Updated: August 12, 2004
Load Order GroupAltitude RangeAltitudeCompanyMinifilterDescription (Optional) Date Allocated Filter 420000-429999 FSFilter Top 400000-409999 405000 Microsoft dfsdriver.sys DFS reparse point handler 05/08/2003 FSFilter Activity Monitor 360000-389999 385000 Microsoft (IFS Kit Sample) minispy.sys (Top ) Displays File I / O Operation 05/08/2003 371000 Microsoft (IFS Kit Sample) CDO.SYS Control Device Object 05/08/2003 370900 Microsoft (IFS Kit Sample) CTX.sys Context 05/08/2003 370800 Microsoft (IFS Kit Sample) fmm.sys Metadata Manager 05/08/2003 370400 Microsoft (IFS Kit Sample) passThrough.sys Pass Through Filter 05/08/2003 370300 Microsoft (IFS Kit Sample) nullFilter.sys Template Filter 05/08/2003 370000 Microsoft (IFS Kit Sample) Minispy.sys (Middle) Displays File I / O Operation 05/08/2003 365000 Microsoft (IFS Kit Sample) MINISPY.SYS (BOTTOM) Displays File I / O Operation 05/08/2003 fsfilter Undelete 340000- 3 49999 FSFilter Anti-Virus 320000-329999 FSFilter Replication 300000-309999 304000 Legato replistor.sys Replication filter 06/08/2004 FSFilter Continuous Backup 280000-289999 FSFilter Content Screener 260000-269999 265000 Microsoft (IFS Kit Sample) scanner.
sys File Data Scanner 05/08/2003 FSFilter Quota Management 240000-249999 FSFilter System Recovery 220000-229999 FSFilter Cluster File System 200000-209999 FSFilter HSM 180000-189999 FSFilter Compression 160000-169999 FSFilter Encryption 140000-149999 141000 Microsoft (IFS Kit Sample) swapBuffers.sys Swaps read / write buffers 05/08/2003 FSFilter Physical Quota management 120000-129999 FSFilter Open File 100000-109999 FSFilter Security Enhancer 80000-89999 FSFilter Copy Protection 60000-69999 FSFilter Bottom 40000-49999 FSFilter System 20000-29999Updated: July 30, 2004
A filter driver's load order group specifies the relative order in which drivers are loaded. A minifilter driver's altitude defines its position relative to other minifilters in the I / O stack. This table lists file system minifilter driver altitude ranges for each load order group.
Load Order GroupsAltitudeClass GUID Filter 420000-429999