In DataGrid, if you want to format or modify some records, it is more convenient to use ItemDatabase.
For example, to show that someone's deposit amount has been less than some amount, and use red to display, etc.. ItemDatabase occurs
After the data is bound to the DataGrid, the content is sent to the client. such as
Private void onItemDatabase (Object Sender,
System.Web.ui.WebControls.DataGriditeMeventargs E)
// Check if the current row contacts items; if it's
// a header or footer row this will throw an error
IF (E.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item ||
E.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.alternatingItem)
// Get a copy of the "dglabel2" label That Contains the
// "Balance" Value
Label lblbalance = (label) E.Item.FindControl ("DGlabel2");
// convert the value contained in the label to a double type
Double dblbalance = Convert.Todouble (lblbalance.text);
// if That Numeric Value Is NEGATIVE
IF (dblbalance <0)
// ... display it in red
E.Item.cells [3]. manufacture =;
// Get a copy of the "dglabel1" label That Contains the
// "country" Value
Label lblcountry = (label) E.Item.FindControl ("DGlabel1");
// ... Convert it to a string
String strcountry = lblcountry.text;
// if it's a north american country ...
IF (strcountry == "usa" ||
STRCOUNTRY == "canada")
// get a copy of the "dglabel0" label That Contains the
// "Customerid" Value, We'll Use it is query string
// for the popup
Label lblid = (label) E.Item.FindControl ("DGlabel0");
// ... Convert it to a string
String strid = lblid.text;
// Replace the "country" value displayed in the datagrid
// with "jamaica", Placed in a Hyperlink Who's onclick // Event Calls a javascript "popup" Window
E.Item.cells [2] .text = " jamaica
Itemcreated events and it is somewhat, Itemcreated occurs before the ItemDatabase event, when each item in DataGrid is created but no
When there is data, it cannot be modified or read with itemcreated events.