method one:
1 Insert a new Accelerator to the resource, associate the acceleration key and the corresponding response control (such as a button)
2 Declaring in the dialog box header file:
Haccel M_Haccel;
3 Initialization M_Haccel in the constructor of the dialog
M_haccel = :: loadaccelerators (AFXGETITISTANCEHANDE (), makeintResource (iDR_Accelerator1);
4 and then overload the PretranslateMessage function of the dialog,
Bool Caboutdlg :: PretranslateMessage (MSG * PMSG)
IF (m_hacceltable)
IF (: TranslateAccelerator (M_HWND, M_HACCELTABLE, PMSG))
Return (TRUE);
Return CDIALOG :: PretranslateMessage (PMSG);
Method Two:
1 Declaration hot key message processing function prototype
The message mapping declaration at .h is added (after AFX_MSG font) to join the following statement:
LResult Onhotkey (WParam WPARAM, LPARAM LPARAM);
2. The message is associated with the corresponding processing function
Add message mapping macros in .CPP to make the message relationship with the corresponding processing function.
3. Operation for convenience
Create a function of responding to WM_CREATE and WM_DESTROY messages in advance
ONCREATE () frame with onDestroy ()
4. Register the hotkey to the system
Add the following code to the system to register the hotkey to the system, the hotkey of this example is set to
Ctrl Shift a.
RegisterhotKey (M_HWND, 1001, MOD_CONTROL | MOD_SHIFT, 'A');
RegisterhotKey (M_HWND, 1002, MOD_CONTROL | MOD_SHIFT, 'A');
5. Treatment hotkey
Process the hotkey in the message processing function on /otkey (), and can join the program code that the user wants to run
Lresult c ***** :: onhotkey (WPARAM WPARAM, LPARAM LPARAM)
IF (wparam == 1001 || wparam == 1002)
CWnd :: setForegroundWindow (); // Make the activated window appears in the foreground
MessageBox ("Hello!");
// Users can add code here
Return 0;
6. After the program is running, the hotkey is released.
Release the system resources in OnDestroy () to release the system resources through UnregisterhotKey ().
UnregisterhotKey (M_HWND, 1001);
UnregisterhotKey (M_HWND, 1002);