCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

61, tapisrv - tapisrv.exeProcess InformationProcess File: tapisrv or tapisrv.exeProcess Name: TAPI ServiceDescription: Background Service which provides Windows Telephony (TAPI) SupportCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

62, userinit - userinit.exeProcess InformationProcess File: userinit or userinit.exeProcess Name: UserInit ProcessDescription: The UserInit program runs logon scripts, reestablishes network connections and starts the ShellCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

63, vptray - vptray.exeProcess InformationProcess File: vptray or vptray.exeProcess Name: Norton AntiVirusDescription: Norton Anti-Virus scans you files and email for virusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

64, vshwin32 - vshwin32.exeProcess InformationProcess File: vshwin32 or vshwin32.exeProcess Name: McAfee VirusScanDescription: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for VirusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No65, vsmon - vsmon .exe - Process InformationProcess File: vsmon or vsmon.exeProcess Name: True Vector Internet MonitorDescription: The True Vector Internet Monitor is a component of the ZoneAlarm Personal FireWall which monitors internet traffic and generates alertsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

66, vsstat - vsstat.exeProcess InformationProcess File: vsstat or vsstat.exeProcess Name: McAfee VirusScanDescription: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for VirusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

67, wab - wab.exeProcess InformationProcess File: wab or wab.exeProcess Name: Address BookThe Address Book stored email address and contact information and is used by OutlookDescription: Common Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

68, webscanx - webscanx.exeProcess InformationProcess File: webscanx or webscanx.exeProcess Name: McAfee VirusScanDescription: McAfee VirusScan is an Anti-Virus program which Scans your Files and Emails for VirusesCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

69, winoa386 - winoa386.modProcess InformationProcess File: winoa386 or winoa386.modProcess Name: MS-DOS ConsoleDescription: The Windows MS-DOS Console provides DOS console and script funtions in WindowsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

71, WinRoute - WinRoute.exe - Process InformationProcess File: WinRoute or WinRoute.exeprocess Name: WinROUTEDESCRIPTION: WINROUTE IS A FIREWALL / ROUTER / CO

70, winproj - winproj.exeProcess InformationProcess File: winproj or winproj.exeProcess Name: Microsoft ProjectDescription: Microsoft Project is a Project planning programCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: Nonnection sharing software for WindowsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

72, wkcalrem - wkcalrem.exeProcess InformationProcess File: wkcalrem or wkcalrem.exeProcess Name: Microsoft Works Calendar ReminderDescription: The Microsoft Works Calendar Reminders Background process shows popup reminders for scheduled events in your Works CalendarCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

73, wkqkpick - wkqkpick.exeProcess InformationProcess File: wkqkpick or wkqkpick.exeProcess Name: WinZip traybar iconDescription: The WinZip traybar icon allows you to start WinZip from the traybarCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

74, wordpad - wordpad.exeProcess InformationProcess File: wordpad or wordpad.exeProcess Name: WordpadDescription: Wordpad is a text editor used to open and edit txt and rtf documentsCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process: No

75, wowexec - wowexec.exeProcess InformationProcess File: wowexec or wowexec.exeProcess Name: Windows On Windows Execution ProcessDescription: Windows On Windows Execution Support Process provides support for 16-bit Windows applications together with ntvdm.exeCommon Errors: N / ASystem Process : NO


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