Marketing Tactics of E-Commerce

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  135

E-commerce is a new business field, whenever there is a new business model or business, it will make a new hero. Like the rise of the network, the rise of the e-commerce will make the original silent little person will have the opportunity to challenge the strong business giants. So, what kind of marketing strategy is adopted to ensure success in fierce competition? This article will explain this issue from several aspects.

First, assess whether the product is suitable for online sales.

If the sales performance in the retail path is likely to be as good as the online sales performance of the online sales, the dealers should make an objective judgment: "Is these goods suitable for sale on the Internet?" In fact, many products are not suitable. Sales on the network, especially when selling them using conventional methods. Some factors such as excessive freight costs, the determination of product liability often lead to unburgiament of products. Therefore, before the store is open, at least the following three issues are evaluated to assess your own products suitable for online sales:

1. Can the price of the product to induce consumers to buy online products and give up the retail store?

2. Is the product delivery and operation cost?

3. Do customers trust their online service guarantee?

An objective assessment of online success opportunities can eventually save a lot of time and money.

Second, ensure that the site design is suitable for customer browsing.

Most consumers are online, using a slower modem, especially those who have across national borders. Based on this reason, the ideal online store must be able to load quickly, that is, don't pause the screen due to too long pages or pictures. At the site design, the initial product describes only loads the corresponding small icon, and the small icon to be used to select the big picture after selecting the product.

An important part of the online sales process is to provide customers with a commodity preview. In this part, the picture of good ideas will make customers more likely to purchase goods. The ideal site will make full use of tasteful design foundations and comfortable color schemes to provide customers with both commodity features and avoid exaggeration or pictures that do not match. Remember to rely on the picture of the picture, it is too big to raise customers. For the site, the fast load is a more important winning method.

In addition, it is also a necessary condition for customers on the Web site of online stores. You must clearly explain to our customers in the store's Web site which products can be ordered and provide customers with a corresponding quick link. To do anywhere in the site allows customers to continue to browse more products easily without having to waste time. Among them, it is essential to choose and apply an excellent navigation system.

Third, providing additional value to customers.

Two main methods can make the product stand out from the competition. One is the price advantage, usually, consumers will choose to purchase products except for cheap, other aspects. Based on this reason, the second method of distinguishing the product is to provide additional value of the product. If consumers think that they can get additional benefits, they are likely to pay a slightly higher price for equivalents. According to statistics, 50% of the order received by successful network retailers come from telephone or notes. This is happening after consumers browsing their Web sites. Therefore, in addition to providing online retail stores, additional phone order support should be added to the online credit card processing mechanism. Remember the Internet for 24 hours, so it is necessary to indicate the time period of the customer to fly ordered.

Fourth, through propaganda improvement.

In order to attract customers to stop their own sites, they must make them pre-understand where to find your site. It is very hard to improve the awareness, but it is worth it, because it is the need for products and services provided by their users. For small and medium-sized online stores, with those sites that have considerable traffic, it is a good choice for improving their popularity. At the same time, it is also committed to improving the visibility of the distribution commodity while improving the visibility of the site. In general, as long as consumers have purchased online, they will increase their confidence in it. But consumers will choose to purchase brand-name products online. For example, people may purchase HP's printers rather than the printing brands, because the visibility of brand-name products has eliminated their worries for online shopping uncertainty. The lack of awareness of the goods can cause it to become a large-scale vase for other products, and customers do not actually purchase it as other products.

5. Work hard to win the trust of customers

Safety assurance, reliability and confidentiality, etc. are important roles that constitute customer feelings. E-commerce is survived by understanding and predicting users, and must eradicate their concerns before users who have disabled their shopping, because there is only such a store to succeed.

In fact, online shopping itself is not enough to make many customers panic, the key is that the incitement has enabled customers to be invaded, fraud, spam, and other unpleasant fear of privacy, fraud, spam and other unpleasant fear of privacy, fraud, spam, and other unpleasant results that customers may have caused by customers. increase. Obviously, which online store is also impossible to complete all the worries for online shopping, but it should believe that sincere commitments and efforts can reduce consumers' concerns.

First, you must post a clear and clear statement on the reliability policy at a place where the user can be seen and the direct link to the confidentiality policy that is fully understood and can be fully understood by the user; secondly, to provide a security server, and face the user The actual situation of credit card risks make a comprehensive understanding; Finally, please provide free telephone security consulting services to customers.

In addition to security, the after-sales service provided by the store will also affect the consumer's trust in the store. Due to the characteristics of online retailers, consumers cannot determine if the store can reply to their questions after shopping behavior, this fear more extension to doubt whether there is sufficient expertise to address the installation and use of product installation and use. The problem. The ideal online store should clearly expound its technical support and after-sales service system to eliminate the possible concerns of shoppers.

Another factor affecting the consumer's trust in stores is the return system of the store. Since consumers lack the actual contact with the goods before the purchase, they may not be satisfied with the actual product after purchase. If you do not make a commitment to the return, most consumers will hesitate when purchasing. The correct approach is to show the customer's unconditional return system to the customer display, which is a great benefit to establish a customer's trust in his own.

Sixth, personalized marketing.

Today, consumers are increasingly trending in today, and the retail will only know more of the needs of different customers in the market and meet them in a fierce competition. To achieve this, the mastery of individuals or group information with special consumption habits and characteristics in consumers is critical. The biggest advantage of e-commerce relative to ordinary business is that e-commerce can easily make personalized marketing, so that merchants can serve some special consumer individuals and groups.

"Personalization" is the goal of the e-commerce second wave. In the first e-commerce wave, web-based credit card payment is a great success, and now people install web-based advanced tracking software, analyzing the behavior information collected within the site. With such data, merchants can adjust their marketing policies when they visit them next time, or send emails to them after customers visit them. For example, when you visit a tourist site, once you are interested in an attraction, the site will use the software to provide you with a series of information such as booking, accommodation, car rental, and the area. This software can also access users' historical data to provide services that are closer to customers. Performing this "one-to-one" personalized marketing is a huge challenge for all Web sites. Due to technical and cost reasons, no one can make "personalization" very perfect. However, when this approach is effectively utilized and exerts its entire potential, the online store will benefit from it.


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