2.9 - [lex.ppnumber] - [lexing. Pre-processing)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  95

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2 Lexical Conventions [Lex] 2.9 PrepRocessing NumBers [Lex.ppnumber] 2 Less Law Conventions [Less Law] 2.9 Preprovisible Number [Less Law] PP-Number: Digit. Digit PP-Number Digit PP-Number Nondigit PP-NUMBER E Sign PP-NUMBER E Sign PP-Number. h-char-sequence: h-char H-char-sequence h-char H-char: Any Member of the Source Character Set Except new-line and> q-char-sequence: Q-char Q-char-sequence q-char q-char: Any Member of the source character set except new-line and "head - Name: " Q-character - sequence "H-character - Sequence: H-Character H-Character - Sequence H-Character H-Character: Any character in the source character set, in addition to the wrap and> Q-characters - sequence: Q-Character Q-character - sequence Q-Character Q-character: source Any character in the character set, in addition to the wrap and "PreProcessing Number token Lexical Include All Integral Literal tokens (2.13.1) and all floating literal tokens (2.13.3). Pre-processing Number tag contains all integer text volumes (2.13. 1) and all floating point parameters (2.13.3). A Preprocessing Number Does NOT HAVE A TYPE OR A VALUE; IT Acquires Both After A Successful Conversion (As Part of Translation Phase 7, 2.1) To an inTegral Literal token or a floating literal token. Pre-processing digital tags have no type or value; type Or the value will be successfully converted to integer or floating point text (as part of the seventh phase, 2.1) is obtained. 19) Thus, SEQUENCES OF CHARACTERS That Remble Escape Sequences Cause Undefined Behavior. 19) For example, the character sequence of the escape sequence will result in undefined behavior. Prev [Lex.Header] | Next [lex.name] Previous [lexist. First] | Next [Leading. Name]


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