Command format:
PING IP address -L byte
Note: L is the letter L in the command above, not a number 1
Net speed is equal to ≈ (send byte / returned time [milliseconds]) k bytes
The result of the above calculation is byte, not what we usually say (BPS)
Such as:
C: / documents and settings / administrator> ping -l 1000
Pinging with 1000 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes = 1000 time = 38ms TTL = 251Reply from bytes = 1000 time = 38ms TTL = 251Reply from bytes = 1000 time = 38ms TTL = 251Reply from bytes = 1000 Time = 38ms TTL = 251
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, LOST = 0 (0% LOSS), Approximate Round Trip Times in Milli-Seconds: minimum = 38ms, Maximum = 38ms, Average = 38ms
According to the above sent and returned information, the network speed of address is:
Net speed equal to ≈ (Send byte / return time [milliseconds]) k byte ≈1000 / 38k byte ≈26.32k bytes
Attachment: ping command help
C: / Documents and Settings / Administrator> ping /?
Usage: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i ttl] [-V TOS] [-r count] [-s count] [[-j host -List] | [-k host-list]] [-w timeout] [-r] [-s srcaddr] [-4] [-6] target_name
Options:... -T Ping the specified host until stopped To see statistics and continue - type Control-Break; To stop - type Control-C -a Resolve addresses to hostnames -n count Number of echo requests to send -l size. Send buffer size. -F set don't fragment flag in packet (ipv4-only). -I TTL TIME TO LIVE. -V TOS TYPE OF Service (IPv4-ONLY). -R Count Record Route for Count HOPS (IPv4- ONLY). -S Count TimeStamp for Count HOPS (IPv4-Only). -J Host-List Loose Source Route Along Host-List (IPv4-Only). -k Host-List Strict Source Route Along Host-List (IPv4-Only ). -W Timeout Timeout in MilliseConds to wait for Each reply. -R trace runk-trip path (ipv6-only). -4 force using ipv4. -4 force using IPv6.c: / documents and settings / administrator>