We use the Serv-U OBDC function, you can exist of FTP user information in the database, which is much more convenient for Web operations. Servu password encryption algorithm is encrypted with MD5 32 bits, such as two random letters: AB user input password: 123456 The generated password is: MD5 (AB123456) 'MD5 code <% public function servu (strpass) Randomize AA = CHR (INT ((97 - 122 1) * RND () 122)) BB = LCase (INT (INT ((65 - 90 1) * RND () 90))) Servu = MD5 (AA & BB & STRPASS) Servu = AA & BB & Servu End Function Pass = Request ("MD5") IF LEN (PASS) = 0 Then Pass = "Serv-U Password Algorithm Demo "%>