AgileFlow includes a default system management module that implements user management, department management, role management, permission management
Function, can meet the system management requirements of the general information system.
Of course, when using AgileFlow, it can be used to use its system management module or not.
AgileFlow users can be multiple roles at the same time, and they can have some permissions; one role includes multiple permissions .AGileFlow
The set of permissions collection and role ownership is the final permission of the user.
AgileFlow's user-defined process (no need to consider participants in the process definition), the system automatically sets the permissions of the process system,
Users can define roles in the web interface and define permissions to users, which is the participant of AgileFlow.
AgileFlow's participants achieve the biggest feature of dynamic mapping; for example, users A / B have an active event
Permissions, but currently there is a specific activity instance, can only be completed by A, B cannot be done, then dynamic mapping can be used, tell the system
Only A can accomplish this activity instance. Static mapping and dynamic mapping can be used simultaneously.