xiaoxiao2021-03-06  127

Who should use JNDI? Any Java application that needs to access information about users, machines, networks, and services. User information includes security credentials, telephones, email addresses, communication addresses, and application preferences. Machine information includes network addresses, machine configurations, and the like. Alternatively, any Java application that needs to export objects or objects that need to access objects exported to other applications or services. Such examples include print programs, calendars, and networking file systems.

Can I use JNDI now?

Yes, Sun Microsystems has been published as a Java Standard Extension. Sun Microsystems also releases seamlessly inserted a seamlessly inserted a service provider behind JNDI (such as LDAP, NIS, CORBA (COS) Naming and files). These service providers and other providers of service providers can get from the download.

Where is JNDI to use in the Java platform?

HotJava Views 1.1 uses JNDI to access LDAP. Enterprise API like Enterprise JavaBeans, Java Message Service, JDBC 2.0 uses JNDI for naming and directory purposes. RMI Over IIOP applications can use JNDI to access the CORBA (COS) naming service.

Who will provide JNDI implementation?

When writing this article, IBM, Novell, Sun and WebLogic have provided service providers for JNDI. We maintain a list of publicly available service providers.

Which protocols provide interfaces for JNDI?

JNDI itself is independent of any specific directory access protocol. A separate service provider determines the supported protocol. There will be a popular protocol provided by different vendors (such as LDAP, NDS, DNS, and NIS (YP)) provider implementation.

What is the relationship between JNDI and LDAP?

JNDI provides an excellent object-oriented abstraction of directory and naming. Developers use JNDI to develop queries using LDAP or other access protocols to retrieve results; but they are not limited to LDAP, nor do they need to develop applications related to LDAP. JNDI supports key features in LDAP V3.

What is the relationship between JAVA LDAP API of JNDI and Netscape?

Netscape's API is LDAP. It is used to access the low level of the LDAP directory. It exposes the details of the agreement that is generally unpredictable. JNDI is a normal directory API of the Java program. It is similar to the Java.IO.file class for accessing the file. There may be some administrative programs (such as NFS) that need to be handled in the protocol level, but all Java applications generally use the FILE class to access the file system. Similarly, most Java programs should use JNDI to access the directory. Applications that require directory content in the protocol level may choose to use the Netscape's API.

What is the relationship between JNDI's CORBA standard for Namg's OMG?

Java CORBA applications can use JNDI to access the CORBA (COS) name service, and other naming services and directory services. It provides an interface to access all of these naming services and directory services.

By using JNDI, Java CORBA applications can also store object references using distributed enterprise services such as LDAP.

What is the relationship between JNDI and Microsoft ADSI?

The Java Adsi package allows Java programs to access Active Directory based on COM models. Although it can be used to access other directories, it is a Windows-centric solution.

JNDI provides Java applications to use the Java object model to access the directory, regardless of these applications run on Windows or access Active Directory. For example, you can handle an object such as AWT and JavaBeans Components, bind them to the directory, and then return to find them without doing any conversion or processing data representation.

What is XFN, how is it related to JNDI?

XFN is X / Open Federated Naming, which is a C-based standard, which is used to access multiple naming services and directory services that are likely to alliance. The programmer familiar with XFN will find that it is easy to use JNDI.

What is safety?

Different directory have different ways to treat security. JNDI allows applications to work with directory-specific security systems. In the future, JNDI-based applications will be able to develop an advantage of any single sign-on mechanism developed by the Java platform.


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