This article is transferred
First. Backup compression
Two. File management
Third. Network communication
Four. Special command
1.rpm command manual
2.Linux Chinese Find Technology Daquan
3. FTP command Daquan and its application
V. System Management
First. Backup compression
Function Description: List the compressed file information.
Syndrome: Zipinfo [-12HLMMSTTVZ] [Compressed File] [File ...] [- x
Supplementary Description: Performing the zipinfo directive to know the details of the ZIP compressed file.
-1 Only the file name is listed.
-2 The effect of this parameter is similar to the specified "-1" parameter, but can be used with "-h", "- t" and "-z" parameters.
-h only lists the file name of the compressed file.
-L The effect of this parameter is similar to the specified "-m" parameter, but the size of the original file is listed instead of the compression ratio of each file.
-m The effect of this parameter is similar to the specified "-s" parameter, but it will list the compression ratio of each file.
-M If the content of the information exceeds a picture, information is listed in a similar MORE instruction.
-s lists the compressed file content with an effect of performing the "LS -L" instruction.
-t only lists the number of files contained in the compressed file, the file size and compression ratio before and after compression.
-T will be listed in the order of the date, month, day, hour, minute, and seconds.
-v detailed information on each file in the compressed file.
-X Does not list information in conformity.
-z If an comment is included in the compressed file, the comment is displayed.
Function Description: Compressed files.
Syntax: zip [-acdffghjjkllmoQRSTUVVWXYZ $] [- B
Supplementary Description: ZIP is a wide compression program that separates the compressed file with the ".zip" extension after it is compressed.
-A Adjusts the executable automatic decompression file.
-c Alignment with each compressed file.
-d deletes the specified file from the compressed file.
The -d compressed file does not establish a directory name.
-f This parameter is similar to the specified "-u" parameter, but not only updates existing files, if some files do not store within the compressed file, use this parameter to join the compressed file.
-F Try repair damaged compressed files.
-g After the file is compressed, it is attached to an existing compressed file, not an additional new compressed file.
-H Online help.
-i only compressible documents.
-j only saves file names and its content without depositting any directory name.
-J Deletes unnecessary data in front of the compressed file.
-K uses the file name of the MS-DOS compatible format.
-l When the file is compressed, the LF character is replaced into LF CR characters.
-ll When the file is compressed, the LF CR character is replaced into a LF character.
-L Displays copyright information.
-m After comprested files and adds a compressed file, delete the original file, that is, move the file to the compressed file.
-o The file with the latest change time in the compressed file is required, and the change time of the compressed file is set to the same file.
-Q does not display the instruction execution process.
-r recursive processing, processing all files and subdirectories in the specified directory. -S contains systems and hidden files.
-T Check that each file in the backup file is correct.
-u Replace newer files into the compressed file.
-v Displays the command execution process or display version information.
-V Save the file properties of the VMS operating system.
-w In the file name, if the version number is received, this parameter is only valid under the VMS operating system.
-X Exempt qualified documents when compressed.
-X does not save additional file properties.
-y Direct saves symbol connections instead of files pointed to by this connection, this parameter is only valid under the system.
-z replace the compressed file plus comments.
- $ Save the first volume name of the disk where the disk is located.
Function Description: Unzip ZIP file
Method: unzip [-cflptuvz] [- agcjlmnoqsvx] [- p
Supplementary description: Unzip is the decompression program of the .zip compressed file.
-c Displays the result of the decompressed to the screen and make the characters appropriate conversion.
-f updates an existing file.
-l Displays the files included in the compressed file.
-p is similar to -c parameters, and the decompressed result is displayed on the screen, but no conversion is performed.
-t checks if the compressed file is correct.
-u is similar to the -f parameter, but in addition to updating existing files, other files in the compressed file are also encapsulated into the directory.
-v execution is to display detailed information.
-z only shows the note text of the compressed file.
-A For text files, the necessary character conversion.
-b Do not perform character conversion for text files.
The file name in the -c compressed file is case sensitive.
-j does not process the original directory path in the compressed file.
-L changes all file names in the compressed file to lowercase.
-M Sends the output to the more program processing.
-n Do not override the original file when decompressed.
-o Don't have to ask users, and UNZIP is executed to overwrite the original file.
Any information is displayed when the -q is executed.
-s converts blank characters in the file name to the bottom line character.
-V retains the file version information of VMS.
-X decompression time The original UID / GID is used.
[.zip file] Specifies the .zip compressed file.
[File] Specifies which files to handle. Zip compressed files.
-Z unzip -z is equal to executing the Zipinfo directive.
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: Unzip the .arj file.
Syndrome: UNARJ [ELTX] [. ARJ Compressed File]
Supplementary description: UNARJ compresses the compression program of the .arj.
e decompress the .arj file.
l Displays the files contained in the compressed file.
T Check that the compressed file is correct.
X is decompressed when the original path is retained.
Function Description: Backup file.
-A or - Catenate adds warmth to existing backup files.
-B or - READ-FULL-RECORDS When reading data, the block size is reset.
-c or -create creates a new backup file.
-d or -diff or --compare compares the differences in files on the backup file and file system.
-F or -info-script = When the tape is replaced, the specified script file is executed.
-g or -Listed-Incremental handles a lot of backups in GNU format.
-G or - in -INCREMENTAL has a large number of backups in the old GNU format.
-h or - derecalance does not establish a symbolic connection, directly copy the original file points to the connection.
-i or -ignore-zeros ignore the 0 Byte block in the backup file, which is EOF.
-K or - Keep-Old-Files When the backup file is unable to overwrite the existing file.
-l or --one-file-system replication file or directory stored file system, must be the same as the file system in which the TAR directive is executed, otherwise it will not be copied.
-M or -multi-volume is used to build, restore backup files or lists the contents, and use multiling mode.
-o or --OLD-Archive or --Portability uses the V7 format when writing the data into the backup file.
-O or --stdout outputs files that are restored from the backup file to the standard output device.
-p or --same-permissions restore files with original file privileges.
-P or -absolute-names file name uses absolute names, "/" before the file name is not removed.
-r or -append adds files to the end of the existing backup file.
-R or -block-number lists the block numbers per information in the backup file.
-S or - Same-Order restore files The order of the backup files is the same.
-S or --sParse If a file contains a large number of continuous 0 bytes, this file is sparse file.
-t or --List lists the contents of the backup file.
-T or -files-from = Specify an emoticon file, which contains one or more template styles, let Tar unconfigure or establish files that meet the settings.
-u or --Update only replaces file updated than files within the backup file.
-U or --unlink-first until the connection is released before the compressed file restores file.
-v or -verbose display instruction execution process.
-w or - intermittently asked users when encountering problems.
-W or -verify After writing a backup file, confirm that the file is correct.
-x or-extract or - Get restores files from the backup file.
-X or-exclude-from = Specify an emoticon file, contains one or more template statter, allowing AR to eliminate files that meet the settings.
-z or - gzip or --ungzip processes the backup file through the Gzip instruction.
-Z or --compress or --uncompress processes the backup file via the Compress command.
--Atime-preserve does not change the access time of the file.
- Backup =
- The directory name is listed when reading a backup file.
- Concatenate This parameter is the same as the specified "-a" parameter.
- Confirmation This parameter is the same as the specified "-w" parameter.
--delete removes the specified file from the backup file.
--exclude = Exclude a question in compliance with the model style.
--Group =
--help online help.
--ignore-failed-read ignores data read error, does not interrupt the execution of the program.
--new-volume-script = The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "-f" parameter.
--newer-Mtime only saves changes to the changes.
--NO-Recursion does not make recursive processing, that is, all files and subdirectories in the specified directory are not processed. - Null reads the file name from NULL device.
--Numeric-Owner replaces the user name and group name in user identification code and group identification code.
- Wener =
- POSIX uses the POSIX format when writing data to a backup file.
--preserve the effect of this parameter and the specified "-ps" parameter.
--preserve-order The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "-a" parameter.
--preserve-permissions This parameter is the same as the specified "-p" parameter.
--Record-size =
- Recursive-unlink until the compressed file restores the directory, let the connections of all files in the entire directory before the directory.
-Remove-Files file After adding a backup file, it is deleted.
--RSH-command =
--same-owner try to ask home with the same file owner.
- Totals Backup file is established, list the file size.
--Use-compress-program =
--Version displays version information.
--volno-file =
Function Description: Restore (RESTORE) is backed up by the dump (DUMP) or the entire file system (a partition).
Syntax: restore [-ccvy] [- B
Supplementary Description: The operation of the RESTORE instruction is reversed, and the dumping operation can be used to back up files, and the restore operation is written back to these backup files.
-c does not check the backup format of the dumping operation, and only allow the backup file using the old format.
-C Use the comparison mode to compare the backup files with the current files.
-H Only the directory is only included without all files related to the directory.
-i uses an interactive mode, and when the restore operation is performed, the Restore directive will ask the user in order. -m Unconverts file or directory that meets the specified Inode number instead of the file name specified.
-r Restore operation.
-R When you restore file systems, you should start it.
-t Specify file name, if the file already has a backup file, the names are listed.
-v Displays the command execution process.
-x Settings file names and read them from the specified storage media, if the file already exists in the backup file, turn it into the file system.
-y does not ask any questions, and you agree to answer and continue the instruction.
Function Description: Compressed or decompressed files.
Syntax: LHA [-ACDFGLMNPQTUVX] [- a <0/1/2> / u] [- d] [- i] [- o] [- w =
Supplementary Description: LHA is a compression program evolved from Lharc. After it is compressed by it, it will additionally generate a compressed file with the ".lzh" extension.
-a or a compressed file and add it to the compressed file.
-A <0/1/2> / U compresses files, using different file headers.
-c or C compressed file, after rebuilding new compressed files, add it.
-D or D deletes the specified file from the compressed file.
-D or D compress file, then add, restructuring, update compressed files or delete the original file, that is, move the file into the compressed file.
-e or e underssence the compressed file.
-f or F enforcement LHA commands, and then override existing files directly without querying.
-g or g uses universal compression formats to facilitate resolution of compatibility.
-i or i unstart the compressed file, ignore the file path saved within the compressed file, directly decompressed, stored in the current directory or the specified directory.
-l or L lists information about the compressed file.
-m or m The effect of this parameter is the same as the "-ad" parameter.
-n or n does not perform instructions, only listed actual executions.
-o or o uses Lharc compatibility formats to add compressed files to and update compressed files.
-p or P Output from the compressed file to the standard output device.
-q or Q does not display the instruction execution process.
-t or t is checked if each file in the backup file is correct.
-u or u Replace newer files into the compressed file.
-u or u uses a different file header when file compression, and then updates to the compressed file.
-v or v detailed list of information related to compressed files.
-w =
-x or x unstart the compressed file.
-z or z does not compress file, directly add it, update the compressed file.
Gzip (GNU Zip)
Function Description: Compressed files.
Syntax: gzip [-acdfhllnnnnqrtvv] [- S
Supplementary Description: Gzip is a wide compression program that will be ".gz" extension after the file is compressed by it. Parameter:
-A or --ASCII uses ASCII text mode.
-c or --stdout or --to-stdout outputs the compressed file to the standard output device and does not go to the original file.
-d or - Decompress or - uncompress unconfigure the compressed file.
-f or --force forced compression file. Whether the file name or hard connection exists and whether the file is a symbolic connection.
-h or --help online help.
-l or --List lists information about compressed files.
-L or -License displays version and copyright information.
-N or - NO-NAME compresses files, does not save the original file name and timestamp.
-N or --NAME When compressed file, save the original file name and timestamp.
-q or --quiet does not display warning information.
-r or -recurs recursive process, process all files and subdirectories in the specified directory and subdirectory.
-t or --Test test is correct.
-v or -verbose display instruction execution process.
-V or --Version displays version information.
- BEST The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "-9" parameter.
- FAST This parameter is the same as the specified "-1" parameter.
GZEXE (Gzip Executable)
Function Description: Compressed execution file.
Syndrome: gzexe [-d] [execution file ...]
Supplementary description: gzexe is a program used to compress execution files. When you perform a compressed execution file, the file will automatically decompressed and continue to perform, and use the general execution file.
-d unconverts the compressed file.
Gunzip (GNU UNZIP)
Function Description: Unzip files.
Syndrody: gunzip [-acfhllnnnqrtvv] [- s
Supplementary Description: Gunzip is a widely used decompression program that is used to unwind files that are compressed by Gzip, and these compressed files preset the final extension ".gz". In fact, Gunzip is a hard connection of GZIP, so it can be done separately by Gzip instructions whether it is compressed or decompressed.
-A or --ASCII uses ASCII text mode.
-c or --stdout or - TO-stdout outputs the decompressed file to the standard output device.
-f or -force forcibly unlocking the compressed file, ignoring whether the file name or hard connection exists and whether the file is a symbolic connection.
-h or --help online help.
-l or --List lists information about compressed files.
-L or -License displays version and copyright information.
When the -n or - no-name is decompressed, if the file name and timestamp in the compressed file, it is ignored to ignore it.
-N or --NAME is decompressed, if the compressed file contains the original file name and timestamp, return it to the unlocked file.
-q or --quiet does not display warning information.
-r or -recurs recursive process, process all files and subdirectories in the specified directory and subdirectory. -S
-t or --Test test is correct.
-v or -verbose display instruction execution process.
-V or --Version displays version information.
Function Description: Backup file system.
Syntax: Dump [-CNU] [- 0123456789] [- B
Supplementary Description: DUMP is a backup tool program that backed up the directory or entire file system to a specified device, or back up into a big file.
-0123456789 Backup level.
-c Modify the density and capacity of the backup tape preset.
-n When the backup work requires administrator intervening, a notification is issued to the users in all "Operator" groups.
-u Backup, record the backup file system, level, date, and time, etc. in / etc / dumpdates.
-w is similar to -w, but only files that need to be backed up.
-W Displays the files that need to be backed up and their last backup level, time and date.
CPIO (Copy In / OUT)
Function Description: Backup file.
Syntax: CPIO [-0aabcklovv] [- C ] [- F
Supplementary Description: The CPIO is used to create, retrieve the backup file, which can be added, unwriting files in the CPIO or TRA backup file. Parameter:
-0 or - Null accepts a new column control character, usually uses the "-print0" parameter of the Find instruction.
-A or --Reset-Access-Time Re-sets the access time of the file.
-A or --append is attached to an existing backup, and this backup file must be stored on disk without placing in a tape drive.
-b or - SWAP The effect of this parameter is the same as the "-ss" parameter.
-B changes the size of the entered / output to 5210 BYTES.
-c uses old ASCII backup formats.
-d or -make-directories If you need a CPIO to create a directory yourself.
-E or -pattern-file = Specify an emotic file, contains one or more template styles, let CPIO unconverts files that match the template conditions, format is a model pattern for each column.
-f or --nonmatch makes the CPIO unfained all files that do not meet the template.
-i or-extract executes a COPY-IN mode and restores a backup file.
-k This parameter will ignore the processed, only responsible for solving compatibility issues between CPIOs.
-l or --LINK replaces replicates in a hard connection, can be used in COPY-PASS mode.
-L or -derecne does not establish a symbolic connection, copy the original file points to the connection pointing directly.
-m or preserve-modification-time does not change the change time of the file.
-n or --Numeric-Uid-GID When using the "-tv" parameter, if the parameter "-n" is added, the owner and group will be replaced by the user identification code and group identification code. Group name lists the file list.
-o or --CREATE performs a copy-out mode to create a backup file.
-p or --pass-through Execute a Copy-Pass mode, skip the backup step to copy files directly to the destination directory.
-r or --Rename When the file name needs to be faster, use interactive mode.
---- Owner
-S or - Swap-bytes exchanges the content of each paragraph.
-S or - Swap-HalfWords exchanges the content of every half byte.
-t or -list presented the contents of the input.
-u or --unconditional replaces all files, regardless of the new and old or not, it will be directly overwritten. -v or -verbose detailed execution process.
-V or - DOT Execute the instruction, add "." In front of the execution program of each file.
--block-size =
--force-local enforces the backup file in the local host.
--help online help.
--NO-ABSOLUTE-FILENAMES establishes a file name using a relative path.
--NO-Preserve-Owner does not retain the owner of the file, who unshalled the backup file, those files are all.
-only-verify-CRC When the backup file is in a CRC backup format, you can use this parameter to check if each file in the backup file is correct.
--quiet does not display how many blocks have been copied.
--SPARSE If a file contains a lot of continuous 0 bytes, this file is sparse file.
--Version displays version information.
Function Description: Compressed or decompressed files.
Syndrome: Compress [-CDFRVV] [- B
Supplementary description: Compress is a historic compression program. After the file is compressed, the name will be ".z" extension. The uncompress directive can be performed when you want to decompress. In fact, Uncompress is a symbolic connection to the Compress, so it can be done separately by the Compress instruction, whether it is compressed or decompressed.
-c outputs the compressed file to the standard output device and does not derive the original file.
-d to decompress files rather than compression.
-f enforces compressed files, ignors whether the file name or hard connection exists, whether the file is a problem that the symbolic connection is high and the compression efficiency is high.
-r recursive processing, processes all files and subdirectories in the specified directory.
-v Displays the command execution process.
-V Displays the instruction version and program preset value.
Function Description: It is used to repair damaged .bz2 files.
Syndrome: BZip2Recover [.bz2 Compressed File]
Supplementary Description: BZIP2 is compressed in blocks, each block being regarded as an independent unit. Therefore, when a block is damaged, Bzip2Recover can be utilized, and the blocks in the file are separated to unpack the normal block. Usually only applicable to the case of compressed files.
Function Description: The compression program of .bz2 file.
Syndrome: Bzip2 [-CDFHKLSTVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVZ] [- repetitive-best] [- repetitive-fast] [- compression level] [To compress file]
Supplementary description: BZIP2 adopts a new compression algorithm, compression effect is better than the traditional LZ77 / LZ78 compression algorithm. If no parameters are added, BZIP2 generates .bz2 compressed files and deletes the original file. Parameter:
-c or --stdout will send compression and decompression results to standard output.
-d or - Decompress performs decompression.
-f or --force bzip2 When compressed or decompressed, if the output file is the same name with the existing file, the preset does not overwrite the existing file. To overwrite, use this parameter.
-h or --help displays help.
-k or --keep bzip2 After compression or decompression, the original file will be deleted. To keep the original file, use this parameter.
-s or --small reduces the amount of memory during program execution.
-t or --Test test.BZ2 compressed file integrity.
-v or --verbose compresses or decompressed files, displaying detailed information.
-z or --compress enforces compression.
-L, - license,
-V or --Version displays version information.
--Repetitive-Best If there is a repeated data in the file, this parameter can be utilized to improve the compression effect.
- REPETITIVE-FAST If you have repeated data in the file, you can use this parameter to speed up the execution speed.
- The block size when the compression level is compressed.
Function Description: The decompression program for .bz2 file.
Syndrome: Bunzip2 [-fklsvv] [. BZ2 Compressed File]
Supplementary description: bunzip2 can decompress the compressed file in the .bz2 format. Bunzip2 is actually the symbolic connection of BZIP2, and executes Bunzip2 and BZIP2 -D.
When the -f or -force is decompressed, if the output file is as the existing file as the existing file, the preset does not overwrite the existing file. To overwrite, use this parameter.
-k or --keep After decompression, the preset will delete the original compressed file. To keep the compressed file, use this parameter.
-s or --small reduces program execution, memory usage.
-v or -verbose decompress files, display detailed information.
-l, - license, -v or --Version displays version information.
Function Description: Establish or modify the backup file, or extract files from the backup file.
Syndrome: Ar [-dmpqrtx] [cfossuvv] [A
Supplementary Description: AR Lets you set a lot of files to become a single backup file. In the backup file, all member files all keep the original properties and permissions.
Instruction parameters
-d Delete member files in the backup file.
-m change the order of the member file in the backup file.
-p Displays the contents of the member file in the backup file.
-q will ask your family to attach the end of the backup file.
-r Inserts files into the backup file.
-T Displays the files contained in the backup file.
-x Remove member files in your own storage file.
Option parameters
a Member File> After inserting the file into the member file specified in the backup file.
c Establish a backup file.
f To avoid excessive file names are not compatible with the AR command instructions of other systems, this parameter can be used, and the name of the member file to be placed in the backup file is taken.
o Reserved the date of the file in the backup file. S If the backup file contains object mode, this parameter can be used to establish a symbolic table of the backup file.
S does not generate a symbolic table.
u Only inserts the date newer file into the backup file.
v The V program is executed to display detailed information.
V Displays version information.
Two. File management
Function Description: Find files.
Syndrome: Which [file ...]
Supplementary Description: The Which directive looks up in the directory set by the environment variable $ PATH.
-W Specifies the width of the field when the output is output.
-V Displays version information.
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: Find files.
Language: whereis [-bfmsu] [- B
Supplementary Description: The WHEREIS instruction looks for a qualified file in a specific directory. These files have the fense of these files to be original code, binary, or help files.
-b only looks for binary files.
-f does not display the path name before the file name.
-m only finds the documentation.
-s only find the original code file.
-u lookup does not contain files for the specified type.
-------------------------------------------------- --------
Function Description: Specifies the privilege mask for preset when the file is created.
Skill: umask [-s] [permission mask]
Supplementary description: umask can be used to set [permission mask]. [Permission Mask] is composed of three octa-based numbers, and after the existing access weight is reduced, the preset permission can be generated when the file is created.
-S indicates the permissions mask in the way.
Function Description: Change the file or directory time.
Syntax: Touch [-ACFM] [- D
Supplementary Description: Use the Touch instruction to change the date and time of the file or directory, including access time and change time.
-a or --time = atime or --time = access or --time = USE only changes access time.
-c or -no-create does not establish any files.
-f This parameter will ignore the processed, only responsible for solving the compatibility problem of the BSD version Touch instruction.
-m or --Time = MTIME or - TIME = Modify only changes the change time.
--help online help. --Version displays version information.
TmpWatch (Temporary Watch)
Function Description: Delete a temporary file.
Syntax: TmpWatch [-AFQV] [- TEST] [Over Time] [Directory ...]
Supplementary Description: Execute the TMPWATCH instruction to delete unnecessary temporary files, you can set the file overdue time, and the unit is calculated in hours.
-A or - AlL deletes any type of file.
-f or -force enforces the deletion of files or directories, which effect similar to the "-f" parameter of the RM instruction.
-q or --quiet does not display the instruction execution process.
-v or --verbose detailed instruction execution process.
-Test only tests, don't really delete files or directories.
Function Description: Read the data input data and output its content into a file.
Syntax: Tee [-ai] [- help] [- version] [file ...]
Supplementary Description: The TEE instruction reads the data from the standard input device, outputs its content to the standard output device while saving as a file.
-A or --Append is attached to the back of the existing file instead of overwriting it.
-i-i or --ignore-interrupts ignores the interrupt signal.
--help online help.
--Version displays version information.
Function Description: Cutting the file.
Syntax: Split [- Help] [- Version] [-
Supplementary Description: Split can cut the file into a smaller file, and the preset will cut into a small file per 1000 guides.
--help shows help.
--Version displays version information.
[Output File Name] Set the front file name of the file after cutting, Split will automatically add the number after the front file name.
Slocate (Secure Locate)
Function Description: Find a file or directory.
Syntax: slocate [-u] [- help] [- version] [- D
Supplementary Description: Slocate itself has a database, which stores information about files and directories in the system.
-u Update the Slocate database.
--help shows help.
--Version displays version information.
RM (Remove)
Function Description: Delete a file or directory.
Syndrome: rm [-dfirv] [- Help] [- Version] [File or Directory ...]
Supplementary Description: Execute the RM instruction to delete a file or directory, if you want to delete the directory, you must add the parameter "-r", otherwise the preset will only delete the file. Parameter:
-d or --directory directly deletes the hard connection data of the directory you want to delete to 0, delete the directory.
-f or --force enforces the deletion of files or directories.
-i or - interactive deletes the user before the file or directory.
-r or -r or -recursive processing, processing all files and subdirectories in the specified directory.
-v or -verbose display instruction execution process.
--help online help.
--Version displays version information.
Function Description: Generate an encrypted file with a restore.
Skill: rhmask [Encrypted File] [Output File] or RHMASK [-D] [Encrypted File] [Source File] [Output File]
Supplementary Description: Execute the RHmask instruction to create an encrypted file, so that the user transmits the file on the public network, not to be used any.
-d produces an encrypted file.
RCP (Remote Copy)
Function Description: Remote copy file or directory.
Skill: RCP [-PR] [Source File or Contents] [Target File or Directory] or RCP [-PR] [Source File or Directory ...] [Target File]
Supplementary Description: The RCP instruction is used to replicate files or directories at the far end, such as specifying more than two files or directories, and the last destination is an already existing directory, then copy all the files or directories specified in front to all the files or directories to This directory.
-p Reserved properties of the source file or directory, including owners, group, permissions, and time.
-r recursive processing, the files in the specified directory are handled by the subdirectory.
Function Description: Displays the MS-DOS directory.
Script: mdir [-afwx /] [directory]
Supplementary Description: MDIR is the mtools tool instruction, analog MS-DOS DIR command to display the directory content in the MS-DOS file system.
- / Display all subdirectories and files in the directory.
-a Displays hidden files.
-f does not display the available space remaining in the disk.
-w Only the directory or file name is displayed and rendered in a manner so that more directories or files can be displayed at a time.
-X Only display all subdirectories and files in the directory, and do not display additional information.
Function Description: Delete the MS-DOS file.
Script: MDEL [File ...]
Supplementary Description: MDEL is the MTools tool instruction, analog MS-DOS's DEL instruction, can delete files in the MS-DOS file system.
Function Description: Copy the MS-DOS file.
Method: Mcopy [-bnmpqt /] [Source File] [Target File or Directory]
Supplementary Description: McOpy is a MTools tool instruction that copies files in the MS-DOS file system or replicates files between MS-DOS and Linux file systems. McOPY will determine how to copy files when the MS-DOS disk drive code appears.
-b batch mode.
-n Overwrites other files, it is not necessary to confirm and directly override.
-m Set the source file modification time to the modification time of the target file. -p Sets the source file attribute to the properties of the target file.
-Q When multiple files are copied, the program is immediately ended immediately.
-T conversion text file.
- / Replicate subdirectory and all of them.
Mc (Midnight Commander)
Function Description: Provides a menu file manager.
Method: MC [-Abcdfhkpstuuvx] [- c
Supplementary Description: After performing the MC, you will see the menu file management program, which is divided into 4 parts.
-a When the MC program is drawn, you do not have to draw characters.
-b Use monochrome mode display.
-c Use color mode display.
-d does not use a mouse.
-f Displays the directory where the MC library is located.
-h display help.
-k re-sets SoftKeys into pre-set.
When the -p program ends, list the last work directory.
-s Display with a slow terminal mode, which will reduce a lot of drawing and text display in this mode.
-t Use the TempCap variable to set the terminal without using the pre-set.
-u does not have to have current shell programs.
-U Using the current shell program.
-V Displays version information.
-x Specifies to display in XTERM mode.
Function Description: Change or display the properties of the MS-DOS file.
Method: Mattrib [ /-] [AHRS] [- / x] [File] or mattrib [- / x] [File]
Supplementary Description: Mattrib is the mtools tool instruction, analog the Attrib directive of MS-DOS, and change the properties of the MS-DOS file.
/- " " represents the specified file properties. "-" represents the specified file properties.
A Backup Properties. Make the backup program to determine if the file has been backed up.
h hook attributes.
r readite properties.
S system properties.
- / list the properties of all files in the specified directory and subdirectory.
-X Display file properties, there is no space in the middle.
LSATTR (List attribute)
Function Description: Displays the file properties.
Language: lsattr [-adlrvv] [file or directory ...]
Supplementary Description: Use Chattr to perform the properties of the file or directory, and execute the LSATTR instruction to query its properties.
-A Displays all files and directories, including "." for the additional built-in directory of the name, current directory "." "with the upper directory". ".
-d display, directory name, not its content.
-l This parameter currently has no effect.
-R recursive processing, processes all files and subdirectories in the specified directory.
-v Displays a file or directory version.
-V Displays version information.
Function Description: Find files.
Language: Locate [-D
Supplementary Description: Locate instructions are used to find the qualified files, which will save the file or directory that looks with the scribble style condition within the database with the directory name. Parameter:
--help online help.
--Version displays version information.
GIT (GNU Interactive Tools)
Function Description: File administrator in text mode.
Language: git
Supplementary Description: git is the program used to manage the file, it is very similar to Norton Commander under DOS, with an interactive operation interface. Its operational method is almost the same as Norton Commander, whose appeal is as follows:
F1: Execute the INFO directive, query the information of the instruction, you will ask you to enter the name of the desired query.
F2: Perform a CAT instruction to list the file content.
F3: Execute the GitView instruction to watch the contents of the file.
F4: Execute the VI directive to edit the contents of the file.
F5: Execute the CP instruction, copy the file, or directory, you will ask you to enter the target file or directory.
F6: Perform the MV command, mobile files, or directory, or change its name, you will ask you to enter the target file or directory.
F7: Perform the MKDIR command to create a directory.
F8: Execute RM instructions, delete files or directories.
F9: When performing the Make instruction, when executing instructions or compilers, you will be required to enter the relevant command.
F10: Leave the Git file administrator.
OD (Octal Dump)
Function Description: Output file content.
Syntax: OD [-ABCDFHILOVX] [- a
Supplementary Description: The OD instruction reads the contents of the files given, and presents its contents in an octave.
-A The effect of this parameter is the same as the "-ta" parameter.
-b The effect of this parameter is the same as the "-toc" parameter.
-c The effect of this parameter is the same as the "-TC" parameter.
-d the effect of this parameter and the same specified "-tu2" parameter.
-f The effect of this parameter is the same as the "-TFF" parameter.
-h The effect of this parameter is the same as the "-tx2" parameter.
-i The effect of this parameter is the same as the "-TD2" parameter.
-L The effect of this parameter is the same as the "-TD4" parameter.
-o The effect of this parameter and the same specified "-to2" parameter.
-v or -output-duplicates is not omitted when repeated data.
-X The effect of this parameter is the same as the "-h" parameter.
--help online help.
--Version displays version information.
Function Description: Move or rename an existing file or directory.
Method: MV [-bfiuv] [- Help] [- Version] [- S
Supplementary description: MV movable file or directory, or the name of the file or directory.
-b or - backup If you need to overwrite files, you will overwrite the first backup.
-f or --force If the target file or directory is repeated with existing files or directories, override existing files or directories.
-i or - interrogate the user before covering.
-u or --Update When moving or changing file names, if the target file already exists, and its file date is new, the target file is not overwritten.
Detailed information is displayed when -V or -verbose is executed.
-V =
--Version-control =
--help shows help.
--Version displays version information.
Function Description: Test and display the relevant settings of MTools.
Supplementary Description: MToolStest is the Mtools tool instruction to read the configuration files analyzing the MTools and display the results on the screen.
Function Description: Displays instructions supported by mtools.
Method: MTOOLS
Supplementary Description: Mtools is a tool program for the MS-DOS file system to simulate a number of MS-DOS instructions. These instructions are symbolic connections for mtools, so there are some common features.
-A Long file name is repeated to automatically change the long text name of the target file.
-A Short file name repeats but automatically changes the short message name of the target file when the long file name is different.
When the -o long file name is repeated, the destination file overwrites an existing file.
-O short file name Repeat but the long file name is different, cover the destination file overwrites an existing file.
-r long file name Repeat, requires the user to change the long text name of the target file.
-R Short file name repetizes but long file names are different, requiring users to change the short term name of the target file.
The -s long file name is repeated, the target file is not processed.
The -s short file name is repeated but is different when the file name is different, and the target file is not processed.
Detailed description of the -V execution.
-V Displays version information.
Function Description: Displays the record of the MS-DOS file in FAT.
Syndrome: MSHOWFAT [File ...]
Supplementary Description: Mshowfat is the Mtools tool instruction, which shows the record number in the FAT.
Function Description: Change the name of the MS-DOS file or directory or a mobile file or directory.
Syndrome: MREN [source file or directory ...] [Target file or directory]
Supplementary Description: MREN is the MS-DOS tool instruction, analog MS-DOS's REN instruction, can change the MS-DOS file or directory name. In addition to this, the REN also moves files or directories, but is limited to within the same device.
Function Description: Copy the MS-DOS file to the Linux / UNIX directory.
Skill: MREAD [MS-DOS file ...] [Linux file or directory]
Supplementary Description: MREAD is the mtools tool instruction, copy the MS-DOS file to the Linux file system. This instruction is currently not commonly used, usually using the McOPY instruction.
Function Description: In the MS-DOS file system, the file or directory is moved, or the name is changed.
Method: Mmove [Source File or Directory ...] [Target File or Directory]
Supplementary Description: Mmove is the MTools tool instruction, analog MS-DOS's MOVE command to move an existing file or directory in the MS-DOS file system, or change the name of the existing file or directory.
Function Description: Establish a temporary file.
Syndrome: MkTemp [-qu] [file name parameter]
Supplementary Description: MkTemp can establish a temporary file for use in Shell Script.
If an error occurs when the -q is executed, no information is displayed.
-u Temperatical file will be removed before the MkTemp ended.
[File Name Parameters] The file name parameter must be the format of "self-subscribe name .xxxxx".
Function Description: Find a file or directory.
Syntax: FIND [Table ...] [- Amin ] [- folow] [- fprint
] [- FPRINT0
[-mtime <24-hour number>] [- NAME
-Atime <24-hour> Find files or directories that have been accessed at the specified time, in units of 24 hours.
-ctime <24-hour> Find files or directories that were changed at the specified time, in units of 24 hours.
-dayStart is calculated from this day.
-Depth starts searching from the deepest subdirectory under the specified directory.
-EXPTY looks for file size for 0 Byte file, or no subdirectories or file empty directory.
-false is set to false of the backhaul value of the Find instruction.
-fls The effect of this parameter is similar to the specified "-ls" parameter, but saves the results as the specified list file.
-follow excludes symbolic connections.
-fprint The effect of this parameter is similar to the specified "-print" parameter, but save the results into the specified list file.
-fprint0 The effect of this parameter is similar to the specified "-print0" parameter, but save the results into the specified list file.
-help or --help online help.
-inum looks for files or directories that meet the specified Inode numbers.
-ipath The effect of this parameter is similar to the specified "-ipath" parameter, but ignores the difference in character case.
-ls assumes that the feedback value of the Find instruction is True, list the file or directory name to the standard output.
-mount The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "-xdev".
-mtime <24-hour> Find files or directories that have been changed at the specified time, in units of 24 hours.
-nogroup finds a file or directory that does not belong to the local host group identification code.
-noleaf does not consider that the directory needs to have two hard connections.
-nouser finds a file or directory that is not belonging to the local host user identification code.
-print assumes that the backhaul value of the Find instruction is TRUE, list the file or directory name to the standard output. The format is a name for each column, and each name has a "./" string.
-print0 assumes that the feedback value of the Find instruction is true, and the file or directory name is listed to the standard output. The format is all the names in the same line.
-prune does not look for a string as a model style of looking for files or directories.
-True is set to TRUE in True.
-version or --Version displays version information.
-XDEV will limit the range in the first file system.
Function Description: Identify file type.
Method: File [-belvz] [- f
Supplementary Description: Through the File Directive, we can identify the type of this file.
-b Lists the identification result, the file name is not displayed.
-c Detailed Display Instruction Execution Process, easy to troubleshoot or analyze the case execution.
-v Displays version information.
-z Try to interpret the contents of the compressed file.
Function Description: Display statistics based on the comparison result of the DIFF.
Syndrome: DIFF [-WV] [- n
Supplementary description: Diffstat reads the output of the DIFF, then counts the difference between the insertion, deletion, modification of each file.
-W Specifies the width of the field when the output is output.
-V Displays version information.
Function Description: Adjust the format of the C original code file.
Syntax: Indenter] [Source File] or Indenter "[Parameter] [Source File] [- O Target File]
Supplementary Description: Indent can identify C's original code files and format it to facilitate programming designers.
-BAD or - BLANK-LINES-AFTER-DECLARATIONS in a declaration section or in a blank line.
-BAP or - BLANK-LINES-AFTER-Procedures in programs or plus blank rows.
-BBB or - BLANK-LINES-AFTER-Block-Comments adds a blank line after comment segment.
-BC or - BLANK-LINES-AFTER-COMMAS In the declaration section, if a comma, a comma is removed.
-bl or - Braces-After-if-Line IF (or Else, for, etc.) and "{" different lines of the sector, and "}" self-contained rows.
-br or - braces-on-if-line if (or else, for, etc.) and "{" different lines of the lames, and "}" self-contained rows.
-BS or - BLANK-BEFORE-SIZEOF is empty after Sizeof.
-CDB or - Comment-Delimiters-on-Blank-Lines Note Symbols Self-a line.
-ce or --cuddle-else After placing the ELSE in "}" (the end of the IF execution section).
-fc1 or - format-first-column-comments sets its format for annotation of the front end of each line.
-fca or - format-all-comments sets all annotated formats.
-GNu or --GNU-style specifies the format using the GNU, this is the preset value.
-kr or --k-and-r-style specifies the format using kernighan & Ritchie.
-lp or - torch-at-parentheSes describes too long and wraps, and the contents of each row of starting fields in the parentheses are arranged vertically.
-nbad or --no-blank-lines-after-declarations Do not add blank rows after declarative sections.
-nbap or --no-blank-lines-after-procedures do not add blank lines after the program.
-nbbb or --no-blank-lines-after-block-comments do not add blank rows after comment sections.
-nbc or --no-blank-line-after-commas is in the declaration section, even if there is a comma, do not wrap.
-ncdb or --no-comment-delimiters-on-blank-lines notes not to be self-contained.
-nce or -d-curde-else Do not place ELSE after "}".
-NCS or --NO-Space -After After-CasTS Do not empty after Cast.
-NFC1 or - DONT-FORMAT-FIRST-Column-Comments Do not format the annotation of the front end of each line.
-NFCA or - DONT-FORMAT-Comments Don't format any comments.
-nip or --no-parameter-indeentation parameters do not limit.
-nlp or --d-line-up-parentheses describes too long, and when the narrative contains parential arc, it is not necessary to arrange each line of starting fields in the parentheses.
-NPCS or --NO-Space -After-Function-Call-Names Do not add spaces after the called function name.
-npro or --ignore-profile Do not read the profout configuration file
-npsl or - Dont-Break-Procedure-Type program type is placed in the same line.
-NSC or - DONT-STAR-Comments No need to add an asterisk (*) on the left side.
-nsob or --leave-optional-semicolon does not have to deal with extra blank lines.
-NSS or - DONT-SPACE-SPECIAL-SEMICOLON If the For or WHILE section is only one line, do not add space before the semicolon.
-nv or --NO-Verbosity does not display detailed information.
-ORIG or --Riginal uses Berkeley's format.
-PCS or --Space -After-procedure-calls adds a space between the called function name and "{". -psl or --Procnames-Start-Lines program type is placed in front of the program name.
-sc or --start-left-side-of-comments add an asterisk (*) on the left side of each line.
-SOB or - Swallow-Optional-Blank-Lines deletes extra blank rows.
-ss or - Space-Special-Semicolon If you have a line today, add space before the semicolon.
-st or --standard-output will display the results in the standard output device.
-T data type name regeneration.
Detailed information is displayed when -V or -verbose is executed.
-Version displays version information.
Function Description: Column of the merge file.
Solution: Paste [-s] [- D
Supplementary Description: The Paste directive merges each file in a column, column.
-S or --serial tags instead of parallel.
--help online help.
--Version displays help information.
Function Description: The difference in comparison files.
Syntax: Diff [-abbcdefhilnnppqrSttuvwy] [-
Supplementary Description: DIFF is based on a progressive way, the difference between the text files. What is specified to compare the directory, then Diff will compare the files of the same file name in the directory, but not compare the subdirectory.
-A or --Text Diff preset will only compare text files by line.
-b or --ignore-space-change does not check the difference between space characters.
-B or --ignore-blank-lines does not check blank lines.
-c shows all intraday, and it is marked out.
-D or - MINIMAL uses different algorithms to compare with smaller units.
-e or - The output format of this parameter can be used for the Script file of the ED.
-f or -forward-ed output similar to the Script file, but in order of the original files.
-H or - Speed-Large-Files can speed up the speed.
-l or --paginate will paginate the results to the PR program.
-n or --RCS will display comparison results in RCS format.
-N or --new-file When the file A appears only in a directory, the preset will appear:
Only in directory: File A If you use the -n parameter, DIFF will compare file a with a blank file.
-p If the comparison file is a C language program file, the function name is displayed.
-P or --unidirectional-new-file is similar to -n, but only when the second directory contains a file not available in a first directory, this file is compared to a blank file.
-q or - brief is only displayed, and more information is not displayed.
-r or - Recursive compares files in subdirectories.
-S or --Report-Identical-Files still displays information.
-t or-expand-tabs expands the TAB character when output.
-T or --initial-tab plus TAB characters in front of each line for alignment.
-u, -u
-v or --Version displays version information.
-w or --ignore-all-space ignore all of the space characters.
-y or - Side-by-side displays the spread of files in a side by side.
--help shows help.
--LEFT-Column When using the -Y parameter, if the two files are the same, only the lines are displayed on the left side.
--Suppress-Common-Lines is only displayed when using the -y parameter.
Function Description: Connect the file or directory.
Syntax: ln [-bdfinsv] [- S
Supplementary Description: The ln command is used in the connection file or directory, such as the two or more files or directories, and the last destination is a existing directory, copy all of the specified files or directories to this directory. . If you specify multiple files or directories, and the last destination is not an existing directory, an error message will appear.
-b or - backup delete, override the backup before the target file.
-d or -f or -directory creates a hard connection of the directory.
-f or --force forcibly establishes a file or directory connection, regardless of whether the file or directory exists. -i or - interactive overrides the user before the file is inquired.
-n or --no-dereference regards the destination directory of the symbol connection as a general file.
-S or - Symbolic Connect the source file, not a hard connection.
Third. Network communication
Function Description: Talk to other users.
Symp: Ytalk [-isxy] [- h
Supplementary Description: With the YTALK directive, you can talk to other subscriber lines, if you want to talk to other hosts, add your host name or IP address after the user name.
-i uses a reminder to replace the display information.
-s On the command prompt symbol first opens the YTALK conversation window.
-x Close the graphical interface.
-Y All questions that must be responded to Yes or NO must answer the capital English alphabet "y" or "n".
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: Transfer information.
Syndrome: WRITE [User Name] [Terminal Number]
Supplementary Description: Pass the information to another login system via the WRITE instruction. When the input is completed, type the EOF indicate that the information is ended, the Write instruction will pass the information to the other party. If the user receiving information is not only logged to the local host once, you can specify the terminal number of the received information.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------
Wall (Write all)
Function Description: Transfer information.
Syndrome: Wall [Announcement Information]
Supplementary description: The information can be sent to each end-machine user that agrees to receive public information via the WALL instruction. If there is no information content, the WALL instruction reads the data from the standard input device, and then transmits the resulting data to All terminal users.
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Function Description: Execute instructions on the remote UUCP host.
Syndrome: UUX [-bccijlnrvz] [- a
] [- gSupplementary Description: UUX can execute instructions on the remote UUCP host or execute instructions on this unit, but the remote computer will be used when executed.
- or -p or --stdin directly reads the instruction to be executed from the keyboard.
or --Requestor performs a mail address to send status information.-b or --rturn-stdin displays status information on the screen.
-c or --Nocopy does not have to copy files to buffers.
-C or - copy copies the file to the buffer.
-I or --config file specifies the UUX profile.
-j or --jobid displays the job number.
-l or --LINK connects the files on this unit to the buffer.
-n or --Notification = NO No matter what is happening, mail notification users do not send mail.
-r or --nouucico Do not start the UUCICO service immediately, just send the job to the queue and then execute. -s
-v or --Version displays version information.
-z or --Notification = Error If an error occurs, the user is notified by email.
--help shows help.
Function Description: Displays the current situation of uucp.
Syntax: uustat [-aeikmmnpqqqrv] [- b
Supplementary Description: After executing UUCP and UUX instructions, the work will be sent to the queue, and then do it by UUCICO. UUSTAT can display, delete or launch the work waiting for execution in the queue.
-a or -all shows all UUCP work.
-e or --executions only shows the work to be performed.
-i or --Prompt For each job in the queue, ask if you want to delete your job.
-m or --status deletes all work.
-M or -mail posts status information to the UUCP administrator.
-N or - Notify mapended status information to the user who proposed this item.
-p or --PS displays a program responsible for uucp lock.
-q or --List shows the status of the work to be performed on each remote host.
-Q or --NO-List does not show work.
-R or -rejuvenate-all restarts all work.
-v or --Version displays version information.
--help shows help.
-------------------------------------------------- --uuname
Function Description: Displays all UUCP remote hosts.
Syndrome: UUNAME [-ALV] [- i
Supplementary Description: UUNAME shows the UUCP remote host.
-a or -Aliases displays an alias.
-l or --local displays the native name.
-v or --Version displays version information.
--help shows help.
Function Description: Displays a UUCP log file.
Syntax: uulog [-dfisv] [-
Supplementary description: uulog can be used to display the record in the UUCP record file.
-D or --debuglog displays a miscible record.
-S or --statslog displays statistical records.
-v or --Version displays version information.
--help shows help.
Function Description: Displays the file name of the terminal connection standard input device.
Syndrome: Tty [-s] [- Help] [- Version]
Supplementary Description: In the Linux operating system, all peripherals have their names and code, which are stored in the / dev directory in the type of special file. You can perform the TTY instruction query the file name of the terminal currently used.
-s or - Silent or --quiet does not display any information, only back the status code.
--help online help.
--Version displays version information.
-------------------------------------------------- ----
Function Description: Displays the path to the host between the host.
Syntax: Traceroute [-dflnrvx] [- f
Supplementary Description: Traceroute instruction allows you to track the routing path of the network packet, the preset packet size is 40Bytes, and the user can set other.
-d uses the Socket hierarchy.
-I uses ICMP to respond to replace UDP information information.
-n uses the IP address directly instead of the host name.
-r ignores normal Routing Table, directly on the remote host directly.
-V Detailed display of the execution process of the instruction.
-X Turns the correctness of the packet on or off.
-------------------------------------------------- -----
TestParm (Test Parameter)
Function Description: Test if the settings of Samba are correct.
Syntax: TestParm [-s] [Profile] [
Supplementary Description: Execute the TestParm instruction to simply test the Samba profile, if the test result is correct, the Samba resident service can load the setting value correctly, but does not guarantee that the following operations are expected to be normal.
-s does not show the prompt symbol Wait for the user to press the Enter key, list the Samba service definition information directly.
Function Description: Remote login.
Syntax: Telnet [-8acdeffklrx] [- B
Supplementary Description: Execute the Telnet instruction to turn on the terminal phase job and log in to the remote host.
-8 Allows 8-bit character information, including input and output.
-a Attempts to log in to the remote system.
-c does not read the .telnetRC file in the user's exclusive directory.
-d startup tired mode.
-E filter is detached from the character.
-f The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "-f" parameter.
-F uses Kerberos V5 authentication, coupled with this parameter to upload the authentication data of the local host to the remote host.
-K does not automatically log in to the remote host.
-L allows output of 8-bit character information.
-r uses a user interface similar to the RLOGIN directive.
-x assumes that the host has the function that supports data encryption, use it.
Function Description: Dump network transmission data.
Syntax: tcpdump [-adeflnnopqstvx] [- c
-a Attempts to convert networks and broadcast addresses into names.
-d converts the compiled packet encoding into readable format and pours to standard output.
-dd converts the compiled packet encoding into a C language format and pours to standard output.
-ddd converts the compiled packet encoding into a decimal format and pours to the standard output.
-e The file header of the connection level is displayed on each column.
-f Displays the Internet address with a number.
-l Use a standard output column buffer.
-N does not convert the network address of the host into a name.
-N does not list domain names.
-O does not optimize packet encoding.
-p Do not allow the network interface to enter a mixed mode.
-q Quick output, only listed a few transport protocol information.
-S lists the number of TCP associations with absolute rather than relative values.
-t does not display timestamp on each column dumping data.
-TT displays unformatted timestamps on each column dumping data.
-V Detailed display command execution process.
-vv more detailed display instruction execution process.
-X lists the data package information with hexadecimal words.
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: Talk to other users.
Syndrome: Talk [User Name] [Terminal Number]
Supplementary description: With the Talk instruction, you can talk to another user line.
-------------------------------------------------- ---
StatSerial (Status Ofser Port)
Function Description: Displays the serial port status.
Scripting: STATSERIAL [-DNX] [Serial Equipment Name]
Supplementary description: Statserial can display the status of each pin, often used to determine whether the serial port is normal.
-d uses a 10-way number to represent the status of the serial port.
-n only shows the status of a serial port, that is, the program is ended.
-x is similar to the -n parameter, but is represented by 16.
-------------------------------------------------- -------
SMBD (Samba daemon)
Function Description: Samba server program.
Syntax: SMBD [-adhop] [- D
Supplementary Description: SMBD is the Samba server program, shared files with network resources such as the printer for Windows-related user-end program access.
-A All connection records will be added to the record file.
-h display help.
-o When each time starts, the original record file is covered.
-P is only used to test the correctness of the SMBD program.
-------------------------------------------------- ----
SMBCLIENT (Samba Client)
Function Description: Users to access the SMB / CIFS server.
Syntax: SMBClient [Network Resources] [Password] [- EHLN] [- B] [- D
Supplementary Description: SMB and CIFS are server communication protocols, commonly used in Windows95 / 98 / NT and other systems. SMBCLIENT allows Linux systems to access resources shared by Windows systems.
[Network Resources] [Network Resources] format is // server name / resource sharing name.
[Password] Enter the password required to access network resources.
-B Transport the IP address used when the broadcast packet is transmitted.
-E Send information to a standard error output device.
-h display help.
-I Specifies the IP address of the server.
-L Displays all resources shared by the server side.
-M can use the WinPopup protocol to give the host to the host specified in the option.
-n Specifies the NetBIOS name to be used by the user.
-N does not need to ask your password.
-p Specifies the server-side TCP connection port number.
-T Backup server-side sharing all files and packaged files in TAR format.
Shapecfg (Shaper Configuration)
Function Description: Control the traffic of network devices.
Syntax: Shapecfg Attach [Traffic Controller] [Network Equipment] or Shapecfg Speed [Traffic Controller] [Bandwidth]
Supplementary Description: Starting from Linux-2.15, the function of traffic control is supported.
ATTACH combines the flow controller with the actual network device.
Speed Sets the external transmission bandwidth of the flow controller.
Function Description: Set or display the information about the serial port.
Solution: setserial [-abggqvvvv] [Equipment] [Serial Parameter]
Supplementary description: setserial can be used to set the serial port or display the current settings.
-a Displays the details.
-b Displays the summary information.
-g Displays information about serial port.
-G Displays information in the format of the instruction list.
-q shows less information.
More information is displayed when the -V is executed.
-V Displays version information.
The -z is set to zero all markers before.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------
Function Description: Samba Server Control.
Script: Samba [start] [stop] [status] [Restart]
Supplementary Description: Samba is Script file, can start, stop Samba servers, or return current status.
START launches the service of the Samba server.
STOP stops the service of the Samba server.
Status displays the current status of the Samba server.
RESTART restarts the Samba server.
-------------------------------------------------- -
PPPStats (Point to Point Protocol Status)
Function Description: Displays the PPP connection status.
Syndrome: PPPStats [-adrv] [- c
Supplementary Description: Use the PPPStats instruction to let you know about the PPP connection network.
-a Displays absolute statistics.
-d displays a relative statistical value.
-r Displays a statistical value of the data packet compression ratio.
-v Displays the compression efficiency statistical value of the VJTCP file header.
-------------------------------------------------- --------
Function Description: Set the PPP connection.
Skill: PPPSetup
Supplementary description: This is the SLACKWARE release program, which has an interactive question and answer interface that allows users to easily complete PPP connection settings.
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: Turn off the PPP connection.
Language: PPP-OF
Supplementary description: This is the program attached to the Slackware release, allowing users to cut off the PPP network connection.
Function Description: Detect the host.
Syntax: ping [-dfnqrrv] [- c
Supplementary Description: Executing the PING instruction will use the ICMP transfer protocol to issue information requested. If there is no problem with the network function of the remote host, it will be informed that the host is working properly.
-d uses socket's SO_DEBUG function.
-f limit detection.
-n only outputs a value.
-p Set the template style filled with packets.
-Q does not display the instruction execution process, except for the relevant information of the beginning and end.
-r ignores normal Routing Table, directly on the remote host directly.
-R records the routing process. -s
-V Detailed display of the execution process of the instruction.
-------------------------------------------------- ---
Function Description: Displays the network status.
Solution: NetStat [-accefghilmnnoprstuvvwx] [- A
Supplementary description: Use the NetStat instruction to let you know the network of the entire Linux system.
-A or - AlL displays the socket in all connectors.
-c or -continuous continues to list the network status.
-C or --cache displays the speed information of the router configuration.
-e or-extend Displays additional information about the network.
-F or -fib displays FIB.
-g or --Groups displays a list of multi-broadcast function groups.
-h or --help online help.
-i or- butterfaces displays the network interface information form.
-l or --Listening Displays the Socket of the server in the monitor.
-M or - Masquerade Displays a camouflaged network connection.
-n or --NuMeric uses the IP address directly without passing the domain name server.
-N or --NetLink or - Symbolic Displays the symbol connection name of the network hardware peripheral.
-o or --Timers Display Timer.
-p or -programs displays the program identification code and program name that is using the socket.
-r or --Route displays Routing Table.
-S or --StatiStice Displays the network work information statistics table.
-t or --TCP displays the connection status of the TCP transport protocol.
-u or --udp Displays the connection status of the UDP transport protocol.
-v or -verbose display instruction execution process.
-V or --Version displays version information.
-W or --RAW Displays the connection status of the RAW transport protocol.
-X or - The effect of this parameter and the specified "-a unix" parameter is the same.
- I. The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "-a inet" parameter.
-------------------------------------------------- ---
Function Description: Lite the version of Getty.
Syndrome: MINGETTY [--long-hostname] [- Noclear] [TTY]
Supplementary Description: MINGETTY is suitable for login programs on this unit.
--long-hostname shows the full host name.
- Noclear Do not clear the screen picture before asking the login user name.
Function Description: Sets the write permission of the terminal.
Method: MESG [NY]
Supplementary Description: When the MESG is set y, other users can use the Write instruction to display the information directly on your screen.
n Does not allow the air tube user to display the information directly on your screen.
Y allows the pneumatic user to display the information directly on your screen.
Function Description: Display or set a network device.
Syntax: ifconfig [network device] [DOWN UP -ALLMULTI -ARP -PROMISC] [Add
] [DEL ] [Parameter:
Set the IP address of the network device IPv6.DEL
Deletes the IP address of the network device IPv6.DOWN Turns off the specified network device.
IO_ADDR Sets the I / O address of the network device.
IRQ sets the IRQ of the network device.
Establish a tunnel communication address between IPv4 and IPv6.Up starts the specified network device.
The packet to be sent to the specified address is processed as a broadcast packet.-pointopoint
establishes a direct connection with the network device of the specified address, this mode has a confidentiality.-Promisc Close or launch the Promiscuous mode for specifying the network device.
[IP Address] Specifies the IP address of the network device.
[Network Equipment] Specifies the name of the network device.
-------------------------------------------------- -----
HTTPD (http daemon)
Function Description: Apache HTTP server program.
Method: httpd [-hllstvvx] [- C] [- C] [- D
Supplementary description: httpd is the Apache HTTP server program. Direct execution programs can boot server service.
-c The instructions in the option before reading the configuration file.
-C After reading the configuration file, execute the instructions in the option.
-h display help.
-l Displays the module included in the server compile.
-L Displays an instructions for HTTPD instructions.
-S Displays the settings in the configuration file.
-T Test configuration file is correct.
-v Displays version information.
-V Displays version information and the establishment of an environment.
-X Start the server in a single program.
GetTy (get teleTypewriter)
Function Description: Sets the termination mode, connection rate, and control lines.
Syntax: getty [-h] [- D
-H When the transmission rate is 0, it will force the line.
Function Description: Transceive and receiving fax.
Syntax: efax [-sw] [- a] [- c
Supplementary description: Support Class 1 and Class 2 modem to send and receive faxes.
-a is connected to the specified AT command.
-f Use the specified font file to create a fax title.
The -i transmits the AT command to the modem before the modem enters the fax mode.
-j After the modem enters the fax mode, the AT command is transmitted to the modem.
-k The AT command to the modem is transmitted before the modem leaves the fax mode.
-w Do not answer the phone, wait for the signal of OK or Connect.
-X uses a lock file in the UUCP format to lock the modem.
-------------------------------------------------- ----
Function Description: Set the network environment.
Language: NetConfig
Supplementary description: This is the SLACKWARE release program, which has an interactive question and answer interface that allows users to easily complete the settings of the network environment.
Function Description: Set various network functions.
Method: NetConf
Supplementary Description: NetConf is the RED Hat Linux release specifically used to adjust the Linux settings. ----------------------------------------
Function Description: Set the router.
Syntax: nc [-hlnruz] [- g
Supplementary Description: Perform this instruction to set the relevant parameters of the router.
-H Online help.
-l uses listening mode, controlled incoming information.
-n uses the IP address directly without passing the domain name server.
-r Number Specifies the communication port with the remote host.
-u Using the UDP Transfer Protocol.
-v Displays the command execution process.
-z uses 0 input / output mode, only when the communication port is scanned.
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Function Description: Connect another system host.
Syntax: cu [dehnotv] [- a
Supplementary description: This instruction can connect another host and use the interface similar to the dialed terminal, and the easy file transmission job can also be performed.
-d enters the tired mode.
-e or --parity = Even uses a bipagon check.
-h or --halfduple uses half-duplex mode.
-n or - wait for the user to enter the phone number when Dial.
-o or -parity = ODD uses a single sympathy check.
-t or - maper plans CR character to LF CR characters.
-v or --Version displays version information.
--Nostop Close XON / XOFF software flow control.
--Parity = NONE does not use the same bore check.
-------------------------------------------------- -
arpwatch (arp watcher)
Function Description: Listen to the record of ARP on the network.
Syllam: arpwatch [-d] [- f
Supplementary description: ARP (Address Resolution Protocol is used to parse the protocol of the IP and network device hardware addresses. ARPWATCH can listen to the ARP packets in the area network and record them, while the change will be reported to report by e-mail.
-d startup tired mode.
-------------------------------------------------- -
ApacheCTL (Apache Control Interface)
Function Description: The program that can be used to control the Apache HTTP server.
Syntax: Apachectl [configtest] [FullStatus] [GRACEful] [Help] [Restart] [start] [status] [stop] [STATUS] [STOP]
Supplementary Description: Apachectl is the Script file attached to the Apache HTTP server in Slackware, which is available for the administrator control server, but in other Linux Apache HTTP servers do not have this file.
Configtest Checks if the syntax in the setup file is correct.
FullStatus displays status information for the server.
Graceful restarts the Apache server, but does not interrupt the original connection.
Help shows help information.
Restart restarts the Apache server.
Start launches the Apache server.
Status Displays status information for server summary.
STOP stops the Apache server.
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: Modem Communication Procedure.
Method: Minicom [-8lmmostz] [- A] [- C] [- C
Supplementary Description: Minicom is a fairly popular PPP dialing program.
-8 Do not modify any 8-bit encoded characters.
-a Sets the terminal machine properties.
-c Set color mode.
-L will not turn all characters to the ASCII code.
-m as an ALT or META key as an instruction key.
-M is similar to the -m parameter.
-o Don't initialize the modem.
-s Open the program setting screen.
-S When starting, perform the specified script file.
-t Set the type of terminal.
-z Displays the status column on the terminal.
[Profile] Specifies the MINICOM profile.
Function Description: IP dial-up connection. Syndrome: Dip [-Aikltv] [- M] [- P
Supplementary Description: DIP controls the modem to establish an external two-way connection in a dial IP.
-a Ask the user name and password.
-i starts the dial-up server function.
-k Deletes the DIP program in the execution.
-l Specifies the connection to be deleted, must be used with the -k parameter.
-m Sets the maximum transmission unit, the preset value is 296.
-t enters the DIP instruction mode.
Detailed information is displayed when the -v is executed.
-------------------------------------------------- -
DNSCONF (DNS Configurator)
Function Description: Set the DNS server configuration.
Syntax: DNSCONF [- Deldomain
Supplementary Description: DNSCONF actually connects to LinuxConf symbols, providing an operational way of graphics cross section for administrators to manage DNS servers.
Four .1.rpm Command Manual
First, install
Command format:
RPM -I (or --Install) Options file1.rpm ... filen.rpm
File1.rpm ... file name of the RPM package to be installed by Filen.rpm
Detailed options:
-H (or --hash) outputs a Hash mark (`` # '')
--Test only tests the installation and is not actually installed.
--Percent outputs the scheduled progress in the form of a percentage.
--ExCludedocs Do not install document files in your package
- Includedocs installation documentation
- ReplacePKGS forced reinstall installed package
--ReplaceFiles Replace files belonging to other packages
--force ignores the conflict of packages and files
--Noscripts Do not run pre-installed and post-installation scripts
--PREFIX Install the package to the specified path
- IgnoreArch does not check the structure of the package
--ignoreos does not check the operating system running in the package
--Nodeps does not check dependency relationship
- FTPPROXY uses as an FTP agent
- FTPPORT specifies the port number of FTP
General option
-v display additional information
-VV display debugging information
--Root Let RPM use the specified path as "root directory", so pre-installer and post-back
The installer will be installed in this directory.
--rcfile sets the rpmrc file
-Dbpath set the path where the RPM data inventory is
Second, delete
Command format:
RPM-E (or --rase) Options Pkg1 ... PKGN
Pkg1 ... pkgn: Package detailed option to delete
--Test only executes the deleted test
--Noscripts Do not run pre-installation and post-installation scripts
--Nodeps does not check dependency
General option
-VV display debugging information
--root let rpm use the specified path as "root directory", so pre-installer and post-installation
The program will be installed in this directory
--rcfile sets the rpmrc file
-Dbpath set the path where the RPM data inventory is
Third, upgrade
Command format
RPM -U (or --upgrade) Options file1.rpm ... filen.rpm
File1.rpm ... filen.rpm package name
Detailed option
-H (or --hash) outputs a Hash mark (`` # '')
--OLDPACKAGE allows "upgrade" to an old version
--Test only upgrade test
--ExCludedocs Do not install document files in your package
- Includedocs installation documentation
- ReplacePKGS forced reinstall installed package
--ReplaceFiles Replace files belonging to other packages
--force ignores the conflict of packages and files
--Percent outputs the scheduled progress in the form of a percentage.
--Noscripts Do not run pre-installed and post-installation scripts
--PREFIX Install the package to the specified path
- IgnoreArch does not check the structure of the package
--ignoreos does not check the operating system running in the package
--Nodeps does not check dependency relationship
- FTPPROXY uses as an FTP agent
- FTPPORT specifies the port number of FTP
General option
-v display additional information
-VV display debugging information
--Root Let RPM use the specified path as "root directory" so that the pre-installer and the post-installer are installed in this directory.
--rcfile sets the rpmrc file
-Dbpath set the path where the RPM data inventory is
Fourth, inquiry
Command format:
RPM -Q (or --query) Options
Pkg1 ... PKGN: Query the installed package
Detailed option
-p (or `` - '') querying the file of the package
-f query is a package belonging to?
-a query all installed packages
--WhatProvides query provides a functional package
-g Query a package that belongs to group
--WhatRequires Query all packages that need functionality
Information option
Display all identifies for packages
-i display package profile
-l Display a list of files in the package
-c display list list
-d display a list of document files
-s Displays the list of files in the package and display the status of each file
--Scripts Show installation, uninstall, check script
--queryformat displays query information by user-specified way
-dump Displays all verified information for each file
--Provides Display features provided by packages
--Requires (OR -R) Displays the features required for the package
General option
-v display additional information
-VV display debugging information
--Root Let RPM use the specified path as "root directory" so that the pre-installer and the post-installer are installed in this directory.
--rcfile sets the rpmrc file
-Dbpath set the path where the RPM data inventory is
5. Check the installed package
Command format:
RPM -V (or --verify, or -y) Options
Pkg1 ... PKGN will be verified by the software package name
Package option
-P Verify Against Package File
-f verification software package
-A Verify verify all packages
-g verify all packages that belong to group
Detailed option
--Noscripts do not run check scriptures
--Nodeps does not check dependencies - NOFILES does not check file properties
General option
-v display additional information
-VV display debugging information
--Root Let RPM use the specified path as "root directory" so that the pre-installer and the post-installer are installed in this directory.
--rcfile sets the rpmrc file
-Dbpath set the path where the RPM data inventory is
6. Documents in the check package
RPM -K (or --checksig) Options file1.rpm ... filen.rpm
File1.rpm ... file name of filen.rpm package
Checksig - Detailed options
--NOPGP does not check PGP signature
General option
-v display additional information
-VV display debugging information
--rcfile sets the rpmrc file
Seven, other RPM options
--Rebuilddb rebuild RPM database
--initdb creates a new RPM database
- quiet as much as possible
--help display help file
--Version displays the current version of RPM
Four .2.Linux Chinese Finding Technology Daquan
Each operating system is composed of thousands of different types of files. Among them, there is a system itself.
Document, user's own file, there are shared files, etc. We sometimes I often forget that a copy of the file is on the hard disk.
Which place in it. Find a file in Microsoft's Windows operating system is quite simple, only
To click on "Start" on the desktop - "Search" can follow the local hard drive in various ways, local area network, even
Find a variety of files and documents on the Internet.
But users who use Linux are not so lucky, and find a file on Linux is indeed a comparison.
Annoying. After all, in Linux, we need to use the dedicated "Find" command to find files on the hard disk.
The file expression format under Linux is very complicated. It is not like Windows, DOS is a unified AAAAAA.BBB format.
So convenient to find, in Windows, just know the file name or suffix of the file you want to find, it is very easy.
Find. The command to find the file in Linux is usually "find" command, "Find" command can help us in use,
Managing Linux's daily transactions to find out what we need. For Linux novices, "find"
The order is also a way to understand and learn the characteristics of Linux files. Because the Linux distribution has a lot of release, the version is upgraded soon,
In Linux books, there is often a location where a configuration file is often written, often Linux novice, can you still do it?
turn up. For example, Redhat Linux 7.o and Redhat Linux 7.1 Some important configuration files are located.
There is a big change in the disk position and the file directory. If you don't learn to use the "Find" command, then there are thousands of thousands
One of the profiles to find in the Linux file is quite difficult, the author is not proficient in "Find" life
I have eaten such a bitter before order. Ok, let's introduce all the use of powerful "find" commands in detail.
Methods and uses.
Find by file name:
This method is as easy to understand as the finding file under Windows. If you put this file in
Inside a single folder, you can easily find out if you use a common "ls" command, then use "find"
Command to find it, you can't give you a deep impression, after all, the powerful features of the "Find" command are more than this. Such as
If you know the file name of a file, you don't know which folder is put in this file, or even layer cover
In the folder. For example, suppose you forget that httpd.conf this file is under the directory of the system, even
I don't know some place in the system, this is the following command:
Find / -Name httpd.conf
This command syntax looks easy, it is written directly on Find, indicating that the system is looking for by file name, and finally write httpd.conf this target file name. Take a little more
Display the list of findings on the computer screen:
ETC / httpd / conf / httpd.conf
This is the full path in this file in the Linux system. Find success.
If the system does not display the result after entering the above lookup command, then don't use the system no execution.
Find / -name httpd.conf command, but may be no Apache server in your system, then
As long as you have an Apache web server, you can find this again using Find / -Name httpd.conf.
A profile.
There is no error in finding skills:
The "Find" command in the Linux system is the command that most system users can use, is not the root system management.
Patent. However, when ordinary users use the "Find" command, it is also possible to encounter such problems, that is, Linux system.
System Administrator root can set some file directories to disable access mode. Such ordinary users are not
Permissions use the "Find" command to query these directories or files. When ordinary users use the "Find" command to query these
The file directory is often "permissiondenid." (Forbidden access) words. The system will not be able to query
The file you want. In order to avoid such errors, we try to find the method of using the transfer error prompt.
File, input
Find / -Name Access_log 2> / dev / null
This method is to transfer the find error prompt to a specific directory. After the system executes this command, it encounters an error
The information is delivered directly to StderrsTream 2, and Access_Log 2 is indicating that the system will lose the error message.
Send to Stderrstream 2, / dev / null is a special file, indicating empty or wrong information, this
The error message to sample will be transferred and will not be displayed again.
The LINUX system finding file will also encounter such an actual problem. If we are throughout the hard drive, this system
Find a file for a long time, especially a large Linux system and a larger hard disk,
When the file is placed in a catalog of sockets. If we know that this file is stored in a big directory,
Then you can save a lot of time as long as you find it under this directory. Use Find / etc -name httpd.conf
You can solve this problem. The above command is to query httpd.conf file in the ETC directory.
Here, you will then explain the meaning of "/" this function symbol. If you enter "FIND /" means it requires the Linux system.
Find files throughout the root directory, which is to find files on the entire hard drive, and "Find / ETC" is only
Find files in the ETC directory. Since "Find / etc" means looking for files only in the ETC directory,
The speed is much faster.
Find methods based on section file name:
This method is the same as finding known file names in Windows. However, in part of Linux
The method of finding files is much more powerful than the similar lookup methods in Windows. For example, we know some
The file contains three letters of SRM, then find all files containing these three letters in the system to be implemented
input of:
Find / etc -name '* SRM *'
This command indicates that the Linux system will find all the files containing SRM's 3 letters in the / ETC whole directory.
For example, Absrmyz, Tibc.SRM, etc. can be displayed. If you know this file
It is headed by SRM, then we can also omit the most in front of the asterisk, the command is as follows: Find / etc -name 'srm *'
This is only a file like SRMYZ, it does not match the files like Absrmyz or ABSRM.
The requirements are not displayed, so that the efficiency and reliability of the finding documents are greatly enhanced.
According to the feature query method:
If you only know the size of a file, you can use the "Find" command to find out, this and
The Search feature in the Windows system is basically the same. "Search Assistant" in Windows in Microsoft's "Search"
Make search for files and folders, printers, users, and other computers in the network easier. It even
Search is easier to search on the Internet. "Search Assistant" also includes an index service that maintains the computer
The index of all files makes the search speed faster. When using the Search Assistant, the user can specify multiple search criteria.
For example, users can search for files and folders by name, type, and size. Users can even search for a specific text
This file. If the user is using Active Directory, you can also search for a specific name or location.
For example, we know that a Linux file size is 1,500 BYTES, then we use the following command to query
Find / -size 1500c, character c indicates that the size of the file to be found is by Bytes. in case
We don't even know the specific size of this file, then you can solve the fuzzy lookup mode in Linux.
For example, we entered the Find / -Size 10000000C this command, indicate that we specify the system in the root directory.
A file greater than 10,000 bytes and is displayed. " " In the command means that the system only lists greater than the designated
The size of the file, and use "-" means that the required system is smaller than the specified size file. The following list is
Linux uses the "Find" command to find a lookup action, from which we are easy to see in Linux
The way to use the "Find" command is very much, "Find" command lookup file as long as flexible, don't have to be
Finding ability in Windows.
Find / -AMIN -10 # Find files accessed in the last 10 minutes of the system
Find / -Atime -2 # Find files accessed in the system last 48 hours
Find / -empty # Find files or folders in the system
Find / -Group cat # Find files that belong to GroupCAT in the system
Find / -MMIN -5 # Find files modified in the last 5 minutes in the system
Find / -MTIME -1 # Find files modified in the last 24 hours in the system
Find / -nouser # Find files that belong to invalid users in the system
Find / -user fred # Find files with Fred this user belonging to this system
The following list is some of the conditions for finding the features of the file you can specify by the FIND command. Not here
List all lookup conditions, refer to Linux about books You can know all find functions of all Find commands.
-amin n
Find files for last N minutes in the system
-time n
Find files for last N * 24 hours access in the system
-cmin n
Find files that have been changed in the system in the system
-ctime n
Find files in the last N * 24 hours of the system
Find blank files in the system, or blank file directory, or a folder without subdirectory in the directory
Find a file in the system
-fstype type
The file exists in the specified file system in the search system, for example: ext2.
-gid N
Find the file in the system in the system N number group ID, file -Group gname
Find files in the system belong to the GNAM file group and the file specified in group and ID
Control options for the Find command:
The Find command also provides some unique options to users to control the lookup operation. The following table is that we summarize
The control options for the most basic, most common Find commands and their usage.
Use description
The test system starts 24 hours today, usage Similar to -Amin
Use the depth level lookup process, you can prioritize file content in a specified directory in a certain layer.
Follow the wildcard link mode; in addition, you can ignore the wildcard link method query
Display command summary
-maxdepth level
Find in the directory of a certain level
Not looking for in the file system directory, usage is similar - xdev.
It is forbidden to optimize in non-unux file systems, MS-DOS systems, and CD-ROM file systems.
Print version number
After using the -follow option, the find command follows the wildcard link mode, unless you specify this option,
Otherwise, the Find command will ignore the wildcard link method for file search.
-maxDepth option is to limit the find command to find files in the directory to find files.
The piece exceeds a level or searches too much directory, which causes the search speed to slow, and it takes too much time to find.
For example, we have to find a file called Fred in the current (.) Directory Skills subdirectory, we can use
give an order
Find. -maxdepth 2 -Name Fred
If this Fred file is in the ./sub1/fred directory, then this command will directly locate this file, look for
It is easy to succeed. If this file is in the ./sub1/sub2/fred directory, then this command cannot be found.
. Because the front already gives the Find command to the largest query directory level in the directory, only look at the 2nd floor directory.
file. The purpose of this is to make the find command more accurate positioning file, if you already know some
The file is probably the file directory level, then add -MaxDepth n to quickly find in the specified directory.
Find files using mixed lookup
The Find command can use a mixed lookup method, for example, we want to find greater than 10,000,000 words in / tmp directory
For a file modified within 48 hours, we can use -and to link two lookup options.
Combine into a mixed look.
Find / tmp --size 10000000c -and -mtime 2
Friends who have learned the computer language know that in the computer language, use and "and" or "
Relationship. Universal as in the LINUX system lookup command.
There is still such an example.
Find / -user fred -or -user george
We can interpret files that look for Fred or George two users in the / TMP directory.
You can also use the "non" relationship to find files in the Find command. If we want to find all in the / TMP directory
Files that do not belong to Panda, use a simple
Find / tmp! -user panda
The command can be solved. Very simple.
Find and display the file method
Finding a file is our purpose, we want to know the details and properties of the files that are found, if
We take the search file and use the ls command to see file information is quite cumbersome, now we can also
Combine these two commands.
Find / -Name "httpd.conf" -ls
The system displays httpd.conf file information on the screen immediately after finding the httpd.conf file. 12063 34 -RW-R - R - 1 root root 33545 DEC 30 15:36 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
The following table is some commonly used find files and display the parameters and usage methods of file information.
Use description
-EXEC Command;
Find and execute commands
-fprint file
Print file full file name
-fprint0 file
Print file full file name includes empty files
-fprintf File Format
Print file format
-ok command;
Perform actions to the user command, perform the input according to the user's Y confirmation
-Printf Format
Print file format
Print files in the same file format.
Summary: Since we have learned this method of using this more about the use of the Find command, it also lists many often
The option for the Find command, if we can master the method of using the Find command in Linux, then
Find files in Linux is not a difficult thing.
V. System Management
Function Description: Find and display user information.
Script: WHOIS [account name]
Supplementary Description: The WHOIS instruction will look up and display the user-related information of the specified account, because it is to find the WHOIS database of Network Solutions, so the account name must be seized above, and the name does not have case difference.
-------------------------------------------------- -------
Function Description: It seems that the user name.
Language: whoami [--help] [- version]
Supplementary Description: Show your own user name, this instruction is equivalent to executing the "ID -UN" instruction.
--help online help.
--Version displays version information.
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: Displays user information currently logged in the system.
Language: WHO [-HimqSW] [- Help] [- Version] [AM I] [Record File]
Supplementary Description: Executing this instruction can be learned that there are currently those who have logged into the system, and the WHO directive separately will list the login account, use
Terminal, login time, where to log in or which X display is being used.
-H or --Heading Displays the title information column of each field.
-i or -u or -idle displays the idle time, if the user has any action within the previous minute, will be indicated ".", if the user has more than 24 hours, there is no action, then indicate " OLD "string.
-m The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "AM I" string.
-q or --count only shows the login system account name and total number of people.
-s This parameter will ignore the processes that are not processed, only responsible for resolving other versions of the WHO directive.
-w or -t or --mesg or --Message or --Writable Displays the user's information status bar.
--help online help.
--Version displays version information.
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: Displays user information currently logged in the system.
Syndrome: w [-fhlsuv] [User Name]
Supplementary Description: Executing this directive can learn that users of the current login system have those people, and the programs they are performing. Alone W
The instruction will display all users, you can also specify the user name, only the information about a user is displayed. Parameter:
-f is turned on or off Displays where the user logs in the system.
-h does not display the title information column of each field.
-L uses a list of detailed formats, this is a preset value.
-s uses a list of simple formats without displaying the CPU time consumed by the user login time, the terminal stage job and the program.
-u ignores the name of the executing program and the information of the CPU time.
-V Displays version information.
-------------------------------------------------- ---
Vlock (Virtual Console Lock)
Function Description: Lock the virtual terminal.
Language: vlock [-chv]
Supplementary Description: Execute the VLOCK instruction to lock the virtual terminal to avoid others.
-A or - AlL locks all terminal phases, if you use this parameter in the terminal of the full screen, you will use the keyboard.
Switch the functionality of the terminal and turn it off.
-c or --current locks the current terminal phase job, this is a preset value.
-h or --help online help.
-v or --Version displays version information.
-------------------------------------------------- --------
Function Description: Modify the user account.
Syntax: usermod [-lu] [- c
Supplementary Description: UserMod can be used to modify the settings of the user account.
-D Login Directory> Modify the directory of the user login.
-L locks the user password to make the password are invalid.
-s Modify the shell used after the user logins.
-u Modify User ID.
-U Unpacking password lock.
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Function Description: Delete the user account.
Syndrome: Userdel [-r] [User Account]
Supplementary Description: Userdel deletes user accounts and related files. If you don't add parameters, only the user account is deleted without deleting the related files.
-f Delete user login directory and all files in the directory.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------
Function Description: User Account Setup program.
Syntax: UserConf [--addgroup
Supplementary Description: UserConf actually connects to LinuxConf symbols, providing the operation mode of the graphical interface, providing administrators to establish and manage all kinds of accounts. If you do not add any parameters, you will enter the graphical interface.
--help shows help.
-------------------------------------------------- ----
Function Description: Create a user account.
Syntax: UserAdd [-MMNR] [- C
Supplementary description: UseRADD can be used to create user accounts. After the account is built, use the passwd to set the password of the account. And you can delete your account with Userdel. Use the account established by the UseRADD instruction, which is actually saved in the / etc / passwd text file.
-D change the preset value.
-m automatically creates a user's login directory.
-M Do not automatically establish a user's login directory.
-n Cancels the group that is named by a user name.
-r Establish a system account.
-s Specifies the shell used after the user logins.
-u Specifies the user ID.
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: Displays system information.
Syndrome: uname [-amnrsv] [- help] [- Version]
Supplementary Description: Uname can display the information about the computer and the operating system.
-A or - AlL displays all information.
-m or -machine displays a computer type.
-n or -nodeename is displayed on the host name.
-r or -release displays the issuance number of the operating system.
-s or --sysname Displays the operating system name.
-v Displays the version of the operating system.
--help shows help.
--Version displays version information.
-------------------------------------------------- ---
Function Description: Displayed, manage the program in execution.
Language: TOP [BCIQSS] [D
Supplementary Description: Execute the TOP instruction to display the program currently executed in the system and manage it with a thermal bond by the interactive interface it provides.
b Use batch mode.
C When the program is listed, the full instructions of each program are displayed, including information such as the command name, path, and parameters.
i When performing a TOP instruction, ignore the idle or have become Zombie.
q Continuous monitoring of the status of the program.
s Use the confidentiality mode to eliminate the potential crisis in interactive mode. S Use the cumulative mode that effects similar to the "-s" parameter of the PS command.
-------------------------------------------------- ----
Function Description: Displays the system load condition.
Syndrody: TLOAD [-V] [- D
Supplementary Description: TLOAD instructions use ASCII characters to simply display system load status in text mode. Assume that the terminal number is not given, the load scenario is displayed in the terminal that executes the TLOAD instruction.
-V Displays version information.
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Swatch (Simple Watcher)
Function Description: System Monitor.
Syntax: SWATCH [-A
Supplementary Description: SWATCH can be used to monitor the system record file and perform the specified action when a specific event is found. Swatch monitored events and the actions of the corresponding events are stored in the configuration file of Swatch. The preset profile is the .swatchrc in the root directory. However, in Red Hat Linux's preset user root directory, no .swatchrc configuration file, you can copy the /usr/doc/swatch-2.2/config_files/swatchrc.personal file to the user's root directory, and then modify. The event and execution of the SwatchRC to monitor.
-c Setup file> Specify a configuration file without using a preset profile.
-f Record File> Check the specified record file and will not continue to monitor the record file after the check is completed.
-I Dividend Character> Specifies the separator character of the input record, preset is a wrap character.
-P Dividend Character> Specify in the configuration file, the partition character, the preset is comma.
-r Time> Restart at the specified time.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------
Function Description: Pause the SHELL.
Syndrome: Suspend [-f]
Supplementary Description: Suspend is an instruction of the Shell, which is suspended at present. To recover, you must use SigCont information.
-f If the current executed shell is the login shell, Suspend preset cannot suspend this shell. To force the SHELL to be suspended, the -f parameter must be used.
-------------------------------------------------- ---
Function Description: Execute instructions in other identities.
Syndo: sudo [-bhhpv] [- s] [- u
Supplementary Description: sudo allows users to perform the specified instructions in other identities, and the preset identity is root. A user who can perform SUDO instructions in / etc / sudoers is set. If its unauthorized user attempts to use sudo, a warning message will be issued to the administrator. When the user uses sudo, you must first enter your password, then there is a 5-minute payment period, and the password must be re-entered. Parameter:
-b execute instructions in the background.
-h display help.
-H Set the Home environment variable to the HOME environment variable of the new identity.
-K End Password's validity period, that is, the password is required when SUDO will be executed next time.
-l lists the current user executable instructions that cannot be performed.
-p change the prompt symbol of the password.
-s Execute the specified shell.
-V Extended password valid period for 5 minutes.
-V Displays version information.
-------------------------------------------------- --------
SU (Super USER)
Function Description: Change the user identity.
Solution: Su [-flmp] [- Help] [- Version] [-] [- c
Supplementary Description: The SU allows users to temporarily change login identity. You must enter the user account and password you want to change when you change.
-f or -fast is suitable for CSH and TSCH, so that the shell doesn't have to read the startup file.
-.- L or --Login changes the identity, also change the work directory, and Home, Shell, User, Logname. In addition, the PATH variable will also be changed.
-M, -P or -Preserve-Environment When the identity is changed, do not change the environment variable.
-S or - Shell = Specifies the shell to be executed.
--help shows help.
--Version displays version information.
[User Account] Specifies the user to change. If this parameter is not specified, the preset is changed to root.
-------------------------------------------------- ----
Function Description: Add the SLIP interface to standard input.
Solution: Sliplogin [User Name]
Supplementary Description: Sliplogin can add SLIP interface to standard inputs, turn the connection of the general terminal into a SLIP connection. It is usually available to establish a SLIP server, allowing remote computers to connect to the server in SLIP. Sliplogin is logged to check if there is the same user name in the /etc/slip/slip.hosts file. After checking, SlipLogin calls execution shell script to set an network interface environment such as an IP address, subnet mask. This shell script is usually /etc/slip/slip.login.
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: System shutdown instructions.
Syntax: Shutdown [-effhknr] [- t second] [Time] [Warning Information]
Supplementary Description: The shutdown instruction can turn off all programs and perform the action of rebooting or shutting down according to the needs of the user.
-c When the "shutdown -h 11:50" instruction is executed, the shutdown command can be interrupted as long as the button is pressed.
-f is restarted without performing FSCK.
The -f is restarted to execute FSCK.
-H Put the system. -k just sent information to all users, but not actually shuts down.
-n does not call the init program to shut down, but by Shutdown itself.
-r shutdown is restarted.
[Time] After setting up for a long time, execute the shutdown command.
[Warning Information] To transmit it to all login users.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------
Function Description: Multiple views of the window management program.
Scription: Screen [-amrvx -ls -wipe] [- D
Supplementary description: Screen is a multi-view window management program. The so-called window here refers to a full-screen text mode screen. It is usually possible to use the Screen program only if you log in to the host or using an old-fashioned terminal.
-A Adjusts all the windows to the size of the current terminal.
-m Even the Screen jobs that have been currently in the job, it is still forced to establish a new Screen job.
-R First try to restore offline homework. If you can't find offline homework, create a new Screen job.
-S Specifies the shell to be executed when establishing a new window.
-v Displays version information.
-x Recovery The Screen Job Offline Before.
-ls or --List shows all of the current Screen jobs.
-wipe checks all Screen jobs and deletes the Screen job that has been unused.
-------------------------------------------------- -
Function Description: View system users.
Scription: rwho [-a]
Supplementary Description: The effect of the RWHO directive is similar to the WHO directive, but it displays users of all hosts in the local area. The host must provide the function of the RWHOD resident service, and the RWHO directive can be used.
-A lists all users, including users with idle time more than 1 hour.
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RSH (Remote Shell)
Function Description: The shell of the remote login.
Skill: RSH [-DN] [- l
Supplementary description: RSH provides a user environment, which is the shell, so that the instruction can be executed on the specified remote host.
-d uses the Socket hierarchy.
-n Put the input instruction number to a special periphery of the code / dev / null.
-------------------------------------------------- -------
Rlogin (Remote login)
Function Description: Remote login.
Method: rlogin [-8l] [- E
Supplementary Description: Execute the Rlogin instruction to turn on the end of the terminal and log in to the remote host.
-8 Allows 8-bit character data.
-e Drafted Character> Setting the detachment character. -E filter is detached from the character.
-L User Name> Specifies the user name to be logged to the remote host.
-L uses the Litout mode to perform remote login phase operations.
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Function Description: Adjust priority.
Syndrome: renice [priority rating] [- g
Supplementary Description: The renice directive re-adjusts the priority level executed by the program. The preset is to adjust its priority with the program identification code specified, you can also specify the program group or user name to adjust the priority level, and modify all priorities that belong to the program group or user. Level range from -20--19, only system managers can change the priority of other user programs, and only system managers can set negative rating.
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Function Description: Replay.
Syndrome: DREBOOT [-DFINW]
Supplementary Description: Execute the Reboot instruction allows the system to stop operating and reboot.
-D Do not write data to record files / VAR / TMP / WTMP when replayed. This parameter has the effect of "-n" parameters.
-f is forced to reboot, do not call the function of the shutdown instruction.
-i Before restarting, turn off all network interfaces.
-n re-opening procedure before you have not ended.
-w Only test, don't really turn your system, will only write the data of the data of the / var / log directory to the WTMP record file.
-------------------------------------------------- ---
PStree (Process Status Tree)
Function Description: Displays the program with a tree graph.
Language: PStree [-acghlnpuuv] [- H
Supplementary Description: The PStree instruction displays the tree structure with the ASCII character, clearly expressing the interregional relationship between the program. If the program identification code or user name is not specified, the first program when the system is started is considered a base layer, and all the programs after it is displayed. If the user name is specified, it will be used as a base layer with the first program belonging to the user, and then all programs of the user are displayed.
-a Displays full instructions for each program, contains the logging of paths, parameters, or resident services.
-c does not use a streamlined sign.
-G uses the VT100 terminal of the column character.
-h lists the tree graphs, specifically indicates the currently executed.
-L uses a long-line format to display a tree map.
The -n is sorted by program identification code. The preset is sorted by the program name.
-p display program identification code.
-u Displays the user name.
-U Using the UTF-8 list drawing characters.
-V Displays version information.
-------------------------------------------------- -------
PS (Process Status)
Function Description: Reporting procedure status. Syntax: PS [-AACDefhjlmnvwy] [ACEFGHLNRSSTUVXX] [- c Supplementary Description: PS is an instruction used to report the execution status, you can display unnecessary programs with the KILL instruction. Parameter: -a Displays programs performed under all terminals, except for phase job leaders. a shows all programs under the current terminal, including programs for other users. -A Displays all programs. -c Displays the CLS and PRI fields. C When the program is listed, the true command name of each program is displayed without the indication of the path, parameters, or resident services. -C -d Displays all programs, but does not include the program of the phased handler. -e The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "A" parameter. E Lists the program, display the environment variables used by each program. -f Displays the UID, PPIP, C and the STIME field. f Displays the tree structure and the interregional relationship between the program is displayed with the ASCII character. -g g Displays all programs under the current terminal, including the group leader. -G h does not display the title column. -H shows the tree structure, indicating the interrelationship between the program. -J or J uses the format of work control to display program conditions. -l or L uses a detailed format to display program conditions. L List the relevant information of the field. -m or m Displays all execution. n Use a number to represent the USER and WCHAN fields. -N Displays all programs, except for programs under the PS command terminal. -p P r lists only programs in executing the current terminal terminals. -S s The program status is displayed using the program signal. S Lists the program, including the interrupted subroutine data. -t T -u u Display program conditions in the user-oriented format. -U U v Use virtual memory format display program status. -V or V display version information. -w or W uses a wide format to display program conditions. x Shows all programs, not distinguishing between terminals. X Display program status using old Linux i386 login format. -y When using the parameter "-L", the F (FLAG) field is not displayed, and the AddR field is replaced with the RSS field. - --COLS --COLUMNS --cumulative The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "S" parameter. - DESELECT The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "-n" parameter. - The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "F" parameter. --Headers Repeat the title column. --help online help. --info displays the tired information. --Lines --no-headers The effect of this parameter is the same as the "H" parameter, only slightly different in the list format. --Group --Group --PID --Rows --SID - TTTY --user --User --Version The effect of this parameter is the same as the specified "-V" parameter. --Widty -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Procinfo (Process Information) Function Description: Displays the system status. Syndrome: procinfo [-ABDDFHIMSSV] [- f Supplementary Description: The Procinfo directive reads related data from the / proc directory, and outputs the data properly to the standard output device. Parameter: -a Displays all information. -b Displays the number of blocks of disk devices, rather than access. -d Display System Information The difference between per second, not the sum of the sum. This parameter must be used with "-f" parameters -D This parameter effect is similar to the specified "-d" parameter, but the information of the memory and exchange file is the sum value. -f enters the interactive operation interface of the full screen. -F -i shows a complete IRP list. -m Displays information about system modules and peripherals. -n Interval Split> Sets the information update speed of full screen interaction mode, and units are calculated in seconds. -s Display system memory, disk space, IRP, and DMA, etc., this is a preset value. -S When using parameter "-d" or "-d", the information will be updated per second, regardless of whether or not there is a parameter "-n". -v Displays version information. -------------------------------------------------- - Nice Function Description: Set priority. Method: Nice [-N Supplementary Description: The NICE instruction can change the priority level of the program execution. Parameters: -N --help online help. --Version displays version information. -------------------------------------------------- - NewGRP Function Description: Log in to another group. Syndrome: Newgrp [Group Name] Supplementary description: NewGRP instructions Similar to the login directive, when it is the same account, another group name, login again. To switch the group using the NewGRP instruction, you must be the user of the group, otherwise you will not be able to log in to the specified group. Single users should be partially affiliated with multiple groups, and they need to be used alternately. If you do not specify a group name, the NewGRP instruction will log in to the user name of the user name. -------------------------------------------------- - Logrotate Function Description: Manage record files. Syndrody: Logrotate [-? DFV] [- S Supplementary Description: Use the logrotate directive to make you easily manage the record files generated by the system. It provides automatic replacement, compression, deletion, and mailing record files, each recorded files can be set to daily, weekly or monthly, can also be processed immediately when the file is too large. You must edit itself, specify the configuration file, and the preset configuration file is stored in the / etc directory, the file name is logrotate.conf. Parameter: -? Or --help online help. -d or --debug details the instruction execution process, which is easy to troubleshoot or understand the program execution. -f or --force forcibly launching record file maintenance operation, even if the logrotate instruction is not required. -S -v or --Version displays the instruction execution process. -USAGE Display Instruction Basic Uses. -------------------------------------------------- -------- Logout Function Description: Exit the system. Language: logout Supplementary Description: logout instruction allows the user to exit the system, its function and the login directive corresponds to each other. -------------------------------------------------- -logname Function Description: Displays the user name. Language: logname [--help] [- version] Supplementary Description: Execute the logName command, which will display the name of the current user. Parameter: --help online help. --Vesion displays version information. -------------------------------------------------- -------- login Function Description: Login System. Language: login Supplementary Description: Login Directive allows the user to log in to the system, you can also replace the login at any time via its feature. In the SlackWare release, you can attach the user name to which you want to log in later, which will ask the password directly and wait for the user to enter. When the / etc directory contains files with NOLOGIN, the system only logs in the system, and other users are not allowed to log in. -------------------------------------------------- ----- Lastb Function Description: List the user-related information that the login system failed. Syndb [-adrx] [- f Supplementary Description: Alone LASTB instructions separately, it will read files in / var / log directory, name BTMP, and put the file content The login failed user list is displayed. Parameter: -a Displays the host name or IP address from which to log in the system is displayed in the last line. -d converts IP addresses to host names. -f -N -R does not display the host name or IP address of the login system. -x Display system shutdown, reboot, and change in the execution level. -------------------------------------------------- ----- last Function Description: List the information about the user's login system. Language: Last [-adrx] [- f Supplementary Description: Perform the LAST instruction separately, which reads the file located in the / var / log directory, named WTMP, and display all user lists of the login system of the content recorded by the file. Parameter: -A where to log in to the system's host name or IP address, displayed in the last line. -d converts IP addresses to host names. -f -N -R does not display the host name or IP address of the login system. -x Display system shutdown, reboot, and change in the execution level. -------------------------------------------------- ------- Kill Function Description: Delete programs or work in execution. Skill: Kill [-s Supplementary Description: KILL can send the specified information to the program. The preset information is Sigterm (15) to terminate the specified program. If the program is still unable to terminate, you can use Sigkill (9) information to try to force the program. The number of programs or work can be viewed by PS instructions or JOBS instructions. Parameter: -l -S [Program] [Program] can be the PID of the program or PGID, or the work number. -------------------------------------------------- --------- id Function Description: Displays the user's ID and the ID of the group. Syndrome: ID [-ggnru] [- help] [- version] [User Name] Supplementary Description: The ID will display the actual and valid ID of the user and the group. If the two IDs are the same, only the actual ID is displayed. If only the user name is specified, the ID of the current user is displayed. Parameter: -g or --Group Displays the ID of the user belonging to the group. -G or --Groups Displays the ID of the user's attached group. -n or --Name Displays the name of the user, the group, or attached group. -r or -real displays the actual ID. -u or --user displays the user ID. -help shows help. -Version displays version information. -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Halt Function Description: Turn off the system. Syndrome: Halt [-dfinpw] Supplementary description: HALT will first detect the system's RunLvel. If RunLVEL is 0 or 6, turn off the system, otherwise call ShutDown to turn off the system. Parameter: -D Do not record in WTMP. -f No matter what the current Runlevel is not called Shutdown, it is mandatory shutdown system. -i Before Halt, close all network interfaces. - N Halt Don't perform SYNC first. After -P Halt, execute Poweroff. -w only records in WTMP, not actually ending the system. -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Groupmod (Group Modify) Function Description: Change the group identification code or name. Syndrody: GroupMod [-g Supplementary description: When you need to change the group's identification code or name, you can use the GroupMod instruction to complete this work. Parameter: -g -o Reusually uses group identification code. -N -------------------------------------------------- -------- GroupDel (Group delete) Function Description: Delete the group. Syndrome: GroupDel [Group Name] Supplementary description: When you need to delete the group from the system, you can use the GroupDel directive to complete this work. If some users are included in the group, they must first remove the groups before removing. -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Gitps (GNU Interactive Tools Process Status) Function Description: Reporting Program Status. Solution: gitps [ACEFGJLNRSSTUVWXX] [P Supplementary Description: gitps is the instruction used to report and manage the execution, basically it is reported by the PS command, the management program, can also be interrupted at any time through the gitps instruction, delete unnecessary programs. Because the gitps instruction will perform the PS instruction, the parameters and PS instructions are quite similar. Parameter: a shows all programs under the current terminal, including programs for other users. C When the program is listed, the true command name of each program is displayed without including the path, parameters, or the resident service. E Lists the program, display the environment variables used by each program. f Displays the tree structure and the interregional relationship between the program is displayed with the ASCII character. g Displays all programs under the current terminal, including the group leader. j uses the format of work control to display the program status. l Displays the program status in a slender format. n Use a number to represent the USER and WCHAN fields. P r lists only programs in executing the current terminal terminals. s The program status is displayed using the program signal. S When the program is listed, including the subroutine information that has been interrupted. T T Displays all programs under the current terminal. u Display program conditions in the user-oriented format. U v Use virtual memory format display program status. w Use a wide format to display program conditions. x Shows all programs, not distinguishing between terminals. X Use the old trial Linux i386 login format display program status. -------------------------------------------------- ------------ fwhois Function Description: Find and display user information. Script: fwhios [account name] Supplementary Description: The function of this directive is a bit similar to the finger directive, which will look up and display the user-related information of the specified account. The difference is that the FWhois directive is to find the WHOIS database of Network Solutions, which must be registered above to find it, and the name is different. -------------------------------------------------- ---- Free Function Description: Displays the memory status. Syndrome: free [-bkmotv] [- S Supplementary Description: Free instructions displays the usage of memory, including physical memory, virtual exchange file memory, shared memory segment, and buffers used in the system. Parameter: -b Displays memory usage in Byte. -K displays memory usage in KB. -m Displays memory usage in MB. -o does not display buffer adjustment columns. -S -t shows the memory sum column. -V Displays version information. -------------------------------------------------- --- finger Function Description: Find and display user information. Scripting: finger [-lmsp] [account name ...] Supplementary Description: The finger instruction will look for and display the user-related information of the specified account, including the user of the local and remote host, and the account name is not case different. Execute the finger directive separately, which displays the local host's login information of all users, including account names, real names, login terminals, idle time, login time, and address. Parameter: -l lists the user's account name, real name, user exclusive directory, logging in the shell, login time, transfer address, email status, and plan files and program file content. -m excludes the real name of the search user. -s lists the user's account name, real name, login terminal, idle time, login time, and address and phone. -p lists the user's account name, real name, user exclusive directory, logging in the shell, login time, transfer address, email status, but does not show the user's plan file and program file content. Fourth. 3. ftp command Daquan and its application The ftp command is one of the most frequent commands using the Internet user. Whether using FTP under DOS or UNIX operating system, you will have a lot of FTP internal commands, familiar with and flexibly apply the internal commands of FTP, which can be greatly convenient for users. Now dial-up users, if the ISP provides shell to use Nohup, then FTP will be your most money on Download method, FTP command line format is: ftp -v -d -i -n -g [host name] -V Displays all response information of the remote server. -D use debugging mode. -N Limits an automatic login of FTP, ie not .NETRC files. -G cancels the global file name. The internal command used by FTP is as follows (where bracket represents optional): 1.! [cmd [args]] Performs interaction shell in the local machine, EXIT returns to the FTP environment, such as! ls * .zip. 2. ¥ Macro-AME [ARGS] Perform a macro definition macro-name. 3. Acount [Password] provides the supplementary password required to access the system resource after logging in to the remote system. 4.Appendlocal-file [remote-file] append a local file to a remote system host, if not specified The remote system file name uses the local file name. 5.ASCII uses the ASCII type transmission mode. 6. Bell Each command is executed, the computer rings once. 7.bin uses binary files. 8. Bye exits the FTP session process. transfers the uppercase of the remote host file name to lowercase letters when using MGET. 10.CD Remote-Dir enters the remote host directory. 11. CDUP enters the parent directory of the remote host directory. 12.chmod modefile-name Sets the way the remote host file file-name is mode, such as CHMOD 777 a.out. 13.Close interrupt FTP session with the remote server (corresponding to Open). 14. When CR transmits a file using the ASSCII mode, convert the return line to a back. 15. Delete Remote-file Deletes the remote host file. 16.Debug [debug-value] Set the debug mode, display each command sent to the remote host, such as DEBU P 3, if set to 0, denotes the debug. 17.DIR [remote-dir] [local-file] Displays the remote host directory and deposit the result to local- File. 18.Disconnection with a Close. 19.Form Format Sets the file transfer mode to Format, defaults to File mode. 20.GetRemote-file [local-file] Transfer the file Remote-File of the remote host to the local hard drive Local-file. 21.Glob Sets the file name extension of MDELETE, MGET, MPUT, the default is not extended, and the same command line -G parameter. 22. Hash is transmitted 1024 bytes per transmitted, showing an HASH symbol (#). 23.Help [cmd] Displays help information for the FTP internal command CMD, such as Help Get. 24.idle [Seconds] Sets the sleep timer of the remote server to [Seconds] seconds. 25. Setting a binary transmission mode (with binary) 26.LCD [DIR] Switch to DIR of the local working directory. [remote-dir] [local-file] Display remote directory Remote-Dir and stores local Loca L -File. 28. MacDef Macro-Name Defines a macro, when you encounter a blank line under MacDef, the macro definition ends. 29.mdelete [remote-file] Deletes remote host files. 30. Mdir Remote-Files Local-file Similar to DIR, but can specify multiple remote files, such as MDI R ZipOutfile. 31.Mget Remote-files Transport multiple remote files. 32.mkdir Dir-Name built a directory in the remote host. Remote-file local-file with nList, but can specify multiple file names. 34.Mode [Mode-Name] sets the file transfer mode to Mode-name, default is a Stream mode. 35.Modtime file-name Displays the final modification time of the remote host file. 36. MPUT local-file transfer multiple files to the remote host. 37.Newerfile-name If the modification time of the file-name in the remote machine is more than the local hard drive Time is closer, then retransmit the file. 38.nlist [remote-dir] [local-file] Displays the file list of the remote host directory, and stores this Local-file of the land hard drive. 39.NMAP [InputTernoutPattern] Set the file name mapping mechanism, making the file in the file Some characters are converted to each other, such as NMAP ¥ 1. ¥ 2. ¥ 3 [¥ 1, ¥ 2]. [¥ 2, ¥ 3], transfer file a1.a2.a3, The file name turns into A1, A2, which is especially suitable for the case where the remote host is non-U-NIX machine. 40.ntrans [incharsion [Outchars]] Sets the translation mechanism for file name characters, such as NTRANS1R, then file Name LL L will become RRR. 41.Open Host [Port] establishes the specified FTP server connection to specify the connection port. 42. Passive enters the passive transmission method. 43.Prompt Sets the interaction tips when multiple file transfer. 44.ProxyFTP-CMD In the secondary control connection, execute an FTP command, which allows to connect two FT P Server to transfer files between two servers. The first FTP command must be Open to build two services first. The connection between the device. 45.Put local-file [remote-file] Transfer local file local-file to the remote host. 46.PWD Displays the current working directory of the remote host. 47.quit with BYE, exit the FTP session. 48. quote Arg1, Arg2 ... Send parameters to remote FTP servers, such as Quote Syst. 49.Recv remote-file [local-file] with get. 50.RegetRemote-file [local-file] is similar to get, but if local-file exists, Secondary transmission interruption resume. 51.Rhelp [cmd-name] requests the help of the remote host. 52.RSTATUS [file-name] If the file name is not specified, the status of the remote host is displayed, otherwise the file is displayed. status. 53.Rename [from] [to] Change the remote host file name. 54.Reset Clear the queue. 55.Restart Marker Restart GET or PUT from the specified flag Marker, such as Restart 130. 56.Rmdir Dir-Name Deletes the remote host directory. 57.Runique Settings File Name Unique Store, if the file exists, then add the suffix after the original file. 58.send local-file [remote-file] with the PUT. 59.Sendport sets the use of the port command. 60.Site Arg1, Arg2 ... Send the parameters as the site command to the remote FTP host. 61.Size file-name Displays the remote host file size, such as Site Idle 7200. 62.Status displays the current FTP state. 63.Struct [struct-name] sets the file transfer structure to struct-name, use it by default STREAM structure. 64. Sunique Set the remote host file name storage to unique (corresponding to Runique). 65.System Displays the operating system type of the remote host. 66.TENEX Sets the file transfer type to the TENEX machine. 67.Tick Set the byte counter at the time of transfer. 68.Trace Setup Package. 69.Type [type-name] Set the file transfer type to type-name, default as ASCII, such as TypeBinary, setting two binary transport methods. 70.umask [newmask] sets the default umask of the remote server to NewMask, such as umask 3. 71.UserUser-name [password] [account] indicates that his identity is indicated by the remote host, requiring a password When you must enter a password, such as User Anonymous My @ Email. 72.verbose's -v parameter with the command line, that is, set a detailed report method, all responses to the FTP server will Displayed to the user, default is ON. 73.?[cmd] with HELP. So how do you apply these commands to improve efficiency? Let me give an example, how to use FTTP for background Download, suppose your ISP provides you with the shell and you can use nohup, you want to Download a 30M program The specific steps are as follows: 1. Do a file with Notepad, such as the AAA1 content Open User anonymous CD / PUB / Internet / i Get Close BYE 2. Dial-up login to your ISP. Log in to Shell with Telnet or Netterm, usually in your HOM E BBS ~ / 3. Upload AAA1 to ISP Server Your subdirectory with FTTP. 4. Execute NoHUP FTTP -INVD AAA2 & This process is placed in the background of the ISP server. If you want to know how the situation, you can More AAA2 can know how the situation is. At this time, you can disconnect or dry, and it is estimated that time is (TIME = 30m / (33.6k / 9) s) Dial, more AAA2 If the Successful download indicates that the has been downloaded to the ISP server, you will pull it back by the ISP server. Quite-to-point , Remember to download the DEL to Del to drop your file (, lest the ISP resources, it will turn off the shell.