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/ **
* Translate "/" in the input string to "//"
* Translate single quotes "'" to double quotes "' '"
* Return Type: string
* /
Public static string escapesqltags (string infut) {
IF (Input! = null) {
// infut = replacestring (Input, "//", "
INPUT = ReplaceString (Input, "/ '", "/' / '");
Return INPUT;
/ **
* "<" ">" "&" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
* Translate into HTML display escape characters
* Return Type: string
* /
Public Static Final String EscapeHtmltags (String in) {
IF (in == NULL) {
Return NULL;
INT i = 0;
CHAR [] INPUT = in.tochararray ();
StringBuffer out = new stringbuffer ((int));
For (; i CH = INPUT [I]; IF (ch> '>') { CONTINUE; } else IF (CH == '<') { IF (i> last) { OUT.APPEND (Input, Last, I - Last); } Last = i 1; OUT.APPEND (LT_Encode); } else if (ch == '>') { IF (i> last) { OUT.APPEND (Input, Last, I - Last); } Last = i 1; Out.append (gt_encode); } } IF (Last == 0) { Return IN; } IF (i> last) { OUT.APPEND (Input, Last, I - Last); } Return out.toString (); } / ** * Replace all OldStrings in Maistring into newstring * Return Type: string * / Public Static String ReplaceString String mainstring, String OldString, String newstring) { IF (mainstring == null) { Return NULL; } IF (oldString == null || oldstring.Length () == 0) { Return mainstring; } IF (newstring == null) { Newstring = ""; } INT i = mainstring.lastIndexof (OldString); IF (i <0) Return Mainstring; Stringbuffer mainsb = new stringbuffer; mAinstring; While (i> = 0) { Mainsb.replace (i, i ildstring.length (), newstring; I = mainstring.lastindexof (Oldstring, I - 1); } Return MAINSB.TOSTRING (); }