Time management with results-oriented

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  117

The reason why people are successful, time management is a key factor. If we want to succeed, we must make our time management better. To manage time, the most important thing is to do good orientation Target management. The following is the point management point.

First, time management psychology

(1) Psychological construction: To manage time, basically must be self-psychological construction. (1) Desire: You have to do things well, time management is a strong desire; (2) Decided: decided to achieve the goal of working management; (3) Drilling: Time management is a skill, concept and behavior A gap must often go to exercises, in order to develop good habits; (4) determined: Decline to continue to learn until it can be used.

(2) Time = Money = Life: Even time> Money, it is more important than money than money. If time management is good, you can achieve self-ideal, establish a self-image, and further enhance your self-value. Everyone should regard himself as a time-managed door, and strive to continue to learn. If you can save 2 hours a week, at least 10 hours can save more than 500 hours a week, productivity can increase by 25%. Everyone has 24 hours a day, while the successful person's productivity is obviously more than a general person.

(3) A sense of accomplishment: The key to causing motives is the sense of accomplishment. To achieve a thing, be guided by the goal, will do things well, grasp the "present", focus on "Today", every minute must be well grasped. A leader, there are two key, the first is to work performance, to have the ability to complete the work, not only emphasize its efforts or not, the second is to pay attention to the results, everything must be oriented, make results Come. Time management is better, can make people more satisfied, happier, earn more wealth, and self-value is higher.

Second, strategic target settings

(1) Turn on the standard, go all out: such as a scales, must have a target, which will be shot. Similarly, if life is not a target, only the environmental impact is approved, not its own environment. According to Yale University, only 3% of students make their own goals, while other students don't. After a long study, it is pointed out that the 3% of the goals have been settled, and its achievements far exceed the sum of the remaining 97% of students.

(2) The three reasons for the average people do not want to set their goals: (1) Fear: What should I do if I don't do it? There will be a feeling of failure; (2) Non-this Will: Why set a goal, you can have a good time; (3) Mistake action as achievement: Busy is busy every day, it seems to have a sense of accomplishment. In fact, the action is not equal to the achievement, and there is a result, so it is necessary to set the achievement goal.

(3) The principle of target settings: (1) The goal should be specific, such as "I want to upgrade the professor, when the director, the master's degree"; (2) The goal must be measurable; (3) Goal is possible to implement (4) The goal is to fit the actual; (5) Be sure to set the schedule.

(4) Seven steps for the goal of Yale University: (1) First discover the goals you expect; (2) List the benefits: What is the benefit of this goal? If you have a goal, you want to buy a house, column You have those benefits to you; (3) List possible barriers: You have to achieve this goal of obstacles, may be insufficient, capable ability, one by one; (4) List the required information: Thinking It takes those knowledge, assistance, training, etc .; (5) List the object seeking support: In general, it is difficult to reach the target, so it should be listed on the object of seeking support; (6) A order schedule: Be sure to have an action plan; (7) set the deadline for the target. (5) Four steps to stand a standard: (1) Eliminate fear: Don't worry, the target is necessary; (2) I have to have "target" ideas in each person; (3) Complete Yale University Seven Steps; (4) Adhere to the goal: If you don't persist, if you have a setback, the blow is thus abandoned, it will never reach a predetermined goal. A person who wants to pursue success must persist, never give up, will succeed in achieving goals, such as Edison constantly trying and insisting, and finally reached the goal.

(6) Target management: A person needs to set goals in three aspects: (1) Personal and family: This is the cause of your life; (2) career and financial goals: This is your method; (3) personal development And professional development: This is your results.

(7) The step of the target setting: (1) Write a target: Usually use it or not enough, be sure to write your goals, to deepen the impression, enter our subconscious; (2) Set priority sequence: Goal There are many, be sure to schedule priority; (3) Download precedent to prepare a plan according to the target; (4) Set the priority level and the order of the plan; (5) scheduled a table; 6) Do it, do it right away.

(8) Strategic Target Settings: (1) You will need six months, one year, three years, five years, ten years, and the goal of life: Even if you want to come to your tombstone to engage in those words. This is the goal of life; (2) remove obstacles; (3) seeking cooperation; (4) Enrich knowledge; (5) Determine key steps; (6) human beings greatly: great dreams, make them achieve (7) Rewrite your goals every morning, review these goals every night: Do this every day, this will enter our subconscious.

Third, set priority

(1) Everyone has a lot of things every day to do, to set the priority for effective time management; set priority is a rapid promotion of the personality characteristics; (2) According to Plaity 80 / 20 Law: In daily work, 20% of things can determine 80% of the results;

(3) The goal must match each other with life, and the values ​​of the career is in line with each other: so not to waste our strength;

(4) Development expertise, engaged in high-value activities: there is no low value activity, which will corrode our energy and spirit as much as possible;

(5) To set priority, it will be urgent, not urgent, and important. It is not important to divide the four major categories. The average person is used to cope with many emergency and important things, but will go to do some seemingly urgent facts. Not very important, I don't know what I am busy all day. In fact, the most important thing is to do important but it doesn't seem urgently, such as reading, training, etc. If you don't give it, you will not be easy to reach.

Set the priority, you can divide the things into five categories: a = must do; b = things should be done; C = measurement; D = can entrust someone else to do something; E = should delete jobs. It is best to do things in Class A and Class B.

How should time use to use the most valuable? An important concept is to do right and important things, rather than doing things! The habit of the average person is whether it is correct, and only knows the way, it is wrong. Only things that work to do "right" will have high capacity, there must be courageous qualities, refused, nothing, don't refuse.

Forget the past, and try hard. Focus on what opportunities currently, try to grasp, there must be time. The real success is an attitude, that is, there must be successful ideas, desires, determination, and have enough time to do an important thing every day.

Fourth, planning and organization

(1) Keep neatness to enhance our self-worth, self-image and self-dignity. For example, keep the desktop clean, make an invigible immediately, do things only once, the hand is five, six times to complete it, it is very wasting time, do it as much as possible, if you can prepare it, you can master the time .

(2) Document processing process: (1) throwing: I don't have to throw away; (2) Transfer: (3) Action: Important things must be done immediately; (4) Archive: There is a value of use and the important thing is archived, and the archived data of about 80% -90% statistics will not be used again. If you can't find the files you want within five minutes, it is a bad archive system, so it is necessary to organize the file for some time and lose the unnecessary file.

(3) The key to success: (1) Perseverance, patient continuous work until it is completed; (2) finish the work, give yourself a moderate compensation and reward; (3) spend a minute of time planning, save 4 minutes Implementation time; (4) organized archives system; (5) attach importance to planning: good at using the inner and external peak moment: Inner peak moment refers to the best thing to do with your spirit; external peak moment It means that you must master the most empty time of others; (6) List the list of work; (7) Thirty-percent law: the time required for the average person is usually exceeded when More than 30%; (8) Good plus planning can reduce the pressure; (9) exercises will result in perfection; (10) Do not manufacture excuses, to work with the work. 5. Improve productivity

(1) The average person uses only 50% of the ability to work;

(2) Develop a clean habit of environment and desktop; focus on work, concentrate on work;

(3) Working with a whole period, finding a time for at least 30 minutes or 1 hour, not being disturbed, do an important thing;

(4) It is necessary to have perseverance, one is completed; once processing is completed, it will not waste time;

(5) When working interruption, there must be the driving force of "going back";

(6) There must be a completion of work, and end the work of work: Don't only have more than half everything;

(7) Maintain high productivity limbs: sitting tall chest, make a very spiritual look, so productivity will naturally improve;

(8) Concentrate on its own advantages, play our own expertise;

(9) Set the deadline for completing the work;

(10) Reaching the commitment to others.

6. Effective project management

(1) When there is a performance in work and time management, it may be assigned more work, effective project management (organizational and execution capabilities) will be the key to success, including (1) multiple Workpiece: If you can do multiple workplaces, you can represent your ability; (2) Standards and organizations: There must be a good grant and organization in advance; (3) Defining ideals RESULTS: For example, if you want to have an ideal results of the Director, the Director and others, and the lively scenes; (4) Set the completion period: Anything must set a deadline to complete it; (5) list Complete work list; (6) Determination of the steps: See those things will affect the results, want to solve; (7) management of multiple working plans can be done according to sequencing or parallel law; (8) Assignment and authorization: It's too much, it is impossible to be a person who is a person. Some things must be assigned to others; (9) Check: When things are assigned to others, be sure to do the operation of the test, check whether the other party is in accordance with themselves Ideal to do; (10) risk estimation and alternative: To assess risk, if there is a failure, there is other scheme to be replaced. (2) Ink Non-Law: (1) Any error will be wrong; (2) When an error is wrong, it is always the most impossible place; (3) No matter how much time you estimate, the test is completed Over the deadline; (4) whether you estimate how much overhead you estimated, the cost of the plan will exceed the budget; (5) Before you do anything, you must do some ready to work.

(3) Cui West Law: (1) Any work of any work and its number of execution steps are proportional to: For example, 3 execution steps are completed, the difficultness of this work is 9, but complete another work 5 execution steps, the difficulty of this work is 25, so you must simplify the workflow; (2) Simplified work is the common qualitilization of all success supervisors, the more simplified work, the more you don't have problems.

Seven, eliminate time killer

The so-called time killer is a waste of time, such as :( 1) Telephone interference: The average person is used to chatting after answering the phone, so it is a waste of time; (2) Situation: Don't be held as much as possible, there must be started on time And the end, it is necessary to plan to work well; (3) Numerous guest: Temporary someone knocks on the door, spend a few minutes, so try to spend a few minutes; (4) Fire: That is always In an emergency; (5) delay habits; (6) hesitating; (7) Excessive commitment; (8) personal organization capacity; (9) lack of destination; (11) lack of priority; (11) The lack of completion period; (12) Poor authorization capacity; (13) power or responsibility definitely unclear; (14) lacks required resources.

To eliminate time killer, you must clarify the focus of work: focus on work, then make a choice. Usually I am a time killer, try to control myself.

Eight, overcome the habit of delay

(1) There is a good organization; (2) start working by important things; (3) establish a compensatory schedule; (4) cultivate an urgent awareness; (5) work in fast pace; (6) Once start Don't stop; (7) Set a specific time work; (8) Starting from the worst thing; (9) Detailed plan; (10) Do not find the excuse; (11) Set the deadline. Nine, authorization and communication

(1) 75% of the working hours are spending with people; (2) the most wasteful time in the world is a bad interpersonal relationship; (3) Do you succeed in professional life, percent 84 Decided to communicate effectively with others; (4) breaking every communication is not clear; (5) bad authorization is the main factor for waste time; (6) You communicate with the boss, Make a clear you want to communicate? (7) To make yourself a way to resolve the way; (8) To be authorized to be handled out; (9) To teach your subordinates, how to do your work (10) To fight for resources to help you.

Ten, time management philosophy

(1) Cultivate personal management philosophy; (2) There is a great vision; (3) To have delayed satisfaction; (4) Cultivate personal qualities, self-drill in action; (5) Learn microsight Take time in every minute; (6) How to say "not"; (7) to remember the time equal to money; (8) To measure every one, you are looking forward to doing Things; (9) Complete higher value; (10) Time management is a lifetime; (11) guiding your subordinating in an example; (12) Balance and moderation: relax, take vacation and exercise; 13) Determine your goals and value; (14) Regular health check; (15) Eat light food; (16) decided to live to 100 years old.


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