Here are the list of CSS abbreviations and the conventional properties they represent.
Background: background attachment, background color, background image, background position, background duplication
Border (border): border color, border style, border width
Border-bottom: Border color, bottom border style, bottom border width
Border-left (left border): left border color, left side frame style, left border width
Border-Right (right border): Right side frame color, right side frame style, right side border width
Border-top (top border): top border color, top border style, top border width
CUE (Sound Tip): Before prompt, then prompt
FONT (font): font, font size, font style, font thick, font variant, line height, font size adjustment, font stretching
List-style: list style image, list style location, list style type
Margin: top blank, right side blank, bottom blank, left blank
Outline: Outline Color, Outline Style, Outline Width
Padding: top gap, right gap, bottom gap, left gap
Pause: Post-pause, before pause