4.1 FILE (Directory) class 4.1.1 MKDIR Create a directory if his parent directory does not exist, will be created simultaneously. Example:
BAK suffix
Compile all of the $ {src} directory and all of its subdirectory. Java file,. The class file will be placed in the directory specified by $ {build}, the classpath indicates the class file or directory you want to use, and the debug is set to ON to indicate the output debug information 2. Compile $ {src} and $ {src2} directory and its subdirectory All of the next. Java file, but package / p1 / **, mypackage / p2/ ** will be compiled, and mypackage / p1 / testpackage / ** will not be compiled. The Class file will be placed in the directory specified by $ {build}, the classpath indicates that the class file or directory you want to use, and the debug is set to ON to indicate the output DEBUG information 3.
The path is 4.2.2 java in Property, executes the specified Java class Example: 1.
ClassName specifies the class to be executed, and the classpath sets the environment variable 2 to use.
4.3 Packing Related 4.3.1 JAR Pack a set of files Example: 1.
Pack all the files below $ {build} / classes to $ {dist} /lib/app.jar 2.
Pack all the files below $ {build} / classes to $ {dist} /lib/app.jar, but including mypackage / test / all files do not include all Test.class 3.
The manifest property specifies its own meta-inf / manifest.mf file, not by the system to generate 4.3.2 war For JAR's extension, used to pack web applications Example: Suppose our file directory is as follows: thirdParty / libs / jdbc1 .jar thirdparty / libs / jdbc2.jar build / main / comb / myco / myapp / servlet.class src / metadata / myapp.xml src / html / myapp / index.html src / jsp / myapp / front.jsp SRC / Graphics /Images/gifs/small/logo.gif src / graphics / images / gifs / large / logo.gif The following is the content of our task:
After completion: Web-inf / web.xml web-inf / lib / jdbc2.jar web-inf / class / com / myco / myapp / servlet.class meta-inf / manifest.mf index.html Front.jsp Images / small / logo.gif images / large / logo.gif 4.3.3 EAR For packaging companies Apps Example