Document.execcommand () Description

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  137

The execcommand () method is to execute a command to the current document, the current selection, or given the range

2. Basic orders, as follows ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- 2D-position Allows moving absolute positioning by dragging. AbsolutePosition sets the position attribute of the element to "absolute". Backcolor Sets or gets the background color of the currently selected area. BlockDirltr is currently not supported. BlockDirrtl is currently not yet supported. Bold switches the bold display of the currently selected region. Browsemode has not yet been supported. COPY copys the current zone to the clipboard. CreateBookmark Creates a bookmark anchor or get the name of the bookmark anchor of the currently selected region or insertion point. Createlink inserts a hyperlink on the current area, or displays a dialog to allow the user to specify a URL to be inserted for the currently selected region. CUT copies the current zone to the clipboard and delete it. Delete deletes the currently selected area. Dirltr is currently not supported. Dirrtl has not yet been supported. EditMode is currently not supported. FontName Set or get the font that is currently selected. Fontsize Set or get the font size of the currently selected area. Forecolor Sets or gets the foreground (text) color currently selected. FormatBlock Sets the current block formatted tag. Indent increases the indentation of the text. InlineDirltr is currently not supported. InlineDirrtl has not yet been supported. INSERTBUTTON overwrites the current selection area with the button control. InsertFieldSet covers the current selection zone. INSERTHORIZONTALRULE covers the currently selected zone with a horizontal line. INSERTIFRAME covers the current zone with an embedded frame. INSERTIMAGE uses images to cover the current zone. INSERTINPUTBUTTON overwrites the current selection area with the button control. INSERTINPUTCHECKBOX overwrites the current selection area with checkbox control. INSERTINPUTFILEUPLOAD overrides the current selection area with file upload control. INSERTINPUTHIDEN is inserted into the hidden control overwrites the current zone. INSERTINPUTIMAGE covers the currently selected area with image control. INSERTINPUTPASSWORD covers the current selection area with a password control. InsertInputRadio overwrites the currently selected area with a single-button control. InsertInputReset overwrites the current zone area with a reset control. INSERTINPUTSUBMIT covers the current selection area with the submission control. INSERTINPUTTEXT covers the current selection area with text controls. INSERTMARQUEE covers the current zone in the air with emotion. INSERTORDEREDLIST Switch The currently selected area is a number list or a regular format block. INSERTPARAGRAPH is covered with a wrap. The current zone is currently selected. INSERTSETSETSETSETSETSETSELECTDROPDOWN overwrites the current zone area with drop-down box control. INSERTSETSELECTLISTBOX overwrites the currently selected area with a list box control. INSERTTEXTAREA overwrites the current selection area with multiplex text input controls. INSERTUNORDEREDLIST Switch Current Area is a list of project symbols or a regular format block. ITALIC switching The currently selected part of the zone is displayed or not. JustifyCenter puts the current area in the format block. Justifyfull has not yet been supported. Justifyleft is aligned with the format block where the current zone is located. Justifynone is currently not supported. Justifyright aligns right alignment of the format block where the current zone is located. Liveresize forces the MSHTML editor to continuously update the appearance of the element during zoom or move, rather than updating only after the movement or zoom is completed. MultiPleSelection allows users to select more than one site optional element when the user holds down the Shift or Ctrl key. Open is currently not supported. Outdent reduces the indentation of the format block where the zone is located. OverWrite Switch the insertion and override of the text status. The Paste covers the current selection zone with a clipboard content.


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