Jain API for call control and wireless network

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  131

Jain API for call control and wireless network

The Jain API of the integrated network will make the business convenience, the network converging and the security network access to the teeth and data networks. Jain technology creates a public exchange telephone (PSTN), IP network, and wireless network of business creation to create new water level abstract energy and associated Java interface, making IP and In (intelligent network) into possible. This is made into a comprehensive network. The Jain API includes an all-in-one access to the internal resources of the network. This creates a machine encountering a thousands of new business services, and the number of dozens of business is superior.

Jain Technique is transferring the market in the market from many exclusive closed systems to change into a single network structure, which can quickly create new business. Jain technology is being defined as a total expansion of Java platform. It is issued in accordance with Sun's Java Routine Definition to Co-Co-Co-Class (JSPA) and Java Shared Wire (JCP).

Figure 1 Jain API integrity

Jain advocates the three major main points of the network:

Network layer:

Telecom: (Advanced) Smart Network (AIN / IN) or No.7 Signaling System (SS7) with ISUP, INAP and TCAP: SIP, MGCP, Megaco, and SIP, MGCP, Megaco H.323.

Lettering layer:

Electrical Letter: Snoring Data Point (SSP) or Transformer Wireless: Moving Interchange Centers (MSC) Internet - New Soft Soft Transmission Machines or Call Issues, Media Network Controller or H.323 Depot.

Business Layer:

Electrical Letter: Business Control Point (SCP) Wireless: Base Station Controller (BSC), Attribute Position Register (HLR), Note Position Register (VLR) and MSC Any Companion Network: Application Server

Jain initiative

Business facilities: Write over, run in any place. Technological development is subject to a special interface. This appearance increases the opening cost, extending the time to push to the market, and add a maintenance requirements. At the Jain propagation, the proprietary interface was changed into a Java interface, real-in-use network gathered: (Composite network). Jain technology provides a must-have to facilitate access, allowing usage and business to run on PSTN, Group (such as IP or ATM) and wireless online, and will increase the network aggregation process. With the need for IP business, it is not difficult to increase, and more efficient management and and IT's larger integration will shape new regulatory effects and all network access: from anyone! This is a new environment for the development of the agency and the use of the actions or function of the network resources and equipment. The function of the new business is huge in the case where the function of the network is entered in the controlled state. SIP, ISUP, call control, and Jain interface


The Dialog Start Protocol (SIP) is used as an internet speech and packet network. The network element has been redefined, and the network element has been redefined, and the computing platform is allocated to the service creation tool, the application server, SIP phone, integrated access device, gateway And gateway controllers, SIP servers, SIP-based services, SIP billing solutions, developer kits, SIP test tools, SIP user agents, and SIP network management. Based on SIP-based network, it is not only re-defined to define PSTN, which contains all the functionality required by PSTN, and media communication outside the voice provides expansion space. SIP will be an international agreement that has not come to 4G full IP mobile network.

SIP-based network, with placement and server generation, many sellers and multiple networks can be exercised. SIP-based communication is increased, only subject to media connected media. This is now out of a large number of developers to write applications based on SIP communication, the agent, the user, tool, controller, etc.

Figure 2 SIP and call control (limited to Dynamicsoft)

The advantages of SIP are in the IP implementation of the basic call control. As shown in Figure 2, a endpoint is hoped to build a voice connection, so this endpoints start an invite (invited); the agent server recovered one 100 / trying. After analyzing the address, the server returns a 180 / ringing (ringing), and then returns 200 / OK after the pickup is mentioned. This endpoints have issued an ACK (confirmed) to the recipient, and the media stream will set up. When the wire is closed, a BYE is issued by one party and the other party returns 200 / OK. Jain SIP API defines the equal level for all SIP report headers and newspapers, and defines the interface of the JavaBeans Scheme True Text. This is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Jain SIP API (available for Dynamicsoft)

The Jain SIP API is a complete definition of SIP standard. Any SIP program can use the Jain SIP API as a Java standard interface to become a Jain Sip-certified stack. This means that the application server, SIP phone, gateway and gateway controller, SIP server, SIP-based business, SIP billing solution, developer toolkit, SIP test tool, SIP user agent, and SIP network management can be utilized The Jain SIP API implements versatility in the SIP stack implementation.

Figure 4 shows a typical SIP network, Jain SIP interface is used for agent service, media network level and customer. Because the Jain SIP API covers more than the user's agent or customer-end software, the Jain Siplite API is issued as a function subset of Jain SIP API and basic call control. Jain SipliteApi faces a smaller client that does not require a full set of Jain SIP API equivalents.

Figure 4 JAIN SIP is in the SIP network (there is a company limited to Dynamicsoft)

The SIP Servlets API Extension HTTP Servlet Define HTTP Servlet is equipped with the processing of the SIP message, and the HTTP Servlet is equipped with the equation of HTTP message. With HTTP Servlet, the SIP Servlet's target platform is an agent server or application server. The SIP Servlet can use the structure of the Jain SIP API, and the structure of the API is similar to the http servlet.

Jain isup API

This is similar to the ISUP similar to PSTN. The call start means that the application should be sent to a construction request, and the ISUP is converted to an initial address message (IAM), and then the node of the far end. After the remote ISUP receives IAM, it should be displayed to its user. After receiving the IAM that you want to ask for voice circuit (through its CIC knowledge), the circuit is based on the line. The final should be used to send an alarm ring to the remote node to the remote node, and the ISUP is converted to an address (ACM) and is sent to the calling node. When the terminal is listened, ISUP should send a rare independent response. ISUP will be sent to the calling node as a response message (ANM). This will build a call. The call is sent to the ISUP asking for the ISUP when the main call is set. Figure 5 shows the basic calling process. Figure 5 ISUP calling process (limited to Ulticom)

In the case of Jain Sip API, Jain Isup API also defines all newspapers, headers and functions to move the newspaper from Java technology to a Jain Isup stack by the sale of main certificates.

Talking and ratio: SIP and ISUP

Contact ISUP and SIP, IAM is like INVITE, ACM is like 100 / trying, and ANM is like 180 / Ringing. The ACK in the SIP is not equal in ISUP. It is just a look at the SIP network. Rel is like BYE, while RLC is as 200 / ok.

Both agreements have failed to do the same function, so that they will establish a connection. Some people can say that the SIP is super-speaking sound. However, it is only necessary to make simple expansion and improvement of ISUP, and only the business business and the country have improved ISUP, you can expand the ISUP to the support of any media. Both media can be expanded, and parameters can be added outside the standard. Both protocols have a bit of a little name for their newsletter - INVITE in SIP is more straightforward, but the number of 100, 180 and 200 is what is the meaning?

ISUP is undergoing a long-term test, such as a large number of networks in the world, proves that it is strong and reliable. ISUP is also responsible for the media, and is different from SIP. A large part of ISUP is used to handle the circuit management. In SIP, the media is the responsibility of the gateway, and the interface is MGCP or Megaco. ISUP and to SS7 issues are lack of mutual exercises between the main and transportation business. This will only push the development of open ISUP running on IP. By using IP all the ball, SIP will take the iSUP as a signaling standard. Today, ISUP will only be used for PSTN - its quality and control have become measured standards. The SIP is an HTTP protocol, and the SIP will receive an IP sent to the IP sent, and can be run in the HTTP operation. This puts the SIP into the public area where the mutual action must not be in the words, and all accounting platforms can be a SIP signaling platform. The dynamic characteristics of the SIP analysis address also makes multi-square mutual operations into available. On the other side, ISUP is defined by the exchange platform of several standard groups to be closed and protected by the protective network. From one start, there is no motivation to operate in the ISUP platform. ISUP relies on a static point code configuration; while SIP relies on an agent server, it can be updated while running during the run. This allows SIP to be able to expand any of the IP networks.

However, there is no difference in difference, SIP and ISUP are crossed and withdrawn and withdraw the function of a voice / media circuit. They are equipped with a ringtone installation in the endpoint, then establish the concept of continuous and withdrawing the connection. They are designed for network signaling, from the idea of ​​the agreement. According to this view, the network structure determines the network element, the newspaper, the agreement, and the interconnection rules. This view pin is connected to what is established, not a contemporary to connect.

There is also a similarity between the SIP network definition and INAP (more in the agreement as a function of functional elements, rather than pure newspapers). Jain initiatives do not choose between the two. The driving power of Jain initiative is to provide Java technical standards for all-in-one communication. It is not an argument that is SIP. This makes the network settlers can determine their own, and use the Jain API in the fitting place.

Figure 6 Jain isup

Call control is occupied?

From the views of the application, even if the relationship between the establishment is not big, it is the focus on building a connection, and who needs these connectors. As a result, you should use the developer to join the network domain and the business domain. From the viewpoint of the application author, the protocol interface is the basic tool for transmitting the data. It should be more concerned with the model of the network, because it involves its calculation element, such as data libraries, management, and user interfaces. From the application, call or connectivity, the composition of the full-level interface, the original news structure of the ISUP IAM or SIP INVITE is more meaningful. This does not reduce the need for ISUP or SIP, but it means that the agreement is entered into an SIP and ISUP is the heavenly manner that is important for business. For the Network Design, Jain Sip or Jain Isup is a value of worthless, but for useful author, the actual agreement is not as if the management or call is important. For application author, the discussion details can be buried under simple call control rare parameters.

Instead of constructing and sending Jain Isup or Jain Sip Original Packets as part of the protocol, Java technology developers are more willing to use call control objects such as calls, connection, or providers, and then perform actions to these objects, such as creating connection and routing calls. . Jain Call Control (JCC) API is a 懧? By call? You can lead the IAM in the PSTN network to start a call, or bring the INVITE in the SIP network to start a conversation. There is no need to take this more than the need to use the author, just call the route in any network.

JCC regards the network as a Java parallel status, and provides the interface for these objects through the JavaBeans constructor. As shown in Figure 7, the supplier creates a call, and connects to the call production. The interface to enter the object is the income of the Java technology with the JavaBeans synchronization.

Figure 7 JCC is provided with the JavaBeans Structure Machinery to provide an interface (limited to the Telcordia Science Technology)

Figure 8 shows from JCC applications, typical calling flows carried out by JCC, with the underlying ISUP signal - ACM and ANM. ACM can be taken from SIP 100 / Trying, and ANM can be taken from 180 / Ringing.

Figure 8 comes from JCC-applicable typical call flow

Jain JCC API's knots include the following three functions (see Figure 9):

Figure 9 The functional relationship between call control standards

Basic call control: Jain call processing (JCP) package contains basic facilities needed to start and answer calls. The installation of this set is simply simple to make a multi-electricity signal network. However, JCP represents an important idea of ​​cornerstone, which is unified by Java Technology API (JTAPI), Jain and Parlay Expert Group Developed Call Control: Jain Call Control (JCC) contains observation, start, response, processing, and manipulation Calls, and call applications and the facilities needed to send back the results during call processing. The call can include multi-media and the multi-translational expansion call control on multi-media and base formation forms (PSTN, packets and wireless): Jain Coordination and Easy (JCAT) package contains facilities similar to JCC, but expanded to achieve more refined call control functions. Especially, with JCC, JCAT is suitable for all AIN applications and its integrated voice / data and next-generation business. Jain API's application of mobile network

2G and 3G wireless techniques are partitioned in the network, which requires a general Java technology to support new or improved wireless and mobile services. Wireless network operation business and business offerings need to be integrated and adjusted and all process, from the transfer station, pass through the wireless network, and then to the exchange network, and interact with the internet and packet network. As shown in Figure 10, the basic domain of the wireless network is a manual (or transfer station), a wireless electrical access network (RAN), network control and management (MSC, HLR, VLR, etc.), enterprises, and within and intensive.

Figure 10 Based on wireless network

In order to manage the operations, the operation, the operation or business support system (OSS / BSS) in the wireless domain is a part of the total solution. At the same time when Jain represents Java standard into the communication domain, there are also people to show Java standards for OSS / BSS, called 'By Java's OSS' (OSS / J, please visit: java.sun.com/products/oss). Integration of Jain products and OSS / J products, is being configured to be a structure in which Java technology '(JTSP, please visit: java.sun.com/products/sp).

Java or Jain joints are not for all wireless solutions. However, you can use the Java platform to use the JAIN interface. Figure 11 shows a plate block for wireless defining in the JAIN structure. In the wireless domain, the following part is described in the JAIN and JAVA interfaces.

Figure 11 JAIN structure is a domain for wireless defining

Move station

If you have a few holes, you will have Java technology, run Java 2 platform micro-version (J2ME) platform. The manual will both spend voice and data functions, which means that any number of objectives can be implemented in the network. Figure 12 shows various Java configurations of the manual. Figure 12 Various configurations of java hand

In order to run Java applications on your mobile phone, Java applications will require a KVM between the remaining parts of the OS, which is a 'virtual machine' in 40 kb to 200 kb - there is a limited device configured for a limited device. Define the Java feature file, as well as a mobile information device feature profile composed of a set of Java APIs. The management has this will be a JAM (Java application tuber), the Java application loaded on the full management equipment, and is responsible for security, such as partial self-letter applications and unspecified access. MEXE (3GPP Movement Application Request Environment) has been used as a standardized environment for moving mounting.

For communication, the JTAPI interface will provide a connection function, or by SIPLITE to treat the hand into the SIP user. JTAPI and SIPLITE use Java on the mobile station to use the call control function, but the all-time and hidden private side is more intelligent. For example, I want to have a lunch with some things, but I don't know where the other things are. But the mobile network is in the hander's position to know where I and the same thing. But yes, I will not want to know where my mother knows. This is a private issue.

By this level of complexity requires a higher intelligence, the needle should be born with the response to the response to the response to responding to the response. Jain in the field, Answer and Management (PAM) API and Jain Business Advisory API is tracing these development, and is in combination with the leader and its standard group weaving (Parlay, ETSI and OSA), surrounding the private, safe, answering and other exhibition API. The standardization of such an interface will ensure that the universal service can be realized in all mobile installation and wireless online.

Wireless electrical access network (RAN)

The RAN main is to pay attention to the voice of the speech to the network to the network control element, and the most ended tone is the public exchange telephone (PSTN). For the roaming between the wireless network business, the wireless frequency and signaling have been well defined in GSM and IS41 standard. RAN Mount includes wireless electric tower and base station controller. Multiple installations in the RAN are calculated platforms, and they are often implemented with a good definition, and cannot be extended by the user or transporting business. In other words, after the wireless network is opened, it is necessary to add a function or characteristic to the RAN. Since the static characteristics of the RAN, there is no push power in the open-disciplined interface of the exhibition, divided by those who can benefit the wireless network operators (GSM and IS41). In view of the voice of the wireless network business, the speech communication from the mobile phone to PSTN is not very accumulated in the push and implementation of the standards in the RAN. The typical RAN deployment has a single network device source with a proprietary interface based on GSM or IS41.

In 3G, RAN is based on the ATM of the 3GPP 99 version. Today's version will be based on IP, you need to define new standards. IP RAN and the foundation core network will be based on IPv6, which enables millions of mobile internet access users to be safely addressed. This shift from closed interface and installation, the transfer of good defined interface and network metals, so that the wireless network operator is holding the flexibility in the RAN, and puts the RAN with the development of the RAN.

Since most of the RAN installation is a platform, RAN selling the main development of Java technology has helped them to increase the production rate, the system is strong, reliable, and the time between the market. Recently, Java technology-based RAN-mounted package includes standard Java API, such as Java 2 platform enterprises (J2EE) platform API, including EJB, JMS, JNDI and JAIN. For example, the EJB server can provide high-speed availability, water-freely retracted application platforms, for constructing expandable RAN installation, such as radio grid controller.

Some of these soldiers have started to work with Java technical groups, and these platforms will be extended to expand and provide more usability. This will bring the electricity-level availability to the Enterprise / Business J2EE platform to benefit all platform users.

Network and enterprises

JAIN MAP API Defining Interface To get location, short letter service (SMS), unconfigured auxiliary business data (USSD) and any time check (ATI). Although the original definition of the Jain Map API assumes that the SS7 foundation, there is no special requirements for SS7 in the API, that is, Jain Map API can also be run on IP. Jain Map API is not a wireless node, such as MSC, HLR, BSC, etc. This is determined by the Jain Map Specialty Group, and the reason is that the internal definition can only make the wireless business to offer the unparallerts of the business. In other words, for HLR, BSC, or MSC definition standard interface does not bring traffic universal, aggregate or wireless network. Inverse, the API that faces the valuable annulus of the company will have a developer who writes business. In terms of wireless network, the Java interface of the position, the status and the mobile information, etc. are useful for the wireless business.

Multiple MSC functions are being implemented with soft exchange techniques, while soft exchange is quickly using Jain JCC as a standard interface (pre-reference).

Compound and service

Wireless technologies are developing from 2G to 3G from HSCD, GPRS, and EDGE, each of which is brought to greater bandwidth, and provides more abundant content, business and applications.

The business business is a high cost of winning the unsuccessful competition, and the high cost of the 3G license is needed to provide a series of value-added business to improve the business. In order to realize this, you may need to invade an innovative electrical letter application in the field where the business is not familiar. The trusted third-party ISV for a special market is applicable to a special market. In this way, the business business must provide access to the network resources to the trusted third party, letting them send new business.

Parlay Group is using a universal model language (UML) to develop a series of API regulations. JAIN Mingzi and Real. JAVA Mappings and Real. The 3GPP faces 3G open business structure (OSA), which also used this model of the network resources to make the third party to start application.

JAIN SPA Movement API is a privilege definition based on PARLAY group. The API is based on position, hand-on, urgent service, and CAMEL-based service production report. The calling process of the position-based service based on Jain Spa is moved by Jain Spa, and Jain Map is shown in Figure 13.

In this case, Jain Spa request a report of a certain handset. After this request is passed by the Parlay Network, 4.1 ProcessMsposopertaion in the Jain Map API is called. Figure 13 Current of a call based on the service

End-to-end structure

A typical OSA wireless solution based on Jain SPA is shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14 OSA wireless solve factor of Jain Spa

The Jain API has the advantages of such a structural structure in which it allows any selling main access, without having to change the spiritual activity of the peripheral characteristics. The operation of the business is not allowed to do with the baseline of the bottom layer. This allows business to run in a gapant network. Jain SPA and PAM interface make the protected wireless network can be entered. JAIN clamping does not really use which API and what API is used in, but to provide a full set of interfaces, let the developers choose to build a business in a network layer or application layer.

In the field and the Availability Management (PAM) Forums have explored such intelligence, and advocate the proposal Java interface to Parlay and Jain advocate. PAM allows the network to share information about the user's body, the field and no response from the user, the field and no responses. In the field, it refers to a software or hardware installation, through which it can flow information - such as mobile phone, computer, PDA, etc. No response is a personal preference and a square, that is, personal or enterprise specified communication and internal delivery services, and when you wait for a call.

PAM's application can be packaged in Java generation (Java beans) in the customer and wireless SP. The guests associated with SP subscriptions on hidden issues. The large part of the same is to fix the text, and some points can be modified. For example, "" Your boss wants to know your part, I want to give him? "This arrangement should ask the customer to make a decision by SP. This means that the customer and SP must record all the action and the same change in the same, to be audited. The Java agent is also in the client and the SP executive interface. After the Java agent is indeed, it is concerned that the control is given to the requested business.

If I want to have a lunch with my colleagues, I will start a simple request from the phone, and the Java agent starts working and issues a worldwide that revealed location information (for users who issued a request, this seems to be more But then add a level of security). The Java Agent Record has information, and the same is necessary to change and note the time, then pay the information to the business to execute the position and the shortest path algorithm. The position of the installed is moved by Jain Spa and / or Jain Map. The options for this business may include the ability to confirm with speech or short letter. Jain JCC, Jain Sip or Jain ISUP can start voice call. The short letter is transmitted through Jain Map or Jain SPA. The Jain structure is not recommended or specified which API or device used, but the Jain initiative opened the opportunity gate to network developers, business providers and wireless network operators, allowing them to select standard network services and applications from the open market, these The business and application can be across the platform, providing an open aggregation scheme for different networks.

Jain; Java; Run Anywhere; javabeans; J2ME; JTEE and EJB are SUN Microsystems, INC's registration label.


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