Implementation of special fonts in VC

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  114

ü Font: gradient word, hollow word, stereo word, rotating word

Gradient word:

// Get the client area device context of the window

CClientDC DC (this);

/ / Change the current font

Logfont LF;

Dc.getCurrentFont () -> GetLogFont (& lf);


Lf.lfcharset = 134;

Lf.lfheight = -150;

Lf.lfwidth = 0;


Font.createFontIndirect (& lf);

PoldFont = Dc.selectObject (& font);

Dc.setbkmode (transparent);

/ / Change the current brush is empty

CPEN PEN (PS_NULL, 1, RGB (255, 0, 0)), * PoldPen;

Poldpen = dc.selectObject (& pen);

/ / Change the current brush

CBRUSH Br, * Poldbrush;

Poldbrush = dc.selectObject (& br);

// Start a path

Dc.beginpath ();

DC.Textout (10, 10, "Gradient");

Dc.Endpath ();

// Draw gradient effect

Dc.selectclippath (RGN_COPY);

For (int i = 255; i> 0; I -)


INT IRADIUS = (600 * i) / 255;

Dc.selectObject (Poldbrush);

Br.DeleteObject ();

Br.createsolidbrush (RGB (255, i, 0));

Dc.SelectObject (& Br);

Dc.ellipse (-iradius, -iradius / 3, iradius, iracius / 3);


/ / Restore the original settings of the device context

Dc.selectObject (PoldFont);

Dc.selectObject (Poldpen);

Dc.selectObject (Poldbrush);

Hollow word:

// Get the client area device context of the window

CClientDC DC (this);

/ / Change the current font

Logfont LF;

Dc.getCurrentFont () -> GetLogFont (& lf);

CFONT font;

CFont * PoldFont; / / Save the font object that initially used in the device

Lf.lfcharset = 134;

Lf.lfheight = -150;

Lf.lfwidth = 0;


Font.createFontIndirect (& lf);

PoldFont = Dc.selectObject (& font);

Dc.setbkmode (transparent);

/ / Change the current brush

CPEN PEN (PS_SOLID, 1, RGB (255, 0, 0));


Poldpen = dc.selectObject (& pen);

// Start a path

Dc.beginpath ();

Dc.TextOut (10, 130, "hollow word");

Dc.Endpath ();

// Draw the path


/ / Restore the original settings of the device context

Dc.selectObject (PoldFont);

Dc.selectObject (Poldpen);

Stereo: Generally does not use the default font settings when implementing 3D text, but by setting the 3D text generated in the font, the 3D text is visually more beautiful // obtains the window of the window device context handle

CClientDC DC (this);

/ / Define font properties

Logfont LF;

Lf.lfheight = 50;

Lf.lfwidth = 0;

Lf.LFEScapement = 0;

Lf.LForientation = 0;

Lf.lfweight = fw_heavy;

Lf.lfitalic = false;

Lf.lfunderline = false;

Lf.lfstrikeout = false;

Lf.lfcharset = GB2312_CHARSET;

STRCPY (LF.Lffacename, "Young Round");

// Create a font

CFONT font;

Font.createFontIndirect (& lf);

/ / Change the current font

CFont * PoldFont = DC.SelectObject (& font);

// Draw font

Dc.setbkmode (transparent);

Dc.SetTextColor (:: getSyscolor (color_3ddkshadow);

Dc.Textout (10, 10, "stereo words");

Dc.SetTextColor (:: getSyscolor (color_3dhilight));

Dc.Textout (13, 7, "stereo");

/ / Restore the original settings of the device context

Dc.selectObject (PoldFont);

Rotating word: By setting the inclination angle of the font and the x-axis (one-tenth of one is one unit)

// Get the client area device context of the window

CClientDC DC (this);

/ / Define font properties

Logfont LF;

Lf.lfheight = 50;

Lf.lfwidth = 0;

Lf.LFESCAPEMENT = 300; // Tilt 30 degrees, one tenth

Lf.LForientation = 0;

Lf.lfweight = fw_heavy;

Lf.lfitalic = false;

Lf.lfunderline = false;

Lf.lfstrikeout = false;

Lf.lfcharset = GB2312_CHARSET;

STRCPY (LF.Lffacename, "Young Round");

// Create a font

CFONT font;

Font.createFontIndirect (& lf);

/ / Change the current font

CFont * PoldFont = DC.SelectObject (& font);

// Draw font

Dc.setbkmode (transparent);

Dc.SetTextColor (RGB (255, 0, 0));

Dc.TextOut (10,300, "rotating font");

/ / Restore the original settings of the device context








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