1. Modify the title bar of IE and IE Default Connection Home:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main Find the above two primary keys in the registry, change the "Window Title" primary key to "IE Browser" and so on, and close all open IE browser The window can be seen again. Find the string value "start page" and change to our favorite website.
After restarting, it will become a solution for someone else's URL: hkey_local_machine / current version / run primary key, then delete the registry.exe sub-key below, then delete the running program C: / Program Files /REGISTRY.EXE, and finally reset the start page from the IE option.
Remove the default page of IE: hkey_local_machine / software / microsoft / Internet explorer / main / default_page_URL "default_page_url" The key value of this subkey is the default page of the start page.
2. Modify the homepage of the IE: Start, run, type MSconfig Click "OK" to switch to the "Start" tab in the pop-up window, disable the suspicious program startup item.
3. When the system starts, the dialog box is pop-up, and click OK to go in: Method (1): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Winlogon Find this primary key in the registry, "LegalNoticeCaption" is the title of the prompt box, "LegalNoticetext" It is the text content of the prompt box. Delete these two strings. Method (2): For Win2000 or WinXP: Click "Safe and Multi User", then click " " to switch the window in the upper left corner, clear "The title to display" and "Information to be displayed when starting" The content can be. Method (3): Take a look at Run.
4. Modify the IE mouse button to display the webpage ad: HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Menuext
5. IE Home Unlock: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel], generally does not exist, only [HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft], so it will be established by itself, After the primary key is established, create a new DWORD value data under the Control Panel key, the key is named HomePage, the key value is 0. When you open the IE property, you can find that the part of the home setting is available.
IE settings to unlock: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Pan el] "Settings" = dword: 1 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Pan el] "Links" = dword: 1 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control PAN EL] "SecADDSITES" = DWORD: 1 Recovered the above DWORD value to "0" to recover the function. IE The default home page Gray Press twisted: HKEY_USERS / .DEFAULT / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control PAN's DWORD Value "HomePage" key value is changed to "0" "to recover the function.
6. Remove the Registry Editor is locked: This is because the DWORD value "DisableregistryTrytools" under key_current_user / currentversion / policies / system "DisableregistryTryTools" is modified to "1", and the key value is restored to "0 "You can restore the use of the registry. Win2000 System: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / System] "DisableregIsTryTools" = DWORD: 00000000 WIN98 / ME System: regedit4
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / System] "DisableregIsTryTools" = DWORD: 00000000 Take the above code COPY to Notepad, take an arbitrary name .reg file, such as Recover.reg, double-click to run to cancel you Lock state. Note: "regedit4" must be capitalized, and its back must be empty, and "4" and "t" in "regedit4" must have spaces, otherwise it will be up!
7. IE Default Search Engine Modified: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Search / Customizesserch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Search / Searchassistant
8. Viewing the Source File menu is disabled: The malicious web page modifies the registry, the specific location is: (1) Create a sub-key "Restrictions" under the registry hkey_current_user / software / policies / microsoft / Internet Explorer, then in "Restrictions "Two dword values below:" NoviewSource "and" NobrowSerContextMenu "and assign these two DWORD values to" 1 ". (2) In the registry hkey_users / .default / Software / Policies / Microsoft / InternetExplorer / Restrictions, Both DWORD values: "NoviewSource" and "NobrowSerContextMenu" are changed to "1". The registry mentioned in Point 2 is actually equivalent to the branch of the registry mentioned in the 1st, modify the first The registry key value mentioned in the point, the registry key value is changed in the second point. The specific solution is: Save the following as the registry file named REG, thanks, unlock.reg, double click unlock.reg into the registry, do not restart the computer and re-run IE will find IE functions return to normal REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions] "NoViewSource" = dword:. 00000000 "NoBrowserContextMenu" = DWord: 00000000 [HKEY_USERS / .DEFAULT / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions] "NoviewSource" = dword: 00000000 "NobrowserContextMenu" = dword: 00000000
Special attention is that in the registry file unlock.reg you compiled, "regedit4" must be capitalized, and it must be empty, and "4" and "T" in "regedit4". There must be a space, otherwise it will give up! Many friends write registry documents are unsuccessful, because they have not noticed what they said, this time it attention. Please note that if you are Win2000 or WinXP users, "regedit4" is changed to Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00. ★ You can do some settings in IE to never enter the malicious site: Open IE, click "Tool" → "Internet Options" → "Content" → "Hierarchical Review", click the "Enable" button to call out the "Hierarchical Review" Dialog, then click on the "License Site" tab, enter the website URL you don't want to go, if you enter: http://***.****.com, press "Never" button, then click "OK" to tell ! 9. IE does not open a new window solution: (1.) Click "Start" → "Run", enter "Regsvr32 ActxPRXY.DLL" in the "Run" dialog box (not not quoted when entering), then click "Determine" button, then there will be a message dialog "DllRegisterServer in actXprxy.dll succeeded"; click "OK" button in this dialog; (2.) Click "Start" again "→" Run ", in the pop-up" Enter "Regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll" in the Run dialog (Note when entering the input), then click the "OK" button, then a message dialog "DllRegisterServer In ShDocvw.dll succeeded", in this dialog box " Determine the "button; (3.) Restart Windows, 10. Right-click function invalid: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software@policies ingrosoft @Ternet Explorer \RESTRICTIONS, the value of the DWORD value" NobrowserContextMenu "is changed to 0.
11. Tampering address bar text: Solution: 1. The text under the address bar. Locate the key value linksfoldername under HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft \Internet Explorer \MICROFT \Internet Explorer \MICROFT \Internet Explorer\ Microsoft \Internet Explorer\Microsoft \Internet Explorer\ Microsoft \Internet Explorer\ Microsoft .... 2. Useless addresses in the address bar. Remove the useless key value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE \MICROSOFT \Internet Explorer \TYPEURLS. 12. IE window Timed pop-up: Click "Start - Run - Enter MSconfig", select "Start", check the suffix of HTA, restart.
13. Modify the IE toolbar: Right to select "Custom" to the toolbar button point, click "Delete" after the "Current Toolbar Button" drop-down box is selected.
To remove excess address list: [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSERSOFTWAREWICROFTINTERNET Explorertypeurls] Primary key, "URL1", "URL2", etc. in the right window, can be removed. To fix the chart of the link, first expand the [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSERSOFTWAREWICROFTINTERNTERNET Explorertoolbar] primary key, double-click the key value name "LinksFoldername" in the right window, modify the information whose key value wants to display, or delete the key value name directly, link column The title will be restored to the default "link" word.
Restore the Internet tab: Find a binary value "NofolderOptions" in the window under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft \us\SoftWare \MICROFT \WINDOWS \CURRENTVERSION \POLICIES HO], and set the value of 00 00 00 00".
The icons on the desktop disappear: hkey_current_user / currentversion / possible / possible, find the "nodesktop" value, right-click it, select "Modify" (or simply delete it), change its value For 0, then restart the computer.