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2 Lexical Conventions [Lex] 2.13 LITERALS [Lex.literal] 2 Legal agreement [lexical] 2.3 text quantity [lexical. Text quantity] There several kinds of literals.21) Litral: Integer-literal character-literal floating-literal string- Literal Boolean-Litral has several types of text volume. 21) Text quantities: integer - text quantity character - text volume floating point - text quantity string - text volume Boolean - text volume 2.13.1 Integer Literals [lex] 2.13 .1 integer text quantity [lexist. Integer constant] 2.13.2 Character Literals [lex.ccon] 2.13.2 Character text [lexist. Character constant] 2.3.3 floating literals [lex.fcon] 2.3.3 floating point text quantity [Lexist. Floating point constant] 2.13.4 string literals [lex.string] 2.13.4 string text [lexist. String] 2.13.5 Boolean Litrals [lex.bool] 2.13.5 Boolean text [lexical. Boolean 】 21) The Term "Literal" General Standard, Those tokens That Arector "IN ISO C. 21) The term" text volume "in this international standard, usually represents in ISO C "Constant" tag. Prev [lex.operators] | Next [lex.trigraph] Previous [lexist. Operator] | Next [lexical. Integer constant]