This error is that when the server receives an alarm issued by Oracle when the server receives unrecognized network code or request, the main reason is from the network,
There is no relationship with Oracle itself.
If the error continues to appear, it is recommended to use the following code to track, it is possible to cause viruses:
Create Table
LogindateTime Date,
Logoffdatetime Date,
Loggeduser varchar2 (30),
Sessionid Number,
Terminal varchar2 (20),
IP varchar2 (16),
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Create Or Replace Trigger logoff_audit before logoff on data
INSERT INTO System.login_Info
', sysdate, user, sys_context (' useerenv ',' sessionid '), SYS_CONText (' useerenv '
, 'Terminal'), UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS, PROGRAM from V $ sessions where logon_time = (SELECT
Logindatetime from system.login_info where sessionID =
SYS_CONText ('useerenv', 'sessionid'));
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Create or Replace Trigger Logon_audit After Logon on Database
INSERT INTO System.login_Info
Select sysdate, null, user, sys_context ('useerenv', 'sessionid'), SYS_CONTEXT (
'Useerenv', 'Terminal'), UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS, Program from V $ Session;
============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============
Other possible reasons: Typically The ORA-600 [12333] Itself is not the problem,
IT May Be a chance of the underlying network problems
This is usually aclient side related ies and is not normally related to server. It is a communications issue and not related to the version of the rdbms. Thats why you do have this errors intermittently only.
Most Occurances of Ora-600 [12333] Just Means That Something HAS
Gone Wrong in The Communication Between The Client and The Server Processes. OFTEN, this Could Be The Result of An Abnormal Condition (A Process INADVERTENTLY KILED, OR A DATABASE SHUTS DOWN)
The ERROR INDICATES A Protocol Communications mismatch
This Paper Describes One Known Reason of Frequent Occurence of ORA-600 [12333]
Note: There May Exist Many Other Issues However.
Scope & Application
Support analysts and dbas.
ORA-600 [12333] In Case of Termination of User Sessions
-------------------------------------------------- -----
ORA-600 [12333] May Occur In Case of Abnormal Termination of User
Sessions, Eg. Shutdown Immediate, Forced Disconnections etc.
FREQUENT ORA-600 [12333] in case of using resource limit
-------------------------------------------------- --------
Using user profiles and resource_limit = true may cause frequent ORA-600 [12333] occurence. We may also see many SNIPPED session in V $ SESSION. For those ones resources are not freed until any server related action is taken at the client side. It Seems That ORA-600 [12333] APPEARS While Sending ORA-1012 or ORA-2396 Messages to The Client Process.
If we really have to use user profiles to enforce resource limit policies (especially idle time) we'd better proactively remove such sessions.For now, the only found way preventing from ORA-600 [12333] occurence
caused by resource_limit issue is killing processes related to SNIPPED sessions at OS level This implies it is applicable only to the DEDICATED server processes Killing shadow processes for SNIPPED sessions is explained in
NOTE: KILLING Shadow Processes Only Decreases The Likehi ORA-600 [12333] Occurence. It is a workaround.
Couple of suggestion
1) Check the network errors, their shouth be any errors or protocol mismatch
2) Check The NLS Settings on Client As Well AS Server Side Settings
ORA_NLS (ORA_NLS32, ORA_NLS33) Environment Variables.
Title: ORA_NLS (ORA_NLS32, ORA_NLS33) Environment Variables
3) No Uses surplend disconnect abnormal.