Everyone knows that the K-line map of the stock website is the dynamically generated timing refresh PHP has the function of dynamically generating pictures.
So how do you use ASP.NET to generate a picture in the web page?
Below I want an example is a dynamic generation of a picture showing the current time
Namespace WMJ
Using system;
Using system.drawing;
Using system.Web.ui;
Public class mytempimage: Page
Public String CreateImage ()
String str = ();
Bitmap Image = New Bitmap (200, 30);
Graphics g = graphics.fromImage (image);
String thefullname = server.mappath ("/") "// NOWTIME.GIF";
g.clear (color.white);
G. DrawString (STR, New Font ("Courier New", 10), New Solidbrush (Color.Red), 20, 5);
// Graphics class also has a lot of drawing methods to draw straight lines, curves, circles, etc. (TheFullName, System.drawing.Imaging.imageformat.gif);
Return "/nowtime.gif";
<% @ Page language = "c #"%>
<% @ Import namespace = "wmj"%>
Void Page_Load (Object Sender, Eventargs E)
Mytempimage mytempimage = new mytempimage ();
Img1.src = mytempimage.createImage ();
Automatic refresh every 10 seconds ->