I'm an INTP.
Tested On Sunday, October 24, 2004 Myers Briggs Jung Test Results
Introverted (i) 74.19% Extroverted (E) 25.81% INTUTIVE (N) 61.11% SENSING (S) 38.89% Thinking (T) 75% Feeling (F) 25% Perceiving (P) 61.76% Judging (j) 38.24%
Your Type is: INTP
INTP - "Architect". Greatest Precision In Thought and Language. CAN Readily Discern Contradismions and Inconsistencies. The World. 3.3% of Total Population.
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Here's A Short Introduction To MBTI:
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Personality Assessment Tool Is A Written Instrument That "INDICATES" a Person's LIKELY PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPE. Psychology Type Describes The Different Ways People:
Prefer to take.....................
These four preferences result in a person's psychological type, sometimes called personality type. The theory of psychological type says that people with different preferences naturally have different interests, perspectives, behaviors, and motivations. Awareness of preferences helps people understand and value others who think and Act Quite Differently.