'/ * HTML source file content is as follows: * /
TD {font-size: 9pt}
Body {font-size: 9pt}
SELECT {font-size: 9pt}
A {text-decoration: none; color: # 003366; font-size: 9pt}
A: Hover {text-decoration: underline; color: # ff0000; font-size: 9pt}
Function Check (TT) {
IF (window.document.form1.selectmail.selectedIndIndex == 0) {
Alert ("Please select your mailbox server!")
Window.Document.form1.selectmail.focus ()
Return False
IF (tt.account.value == "") {
Alert ("Account cannot be empty! Please fill in.")
Tt.account.focus ()
Return False
IF (tt.account.value.Length <3) {
Alert ("Account length cannot be less than 3! Please fill in.")
Tt.account.focus ()
Return False
IF (tt.password.value == "") {
Alert ("The password cannot be empty! Please fill in.")
Tt.password.focus ()
Return False
IF (tt.password.value.length <3) {
Alert ("Password length cannot be less than 3! Please fill in.")
Tt.password.focus ()
Return False
Return True