GRUB Simplified Chinese Chemical Edition Usage by Gandalf
Directory 1. Functional Concepts and Interface Description II. Function Details and Use IV. Acknowledgment 1. Features Overview In this source, GRUB is a LINUX's load program, just as NTLDR is in Windows NT / 2K / XP. But It has multiple guidance functions, and it is still growing and perfect. Currently, its new features are as follows: 1. Support Chinese display, background image; 2. Support floppy virtual function, can be used to boot system; 3. Support hard disk virtual, disk mapping (of course, also activate / hide / create partitions); 4. Support network boot (including network virtual floppy disk); 5. Support CD-ROM start (with ATAPI device with independent and BIOS) Program); 6. Support for cross-platform; 7. Support for multi-boot files; two. Basic concepts and interface Description A. Basic Concept 1. The device naming method in GRUB uses UNIX's naming method for the device. For example With two hard drives, then this form (HDX, Y), here, X, Y, all from 0 start counting. So two hard drives are (HD0, Y), (HD1, Y). They are located in the first On an IDE interface. For HD0, please see the picture below: (Note, C: is the first main partition, other partitions are extended partitions. Since the primary partition can only have four, 0, 1, 2, 3 So the first expansion partition starts from 4.) This is a hard disk, then the optical drive is. Yes, adopt (CD). I use (ND). I estimate that after the USB, I can use it later, I can use it ( UD). ;-) Welcome your participation, our development is still going. So, here is to mention a very primary concept in GRUB, ie "root (/)", or root. In fact, it is One source is similar to the "root" of the grass. In GRUB, other file objects are domains here. So, once you specify a root, subsequent operations are all right unless the display is displayed, otherwise it is "In a certain sense, in a sense, and relatively / absolute path a bit related to the relative / absolute path .;-) As you guessed, GRUB uses the root command to specify the root device (usually the file system) B. Commands and parameters are in ancient DOS era. These two stoods are usually very common. It can be considered that commands are the name of the program. The parameter is how to make and do it. For example, in the GRUB console: GRUB > Help SCDROM, Help is a command, and SCDROM is the parameter. It means "give a help letter to the SCDROM command Interest. "C. Interface Description First, the boot program should be easy to use, the menu is a good idea. Yes, GRUB supports custom menu selection function items; but, it is not currently, it does not support the mouse click In addition, in order to be more flexible, GRUB can also dynamically edit menu items, which is its console function (in the console, you can use the `ESC` key to return to the primary menu interface). The following three figures are available for reference : (Main menu) (Edit Menu item) D. About menu script files Similar to Windows NT, GRUB also provides a menu generation file, we often call it with script. Usually, we will put GRUB Both the use of the ground file is put on / boot / grub / (here we omitted the designation of the root device, so the complete representation may be (HD0, 0) / boot / grub). The default name of the menu file is menu.lst Here there is a sample example, >> Click << Here, it should be explained here, the comment in the menu file is starting with "#", and each menu must specify a title (Title), otherwise not only cannot be Displayed, but also as a command for the previous item. II. Function details and use 1. Support Chinese display, background image;
1). In Chinese, please use: Fontfile File instance: fontfile (hd0 ,0) / boot / grub / fonts 2). Used: SplashImage File instance: SplashImage (HD0, 0) / boot / grub / bj2008 .XPM.GZ [Note] fontfile file must be 16-point box fonts; SplashImage file must be 640x480 14-color XPM format, support ZIP compression. 2. Support the floppy virtual function, can be used to boot the system; 1). use Memdisk kernel (HD0, 0) /BOOT/grub/memdisk.gz initrd (hd0, 0) /boot/grub/ boot (This item is only used in the command line, no specified in the menu file) 2). Use built-in MAP MAP (HD0, 0) /BOOT/grub/win99.img (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0) 1 rootnoverify (fd0) Boot (same) [Note] has many benefits to use MEMDisk. First it does not require a continuous storage of disk mirror files, support the network, disk image file on the disc, and this file can use ZIP compression format. If the original size of the disk file is not 1.44 / 2.88MB, then, Some tips: 1). By default, the mirror file (same as the hard disk) is considered a hard disk (the same as the HardDisk effect is usually not specified); 2). KERNEL (HD0, 0) /BOOT/grub/memdisk.gz c = 274 h = 2 s = 18 FLOPPY INITRD (HD0, 0) /BOOT/ACRONS/PE.ZIP Boot (同) => Tip: You can use the new version of WinImage to get the above C / H / S parameters, see: The MAP command is that the disk mirror file must be stored continuously, there is no limit on the size. But does not support the network / disc Document, and does not support ZIP compressed files. 3. Support hard disk virtual, disk mapping (of course, also activate / hide / create partitions); for hard disk virtual functions, in the previous paragraph, we have mentioned It is now, in the application, we can construct a virtual disk environment, however, this disk access is made by hooks for INT 13, this is why, we can virtual hard drives with DOS / Win9x And there is no power for Windows NT / 2K / XP, even their recovery console (cmdcons). [If you want to experience this feature, you can get two mirror files in Win98SE_CHS under Win98_for_grub, they all have Graphical interface.] [In addition, if you try to make Winnt and so on can run in a virtual disk image file, refer to the Windows XP Embedded information, can be done by using RamDisk driver. You can get a for WMware to RamDisk_winxpe. The hardware environment WinXP Embedded version.] And "Map of Disk", usually not, so there is no longer discussed here. 4. Support network boot (including network virtual floppy disk); ifconfig --Address = (IP address used by this machine) ifconfig --Mask = (subnet mask) ifconfig --Gateway = (IP address of the gateway) ifconfig --Server = (TFTP server IP address) Keernel (ND) /MEMDisk.gz initrd (nd) /win99.gz (can use zip compressed file) Boot (ibid) 5. Support optical drive start (with a driver of ATAPI devices with independent and BIOS) 1). How to make the GRUB recognition of the optical drive SCDROM -Install installation, you can specify the root device to the CD, access content on the disc (such as specified MEMDisk: kernel (CD) / MEMDisk, etc. ) 2). How to jump to the optical drive to start SCDROM - BootCD This is a "one-way" style jump, if successful. If it fails, it will return to GRUB. 6. Support for cross-platform; 1). Pure DOS runs GRUB to use a supported grub.exe program. 2). Start GRUB directly from the disc (which must be non-simulated) uses the supported Stage2_eltorito file as the startup file. 3). Run GRUB on Linux Using a matching GRUB Program (ELF format). You may need to modify the run permission (CHMOD A X GRUB). 4). No disk launch grub uses the supporting NBGRUB / PXEGRUB. * 5) Use Winnt / 2K / XP / LH The guide (NTLDR) loads GRUB * to use supported GRLDR. How to: First, you must confirm that your system has NTLDR boot feature, then open its profile (boot.ini, this file is usually Your "c: /"), make changes. Please add the next line to the end of the file (note, please a line) c: / grldr = "boot grub with full set"
, Then save it. Of course, you may get the information that the file is read-only. Please modify its properties, save it. Subsequently, please solve the grildr in the compressed package to C: / Yes. 7. The support of the boot file We hypothesize that the files used in the file are located in C: / (HD0, 0) 1). Hard disk sector file root (HD0, 0) (When using the hard disk, you must use HD, so that boot is passed The drive letter is 80h) Root (Display Disk is 80H) Run /PELOADER.BIN (Run) 2). CD non-simulated method boot file SCDROM --Install (initialization, installation optical disk drive) root (CD) (specified boot Operation of the drive) RUOT (Show Description Disk is 80h) Run (HD0, 0) /emurtosk.bin (running) * Note: The specified file is less than 32768 bytes. IV. Acknowledged this version of GRUB open, Can not open a lot of people's efforts, cooperation and help. They are: gnu grub Author: a great program worker, bring us a powerful GRUB FSYS_NTFS.C provider: This version of GRUB references it Provide developers with support Smart Bootmanager for NTFS partition: This version of GRUB references its ATAPI driver module Vcode Dragon Tang Forum on ZHAOXG: He provides information about Blue Point GRUB, so that this version Chinese support has been supported Source GRUB Network Support Patch Provider: This version of GRUB references many official versions of the NIC developers who do not support GRUB4DOS: This version of GRUB references its Map / NTLDR module (Thank you tinybit) Findroo T function: he (chris_s) from Topologilinux and his friend (Tobias) United Dos Forum: Here, I often communicate with a number of masters. Thanks Huymbeke sent to the vccode Dragon Hall Forum on the little girl: I ask her the question of amending the bj2008.xpm background of ... ... ... ... ... there are many people in this together thank updated:! 2004-10-2221: 48:20
- Description of Run Command [Add] 2004-10-13 19:28:18 - Adjustment to MEMDISK can only support 1.44m / 2.88m statement [Correction] to the third item, the content is added [Add ]
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