First, Jed Editor download URL ( a PHP editor for a command prompt
Download JED-0.99-16.tar.gz file
# TAR ZXVF JED-0.99-16.tar.gz
# CD JED-0.99-16
# ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / jed
# Make
# make install
# cd / usr / local / jed / bin
# CP JED / USR / BIN Enables JED files in the root directory
When using, press the Alt key name to operate the menu
Second, GPHPEDIT Download URL (
Http:// One is the interface of the interface
Because this gphpedit is gtk, it is necessary to first install GTKSCINTILLA2-0.1.0-aj.i386.rpm this package.
# rpm -ivh gtkscintilla2-0.1.0-aj.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh gphpedit-0.9.10-1.i386.rpm
You can run GPHPEDIT in the following command
# gphpedit
gtkhtml2-2.2.0-5.i386.rpm is used to edit HTML three, Bluefish download URL ( is a very good interface IDE download Bluefish-0.11-1.i386.rpm # RPM -IVH Bluefish-0.11-1.i386.rpm execution # bluefish