APACH2.0.44 + PHP4.3.1 + mysql3.22.32 installation articles

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  121

First, the software download separately downloads the software below: Apache-2.0.43 (www.apache.org) PHP-4.2.3 (www.php.net) mysql-3.23.53 (www.mysql.com) II, ready to install Place all the source code of all software Under the directory / home / src, install the directory as / server, download the source package after downloading In / root directory, do the following: mkdir / home / srcmkdir / servergroupadd MySQLUSERADD -G mysql - D / home / mysql mysql // Established mysql group and user CD / home / srctar zxvf /Root/mysql-3.23.53.tar.gztar zxvf / ROOT/HTTPD-2.0.43.TAR.GZTAR ZXVF / ROOT / PHP- 4.2.3.tar.gz III. Install the configuration process Use the VI to edit a shell file, the content is as follows: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ CD /Home/src/mysql-3.23.53./configure --prefix = / server / mysqlmakemake install / server / mysql / bin / mysql_install_dbchown -r root / server / mysqlchgrp -r mysql / server / mysqlchown -r root / server / mysql / binchgrp -r mysql / server / mysql / binchown -r root / server / mysql / varchgrp -r mysql / server / mysql / varchmod 777 / server / mysql / varchown -r root / server / mysql / var / mysqlchgrp -r mysql / server / mysql / var / mysqlchmod 777 / server / mysql / var / mysqlchown -r root / server / mysql / var / mysql / * chgrp -r mysql / server / mysql / var / Mysql / * chmod 777 / server / mysql / var / mysql / * chmod 777 / Ver / mysql / lib / mysql / libmysqlclient.a # Install mysql-3.23.53cd /home/src/httpd-2.0.43./configure --prefix = / server / apache --enable-somakemake install # install Apache-2.0. 43CD /HOME/SRC/php-4.2.3./configure --with-mysql = / server / mysql --with-apxs2 = / server / apache / bin / apxs / - eable-track-vars --enable- FORCE-CGI-Redirect --Nable-PIC / - Enable-Inline-Optimiation --Nable-Memory-Limit --Nable-bcmath / - enable-shmop --enable-versioning / -enable-calendar --enable- DBX --Nable-Dio --Nable-Mcal / - with-config-file-path = / server / apache / confmakemake installcp php.ini-dist /server/apache/conf/php.ini # Install PHP-4.2. 3, some of the above modules can not be used, - with-config-file-path =


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