Source: 9CBS Author: kroll in .net, the type of DataRow objects that do not support serialization, so if DataRow field contains the type of objects in a sequence of needs in how to do it? Oh, fortunately, DATATABLE is support serialization. Therefore, we can customize serialized behavior and use DataTable to pack the DataRow with DataTable when serialization and reverse sequence. To customize serialization behavior, you must implement the iSerializable interface. Implement this interface
Methods and special constructive functions used in reverse sequencing objects. The role of the former is to add data to which the object to be encapsulated into a container provided by the system, and then the system sequences the data; the latter's role is to take the reverse sequenced data from the container, then explicitly Assignment gives a field of the object. As shown in the following example, the code should be noted with the black body. using System; using System.Data; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.IO; using System.Security.Permissions; namespace phenix.Dl {///