Repeater control paging problem

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  129


The time to do ASP is not short, but I am ASP.NET I am a newbie. A few days ago, I encountered a problem, requiring a more complex data format display, very difficult to implement with DataGrid, and later switch to the Repeater control. But this brings a new question: How do you paginize? Repeater has no built-in paging function. Later I tried to write one, I was lucky enough. In a hurry, it is definitely not perfect. Which expert is in the high meeting, I am willing to communicate with you (

Protected system.Web.ui.WebControls.repeater Rptframework

Private void Page_load (Object Sender, System.Eventargs E) {

// Establish DataSet (this part is omitted)

RPTFramework.dataSource = mydataset; rptframework.database;

Session ["Page"] = 1;

// Hide I = 0 all entries in // hide int i = 0; for (i = 0; i

// Repeater Control page size int INTPAGESIZE = 10;

// RPTFramework control current page index (1 start) INT INTCURRENTPAGEINDEX = 0;

IF (Request.QueryString ["Page"] == NULL || Convert.Toint32 (Request.QueryString ["Page"] == 0) {session ["Page" = 1;} else {session ["Page" ] = Convert.Toint32 (Request.QueryString ["Page"]);

INTCURRENTPAGEINDEX = Convert.Toint32 (Session ["Page"]);

// Previous button Shield IF (Convert.Toint 32 (session ["Page") == 1) {btnpre.enabled = false;}

// RPTFramework control current cursor index (1 start) int INTCURRENTITEX = 1; INTCURRENTITEMINDEX = INTPAGESIZE * (INTCURRENTPAGEINDEX - 1) 1;

// Next button Shield IF ((rptframework.Items.count - intcurrentItemIndex)

// Set default view if (rptFramework.Items.Count> intPageSize) {for loading when the form (i = intCurrentItemIndex; i


// Take a smaller value in two values, but does not change the original value size private int GETMIN (INT A, INT B) {INT C; if (a> b) {c = B;} else {c = a; } Return C;

// Click on the previous page button Private void btnpre_click (object sender, system.eventargs e) {


IF (Convert.Toint32 (Session ["Page")! = 1) {INTPREPAGEINDEX = Convert.Toint32 (Session ["Page"]) - 1;} else {INTPREPAGEIDEX = 1;}

Response.Redirect ("JGGK.ASPX? Page =" INTPREPAGEINDEX.TOSTRING ());

// Click Next button Private void btnnext_click (object sender, system.eventargs e) {int tentpageindex = convert.toint32 (session ["page"]) 1; response.redirect ("JGGK.ASPX? Page =" INTNEXTPAGEINDEX.TOSTOSTRING ());


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