Using this shell can insert the specified text directly in a certain line of a file, it is very convenient. You can add this shell into the path. The following blue part is code, the file name is insert [cheyo @ Samsung Test] $ more insert
#! / bin / bash
# Insert a new line from a certain line of the file
# File is the file name, linenum is the line number, Text is the text to be inserted.
# Copyleft: Cheyo @ JMU
Showusage ()
echo "[usage]: Insert File Linenum Text
echo "# Insert a new line from a certain line of the file"
Echo "# file is the file name, linenum is the line number, Text is the text to be inserted"
IF [$ # -lt 3] # less than 3 parameters, error!
Then Showusage
Sed "$ {2} a //
$ {3} "$ 1> TMPFILE; MV TMPFILE $ 1
Fi [Cheyo @ Samsung Test] $ more a
Line1 line2 line3 line4 [Cheyo @ Samsung Test] $ ./insert a 3 "TEST" [Cheyo @ Samsung Test] $ more a
LINE1 line2 line3 test line4
[cheyo @ Samsung Test] $