Crystal Translation · Yesky
(I have said ASP.NET has a new lower constructed) When I said the new lower text ... I have to emphasize it again, it is a new lower construction! It is not only
It is a simple change in ASP. In this case, it is introduced to the consolidated code, which is transverse to the entire window development platform. The managed code is
NGWS Runtime runs. NGWS runtime is a time run environment, which manages the execution of the code, making the programming easier. NGWS Runtime Substation
The prequators have done a lot of work that they have to do in the past, so the programmer can put more thoughts in the improved work, not spending time.
Think how to manage the code. So
What is NGWS?
From an ASP developer's point of view, the role of NGWS Runtime is similar to the role of Transaction Server in ASP2, ASP3. NGWS runtime
The system hierarchical work, so you can have more time to construct an application.
This new NGWS structure reflects the transformation of industry information technology ideas for establishing, commissioning, and maintaining various web services, including simple
The customer is applied to a complex distributed structure. All of the concepts and strategies above are just part of the Windows Distributed Internet Applications (DIA).
The NGWS structure provides an execution engine to perform code, and the object-oriented classes and components consists of establishing an application. It also plays an application
Interface between the core operating system. You may ask the app while you can easily talk to the core system. The reason is that
This layer can use the application to get better use in the operating system, through a standard approach, make the application more quickly and more beneficially, more conducive to
We now currently develop business competition society.
To achieve these goals, this structure performs many program properties or the specified program locale (this self). These include automatic receipts of debris
Set, rich reusable object library, and security applications. The last point will run on the Internet.
NGWS runtime automatically resolves the reference object and will be automatically released when they are not used. At the same time, manage system memory, clear memory voids, and other traditions.
Problems exist in programming. In addition, this new runtime allows different programming language interactions to interact, in addition to various languages running on the same environment.
Handle. For example: You can use the class written from a language to the class written by another language, and Runtime makes it possible, and the new normal version provides such a system and
I will explain this, what can they get your system:
1) Enhanced performance
2) Reuse of cross-language integrated components
3) Support better object establishment wizard
4) Self-management memory
5) User is more free to use multiple categories
ASP.NET allows you to do a small amount of work, but you have more free time. Remember that I will introduce these and introduce most ASP developers.
More applications concerned. It should be pointed out that Runtime will be specifically mentioned because he is the foundation of ASP.NET and the support environment.